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Instruções de Operação Samsung, Modelo 2012 3D Blu-ray Disc Player (59 Series)

Fabricante : Samsung
Arquivo Tamanho: 8.57 mb
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Língua de Ensino: en

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por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :

Facilidade de uso

Adding Shared Folders
Create A Playlist In AllShare
You can add a shared folder by doing one of the following:

● Add playlist : Click on Add

● On the File Management screen, click the Shared Folder button at the top of
new playlist next to Playlist,
the Device List on the left side, select a folder you want to share from the list that
and enter a name for the
appears, and then click OK.

● Click File > Add shared folder from My Computer, select a folder you want to

● Play on another device :
share from the list that appears, and then click OK.
Right-click on the playlist

● Click Tools > Settings > Folder Settings > Add Shared Folder. Select a folder
you want to play, and hold
from the list that appears, and then click OK on the list, and then again on the Folder
the mouse cursor over Play
Settings tab.
on another device to select
the device you want to play
Add a File To My Computer’s Shared Folder
the playlist on.

● Rename a playlist : Right-
You can add a file to a shared folder by doing one of the following:
click the playlist you want

● On the File Management screen, in the My Computer's Shared Folder on the right
to rename, and then click
side, click Add files to play to the list. In the file window that appears, select files
Rename to rename the play
you want to share, and then click Open. In the window that appears next, click Copy,
Move, or Cancel. If you click Copy or Move, the files appear in the File Management

● Delete a playlist : Right-click the playlist you want to delete, and then click Delete to
delete the playlist.

● On the File > Add File to My Computer's Shared Folder. In the file window that

● Add content to a playlist : To add content to a playlist, select the list that contains the
appears, select files you want to share, and then click Open. In the window that
content you want to add to the playlist In the Navigation area’s Device List/Content
appears next, click Copy, Move, or Cancel. If you click Copy or Move, the files
List, select the content from the Content List area, and then drag the content to the
appear in the File Management screen.
Add From Windows Explorer

● Remove content from a playlist : Select the playlist that contains the content you
want to remove, select the content to remove in the Content list area, and then
From Windows Explorer, select the folder/file you want to share and drag it
either right-click the content and click Delete or press the Delete key to remove the
into My Computer’s shared folder/Content list area on the File management
(Removing content from a playlist does not delete it from the Device List or the
screen to add the shared folder/file.
Content List.)
12 - English


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