rqtt0518-5g.qxd 04.2.5 11:44 AM ページ6 PYCCKNÆ R„SK ∫ Para parar la grabación ∫ Pefyjnpobka ahtehh ∫ Ljr bpemehhoØ octahobkn Pulse [∫, STOP]. BocgponÎbelehne kaccets F AM: Gpobepvte paÎjn≠hse Îagncn hagpabjehnr, ≠to°s gojy≠ntv Yctahobnte gepekjd≠atejv [PAUSE] b MoÒho ncgojvÎobatv tojvko jehts ∫ Para parar temporalmente la ogtnmajvhsØ gpnem. G-b gojoÒehne PAUSE. hopmajvhofo tnga. ¨M (FM): [RQ-A220] Ljr boÎo°hobjehnr Îagncn yctahobnt efo b grabación CjelyØte gyhktam 1± 5 Pacgpabvte whyp haywhnkob. gojoÒehne Ponga [PAUSE] en PAUSE. OFF (bskj.). a Jnuebar ctopoha Para reanudar la grabación, póngalo en la G-c ∫ Ljr Îagncn palnogpofpamm ∫ Ljr octahobkn posición OFF. [RQ-A320A[ HactpoØtecv ha ctahuhd, Îatem bsgojhnte bocgponÎbelehnr Bslbnhvte tejeckogn≠eckyd gyhkts 1, 3 –6. HaÒmnte khogky [∫, STOP]. ∫ Para grabar de la radio ahtehhy n otpefyjnpyØte ee ∫ Lojfonfpadqar Îagncv Sintonice la estación, luego siga los pasos 1, ∫ ¨to°s bpemehho gpnoctahobntv ljnhy n yfoj hakjoha ljr NORM: Hopmajvhar Îagncv 3– 6. bocgponÎbelehne ogtnmajvhofo gpnema. G-d : Lojfonfpadqar Îagncv 3 X ∫ Grabación de larga duración Gepemectnte gepekgd≠atejv [PAUSE] b ∫ Ljr ≠nctofo gpnema FM-gpofpam Aylnomatepnajs gpolojÒntejvhoctvd NORM: grabación normal gojoÒehne PAUSE. Ljr gpnema FM-ctepeogpofpamm yctahobnte Îby≠ahnr 180 mnhyt moÒho Îagncatv ha 3 X : grabación de larga duración ¨to°s boÎo°hobntv bocgponÎbelehne, gepekjd≠atejv [FM MODE/B.P.] b kaccety, pacc≠ntahhyd ha 60 mnhyt, Es posible grabar 180 minutos de material en yctahobnte ˙tot gepekjd≠atejv b gojoÒehne [STEREO/I]. Ecjn gpnem gjoxoØ yctahobnb gepekjd≠atejv gojoÒehne OFF. [RECMODE] b una cinta de 60 minutos ajustando (cnjvhse gomexn), to yctahobnte efo b gojoÒehne [ 3 X ]. [RECMODE] en [ 3X ]. gojoÒehne ∫ Ljr yckopehhoØ gepemotkn [MONO/II]. Íto ymehvwnt BocgponÎbelehne kaccets, Îagncahhse b Reproduzca las cintas grabadas con larga gomexn, olhako Îbyk ctahet bgepel n haÎal peÒnme ljntejvhofo bocgponÎbelehnr, duración sólo en los decks de la misma mohoiohn≠ecknm. HaÒmnte khogky [5, FF/CUE] njn tojvko ha lekax, gollepÒnbadqnx lahhyd función. [6, REW/REV]. iyhkund. Jehta ha≠het °sctpo gepematsbatvcr b „agncv H ∫ Ljr Îagncn ≠epeÎ bhewhnØ ∫ Para grabación mediante hagpabjehnn ctpejkn. MoÒho ncgojvÎobatv tojvko jehts mnkpoioh ( ≥Kofla jehta loxolnt lo kohua gocje [RQ-A320A[ bxolnt b micrófono externo ([RQ-A320A[ incluido hopmajvhofo tnga. yckopehhoØ gepemotkn bgepel njn haÎal, komgjekt goctabkn, [RQ-A220] b komgjekt [RQ-A220] opcional) Gpn ncgojvÎobahnn ha ˙tom aggapate jeht haÒmnte khogky [∫, STOP], ≠to°s goctabkn he bxolnt) Conecte el micrófono externo estéreo en el xpomnpobahhofo n metajjnÎnpobahhofo otkjd≠ntv khogky. Golkjd≠nte bhewhnØ ctepeomnkpoioh k enchufe [STEREO MIC (PLUG IN POWER)]. tngob Îbyk moÒet he Îagncatvcr fheÎly ≥Se puede usar un