por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
Installation Guide
individual leads. Turn the ignition on to the accessory posi-
We strongly recommend that you test the unit before mak-
❏ Final Installation
tion, and ground one lead of the test bulb to the chassis.
ing a final installation.
Lead Connections
You can set the unit on the floor and make temporary con-
Connect all wires, making sure that each connection is
nections to test the unit. Use electrical tape to cover all
insulated and secure. Bundle all loose wires and fasten
exposed wires.
less than 30°
them with tape so they will not fall down later. Now insert
the LCD monitor into the mounting collar.
Touch the other lead of the test bulb to each of the exposed
Important: Connect the red power lead last, after you
Congratulations! After making a few final checks, you’re
wires from the cut radio connector plug. Touch one wire at a
have made and insulated all other connections.
ready to enjoy your new LCD monitor.
time until you find the outlet that causes the test bulb to light.
Caution: Do not disconnect the battery terminals of a
car with trip or navigational computer since all user set-
tings stored in memory will be lost. Instead take extra
Now turn the ignition off and then on. If the bulb also turns
❏ Final Checks
care with installing the unit to prevent shorts.
off and on, that outlet is the car power lead.
Connect the black ground lead of the power connector to
1. Make sure that all wires are properly connected and
the metal car chassis.
This unit should be professionally installed. In case of diffi-
If your car is not wired for an audio unit:
2. Make sure that the LCD monitor is securely held in
culty, please consult with your nearest professional
Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for radio
Speakers (not supplied speaker)
the mounting collar.
(RADIO) accessory (ACC) or ignition (IGN).
Connect the speaker wires. See the wiring diagram for the
3. Turn on the ignition to check the unit for proper
1. This unit only operates in a 12-volt DC negative ground
proper hookups. Follow the diagram carefully to avoid
Battery Lead
damaging the speakers and the stereo unit.
2. Follow the electrical connections carefully (a page 74-
If your stereo unit has a yellow lead, you will need to locate
The speakers used must be able to handle more than 45 W
If you have difficulties, consult your nearest authorized pro-
85). Failure to do so may result in damage to the unit.
the car's battery lead. Otherwise you may ignore this pro-
of audio power. If using an optional audio power, the speak-
fessional installer for assistance.
3. Connect the power lead after all other connections are
cedure. (The yellow battery lead provides continuous power
ers should be able to handle the maximum amplifier output
to maintain a clock or other functions.)
power. Speakers with low input ratings can be damaged.
❏ Precautions
4. Be sure to connect the battery lead (yellow) to the posi-
Speaker impedance should measure 4–8 Ω, which is typi-
tive terminal (+) of the battery or fuse block (BAT) termi-
If your car has a radio or is pre-wired for one:
cally marked on most speakers. Lower or higher imped-
With the ignition and headlights off, identify the car battery
ance speakers will affect output and can cause both speak-
¡We strongly recommend that you wear gloves for
5. Insulate all exposed wires to prevent short circuiting.
lead by grounding one lead of the test bulb to the chassis
er and stereo unit damage.
installation work to protect yourself from injuries.
6. Secure all loose wires after installing the unit.
and checking the remaining exposed wires from the cut
¡When bending the mounting tab of the mounting col-
7. Please carefully read the operating and installation
radio connector plug.
Caution: Never ground the speaker cords. For exam-
lar with a screwdriver, be careful not to injure your
instructions of the respective equipment before connect-
ple, do not use a chassis ground system or a three-wire
hands and fingers.
ing it to this unit.
speaker common system. Each speaker must be con-
If your car is not wired for an audio unit:
nected separately using parallel insulated wires. If in
Go to the fuse block and find the fuse port for the battery,
¡Disconnect the cable from the negative (–) battery termi-
doubt about how your car’s speakers are wired, please
Caution: Please follow the laws and regulations of
nal (see caution at right).
usually marked BAT.
consult with your nearest professional installer.
your state, province or country for installation of the
¡Unit should be installed in a horizontal position with the
front end up at a convenient angle, but less than 30°.
Speakers (not supplied speaker)
Identify the car speaker leads. There are two leads for each
speaker, usually color coded.
Connect the yellow battery lead to the correct radio wire or
A handy way to identify the speaker leads and the speaker
to the battery fuse port on the fuse block.
they are connected with is to test the leads using a 1.5 V
AA battery as follows.
❏ Transportation Bracket Removal
Hold one lead against one pole of the battery and stroke the
Connect any optional equipment according to the instruc-
Be sure to remove the transportation brackets before use (installation).
tions furnished with the equipment. Read the operating and
Use Binding-Head Screws (M5 x 6 mm) for installation. (a page 70)
other lead across the other pole. You will hear a scraping
(M5 x 6 mm)
Be careful not to lose these Binding-Head Screws.
sound in a speaker if you are holding a speaker lead.
installation instructions of any equipment you will connect
If not, keep testing different lead combinations until you
to this unit.
Display Unit
have located all the speaker leads. When you label them,
include the speaker location for each.
Connect the red power lead to the correct car radio wire or
to the appropriate fuse port on the fuse block.
❏ Connect All Leads
If the LCD monitor functions properly with all these con-
(M5 x 6 mm)
Now that you have identified all the wires in the car, you're
nections made, disconnect the wires and proceed to the
ready to begin connecting them to the LCD monitor wires.
final installation.
The wiring diagram (a page 74-85) shows the proper
wiring and color coding of the leads.