por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
Panasonic welcomes you to our ever growing family of electronic product owners. We know that this
At the time of operation
product will bring you many hours of enjoyment. Our reputation is built on precise electronic and
mechanical engineering, manufactured with carefully selected components and assembled by people
The main unit must never be operated
To avoid the risk of serious injury or
who take pride in their work. Once you discover the quality, reliability, and value we have built into this
directly (for instance, inserting or
possible violation of laws, not for use
product, you too will be proud to be a member of our family.
ejecting SD memory card or adjusting
where visible to driver for any purpose
the monitor angle) while the vehicle is
other than use with rear view camera (or
To ensure proper operation, please carefully read through these instructions as well as the installation
instructions provided separately.
It may result in an accident and/or
It may lead to distraction and cause
injury in a case where the brakes are
an accident.
Overhead 9q Widescreen Color LCD Monitor with SD Player
Moniteur plafond couleur à ÉCL de 9 po (grand-écran) avec lecteur SD
Monitor de techo con LCD de 9q a color de pantalla ancha con reproductor SD
suddenly applied or when the vehicle
accelerates suddenly.
Operating Instructions
Manuel d’instructions
Manual de instrucciones
Operating Instructions
The driver must not operate this
Do not leave the remote control unit
product, watch the monitor or use the
lying around.
≥ Please read these instructions carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.
IR wireless headphones while driving.
≥ Prière de lire ces instructions attentivement avant d’utiliser Ie produit et garder ce manuel pour l’utilisation ultérieure.
≥ Lea con atención estas instrucciones antes de utilizar el producto y guarde este manual para poderlo consultar en el futuro.
If, when the remote control unit has
It may lead to distraction and cause
been left on the driver’s seat side,
Overhead 9
an accident.
q Widescreen Color LCD Monitor with SD Player
it gets under your feet and slides
Moniteur plafond couleur à ÉCL de 9 po (grand-écran) avec lecteur SD
Monitor de techo con LCD de 9q a color de pantalla ancha con reproductor SD
under the brake pedal while you are
Installation Instructions
Instructions d’installation
Instrucciones de instalación
driving, this could interfere with your
driving and lead to a traffi c accident.
Installation Instructions
Do not use the product where it will get
Do not use the product when it is
wet, or where there is a lot of moisture
broken or there is some abnormality.
≥ Please read these instructions carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.
≥ Prière de lire ces instructions attentivement avant d’utiliser Ie produit et garder ce manuel pour l’utilisation ultérieure.
≥ Lea con atención estas instrucciones antes de utilizar el producto y guarde este manual para poderlo consultar en el futuro.
or dust.
In the unlikely event that the product
This could cause the product to start
Safety Information
breaks (such as when no image is
smoking or ignite, or cause electrical
displayed or there is no sound) or
shock or other malfunction in some
there is some abnormality (such
as when a foreign object is inside
In particular, take care that the
The following provides an explanation of rules that should always be observed in order to prevent harm to the
the product, water was spilled on
product will not get wet when the car
user and to others and to prevent damage to your property.
it, smoke comes out or the product
is washed or when it rains.
emits a strange smell), immediately
The level of damage and risk that may occur when a rule is ignored and the player is used improperly is divided
stop using the product, switch
into the following categories.
Do not place SD memory cards and
MAIN POWER to OFF and be sure
batteries within the reach of children.
to contact the store from which you
purchased your product or a nearby
This mark indicates that, “There is a risk of serious injury or death”.
There is a risk that children
Panasonic Servicenter.
could swallow the SD memory
Continuing to use the product in that
card/batteries. If a child does swallow
condition could cause accidents, fi re
This mark indicates that, “There is a risk of injury or physical
the SD memory card/batteries,
or electrical shock.
contact your doctor immediately.
If there are any problems in the
wiring connections or installation, do
The types of rules are divided into the following categories.
Do not expose the product to excessive
not attempt to do the repair work or
(The following is only a portion of the picture marks.)
check the wiring yourself. Instead, be
This type of picture mark indicates something that you should not do,
absolutely sure to consult with your
This could cause the product to start
i.e. “Forbidden”.
dealer or your nearest Panasonic
smoking or ignite, or cause electrical
Servicenter and request repairs.
This picture mark indicates something that you must do, i.e.
shock or other malfunction in some