Instruções de Operação Uniden, Modelo AX 144
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(positive or negative ground). Current Drain Transmit: AM full mod., 2.2A; SSB Maximum output,2A. Receiver: AM & SSB with maximum audio output, 0.6A. Cabinet Dimensions 7-9/32(W) x 9-5/64(0) x 2-9/32(H) Weight 4.5 Lbs Antenna Connector UHF, SO-239 Semiconductors 47 transistors, 5 integrated circuits, 66 diodes and 6 light emitting diodes.. Meter Illuminated; indicates relative power output and received signal strength, green receive LED. Indicators LED display; channel, emergency channel, TX/ RX and mode. TRANSMITTER Power Output AM,SSB Maximum Legal Output Power Modulation AM, high and Iow level Class B Intermodulation Distortion SSB: 3rd and 5th order, better than -25 dB. 7th and 9th order, better than -35 dB. SSB Carrier Suppression Better than -55 dB Unwanted Sideband Better than -50 dB Frequency Response AM and SSB: 350 to 2500 Hz. Output Impedance 52 ohms, unbalanced SSB Filter 10.695 MHz, 8 pole monolithic type 6 dB @4.2 kHz 60 dB @7.0 kHz Output Indicators Meter shows relative RF output power; red transmit LED. r -2 RECEIVER Sensitivity Selectivity Cross Modulation Image Rejection t.F. Frequency AM and SSB RF Gain Control Automatic Gain Control Squelch Noise Blanker Clarifier Range Audio Output Power Frequency Response Distortion Built-in Speaker External Speaker (Not Supplied) PA SYSTEM Power Output External Speaker for PA SSB: Better than ,25 p V for 10 dB (S+N)/N at greater than 1f2watt of audio output AM: Better than .5 pV for 10 dB (S+N)/N at greater than 1f2watt of audio output SSBandAM:6dB@4.2 kHz,60dB@7.0kHz More than 50 dB More than 75 dB AM and SSB: 10.695 MHz Adjustable for optimum signal reception. (AGC): Less than 10 dB change in audio output for inputs from 10 to 500,000 microvolts. Adjustable; threshold less than .5 pV. RF type, effective on AM and SSB. ::\:1.0kHz 3 watts into 8 ohms 350 to 2500 Hz Less than 10% at 3 watts output. 16 ohms, round 8 ohms; disables internal speaker when connected. 3 watts into external speaker. 8 ohms (not supplied) -3 INTRODUCTION UNIDEN has combined superb workmanship and modern styling with the very la test state-of-art circuitry to bring you the new AX 144 Citizens Band Transceiver. It has been especially designed to give you maximum performance and reliability. YourAX 144 is completely factory aligned and quality assurance tested. To obtain the maximum benefit and pleasure from your AX 144 please read very carefully the contents of this manual before attempting to install or operate the transce~ver . FEATURES . ALL SOLID STATE: IC and Transistorized construction, with Iow current drain, for a long, trouble-free life. . FULL 40-CHANNEL OPERATION: PLL frequency, synthesizer circuitry allows transmissionand receptionon all40-channelsonAM,USBand LSBwithout the purchase of any additional crystals. . LARGELEDCHANNELDISPLAY:ChannelnumberisdisplayedbyuseofLED (light emitting diode) display for ease of channel selection. . CLEAN SIGNAL: Transmitter audio processing circuitry produces a clean signal with maximum legalmodulation, for best range. . QUIET RECEPTION: Effective squelch and automatic noise limiter and an RF noise blanker for superior quieting. . EFFECTIVE AGC: Receiver amplified automatic gain control (AGC) reduces the effect of differences in received signal strengths. No distracting "blasting" and "fading" of signals. . AN EFFICIENT TRANSMITTER:Provides maximum legal output power to the antenna. . PUBLICADDRESSFUNCTION:Usefulfor pagingandannouncements. . TRI-COLOR LED MODE INDICATOR: Green for AM mode, Yellow for USB mode and Red for LSB mode. . EMERGENCY CH 9 SWITCH: This switch enebles you to select emergency channel (CH 9) regardlessof the channel selector switch setting. -4 CHANNEL INFORMATION Channel Channel Frequency in MHz Channel Channel Frequency in MHz 1 26.965 21 27.215 2 26.975 22 27.225 3 26.985 23 27.255 -4 27.005 24 27.235 5 27.015 25 27.245 6 27.025 26 27.265 7 27.035 27 27.275 8 27.055 28 27.285 9 27.065 29 27.295 10 27.075 30 27.305 11 27.085 31 27.315 12 27.105 32 27.325 13 27.115 33 27.335 14 27.125 34 27.345 15 27.135 35 27.355 16 27. 155 36 27.365 17 27.165 37 27.375 18 27.175 38 27.385 19 27.185 39 27.395 20 27.205 40 27.405 To insure that you obtain the maximum performance from this radio, please read carefully the following descriptions and operating instructions. NOTE: This radio has been designed for operation in the 11 meter Citizens Band Radio Service. It uses a frequency synthesizing circuit with Phase Locked Loop(PLL) techniques to provide crystal controlled transmit and receive operation on all 40 channels. The PLL circuitry assures ultraprecise frequency control. It is designed to meet the Department of Commu~ nication requirements applicable to equipment operating in the Citizens Band Radio Service, and is not to be used for any other purpose. MS 312 of the D.O.C. regulations defines operation in this service, and you are required to read and understand these regulations prior to operating this equipment. -5 INST...