micrófono electrostático ∫ Yckopehhoe gpocjywnbahne b [STEREO MIC (PLUG IN POWER)]. haljeÒaqnm o°paÎom. gprmom n o°pathom hagpabjenn ≥Bs moÒete ncgojvÎobatv kohlehcophsØ con fuente de alimentación incorporada o un ∫ „agncv ≠epeÎ bctpoehhsØ mnkpoioh co bctpoehhsm ncto≠hnkom micrófono electrostático sin fuente de Bo bpemr bocgponÎbelehnr gpn haÒatnn n mnkpoioh (mohoiohn≠ecknØ gntahnr njn kohlehcophsØ mnkpoioh °eÎ alimentación incorporada. ylepÒahnn b haÒatom gojoÒehnn khogkn peÒnm) bctpoehhofo ncto≠hnka gntahnr. ≥El microfóno incorporado se desconectará [5, FF/CUE] (gpocjywnbahne b gprmom CjelyØte gyhktam 1± 6 hagpabjehnn) njn ≥BctpoehhsØ mnkpoioh °ylet automáticamente. [6, REW/REV] abtomatn≠eckn otkjd≠eh. (gpocjywnbahne b o°pathom hagpabjehnn) a „agncsbaemar ctopoha ∫ Continuación de la grabación B gyhkte 6, Khogka moÒho gpocjywnbatv Îbyk c bscokoØ [1, PLAY] takÒe ∫ Gocjelydqar Îagncv haÒata bmecte c khogkoØ [ ckopoctvd. Gpcje otgyckahnr khogkn ¥, ]. REC „agncv moÒho ha≠atv bo bpemr La grabación podrá iniciarse durante la NcgojvÎyØte kaccety c uejsmn gjactnhamn ha≠hetcr o°s≠hoe bocgponÎbelehne. bocgponÎbelehnr gytem gpoctofo haÒatnr reproducción pulsando simplemente °joknpobkn Îagncn. Ypobehv Îagncn khogky [¥, ]. REC ∫ Abtoctog [¥, REC ]. pefyjnpyetcr abtomatn≠eckn. Bo bpemr bocgponÎbelehnr ngn Îagncn, ∫ Kohtpojv Îbyka ∫ Monitoreo kofla jehta loctnfaet kohua, cnctema ∫ Ljr octahobkn Îagncn Kohtpojv Îbyka moÒet ocyqectbjrtvcr c El sonido puede ser oido con un auriculares HaÒmnte khogky abtomatn≠eckoØ octahobkn bscbo°olnt [∫, STOP]. gomoqvd gpno°petaemofo logojhntejvho estéreo opcional enchufado en la toma [Ë]. khogkn bocgponÎbelehnr n Îagncn n ctepeohaywhnkn, golcoelnhehhofo k fheÎly abtomatn≠eckn bskjd≠nt aggapat. [Ë]. Nota: Gpnme≠ahne: ≥Cuando haya demasiada interferencia Gpnme≠ahne: ≥Ecjn bo bpemr Îagncn b lnagaÎohe AM durante la grabación en AM Ponga el selector He otkpsbaØte kpswky kaccetolepÒatejr cjnwkom cnjvhs bÎanmhse gomexn [FM MODE/B.P.] en [STEREO/I] o bo bpemr ˙kcgjyataunn kaccets. Yctahobnte gepekjd≠atejv [MONO/II], el que produzca menos ruido. [FM MODE/B.P.] b gojoÒehne [STEREO/I] njn Gpocjywnbahne [MONO/II] kotopoe laet mehswe gomex. palnogpnemhnka G CjelyØte gyhktam 1± 3 B gyhkte 2, kofla ctahunr hactpontcr ha (a). ∫ ¨to°s otkjd≠ntv ONLY FOR AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND palnogpnemhnk yctahobnte gepekjd≠atejv [ TAPE (OFF), FM , ] b gojoÒehne AM [ TAPE (OFF)]. WARRANTY Gpnme≠ahne: 1. The product is warranted for labour and parts for twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. Ecjn bo bpemr ˙kcgjyataunn kaccets Bs 2. This Warranty is for normal domestic use only and excludes any defect or injury caused by or resulting from misuse, abuse, neglect, accidental damage, improper voltage, vermin infestation or any alteration yctahobnte gepekjd≠atejv [ TAPE (OFF), which affects the reliability or performance of the unit, not attributable to faulty manufacture, parts and FM , ] b gojoÒehne AM [ FM ] njn [ AM ], labour. ˙ta khogka he otkjd≠ntcr. B ˙tom cjy≠ae, 3. This warranty does not cover the following items unless fault or defect being complained of existed at the ≠to°s otkjd≠ntv ˙ty khogky, haÒmnte time of purchase. khogky [∫, STOP]. (a) Video or Audio Tapes. (c) Shaver Heads or Cutters. (b) Video or Audio Heads and Stylus resulting (d) Cabinet parts. [RQ-A220] from wear and tear in normal use. (e) Batteries. Ljr FM-palnobewahnr haywhnkn lojÒhs 4. If warranty service is required you should: °stv golkjd≠ehs hebÎnpar ha ≥Contact your nearest Panasonic Authorised Service Centre. gpocjywnbahne c fpomkofobopntejr njn c ≥Enclose a copy of your purchase receipt as proof of date of purchase. haywhnkob. ≥Send or bring the product to Panasonic Authorised Service Centre. Warranty does not include any freight to and from the user or insurance so please arrange this yourself. ≥Note that home service is available for following products in the Metropolitan area or the normal operating areas of the nearest Authorised Service Centres. ≥Television Receivers (screen size greater than 39 cm) ≥Electronic Organs or Pianos ≥Microwave Ovens ≥Washing Machines ≥Air Conditioners 5. The warranties hereby conferred do not extend to any costs associated with the delivery, handling, freighting or transportation of the product or any part thereof or replacement of and do not extend to any damage or loss occurring during, or associated with, transit. Unless otherwise specified to the consumer the benefits conferred by this express warranty are additional to all other conditions, warranties, guarantees, rights and remedies expressed or implied by the Trade Practices Act 1974 and similar consumer protection provisions contained in legislation of the States and Territories and all other obligations and liabilities on the part of the manufacturer or supplier and nothing contained herein shall restrict or modify such rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities. THIS WARRANTY CARD SHOULD BE RETAINED BY THE CUSTOMER AT ALL TIMES IF YOU REQUIRE ASSISTANCE REGARDING WARRANTY CONDITIONS, OR ANY OTHER ENQUIRIES, PLEASE TELEPHONE: PANASONIC CUSTOMER CARE CENTRE 132 600 PANASONIC AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED OFFICE LOCATIONS: NEW SOUTH WALES P.0. Box. 505 Frenchs Forest N.S.W. 2086 VICTORIA Private Mail Bag 13, South Eastern Mail Centre VIC. 3176 Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Extra Alkaline SOUTH AUSTRALIA P.0. Box. 500 Welland 5007 WESTERN AUSTRALIA SIZE SIZE D D P.0. Box. 376 Welshpool 6986 SIZE QUEENSLAND P.0. Box. 260 Nundah QLD. 4012 RQTT0518