Instruções de Operação Sears, Modelo 113.2941
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ML JENKINS JUN 2 9 Î967 -- ......-..........— MODEL WtJfftiER 113,29410 ....... The Model Number will be found on 0 plate attached to your saw, at the left side of the base. Always mention the Model Number in all iiorrtsijorttieiice regarding he CRAFTSMAN ACCRA-ARM RADIAL SAW 01 when ordering repair pcrtb. Carefully reed the instructions provided, observe the sim pie safety precautions and you will have many hours of satisfactory use from your new Craftsman tool. ------ —........ now fo ORDER REPAIR PARTS ........................... All pcirfs lisftd horein nicy be ordered fluough SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. or SIMPSONS SEARS LIMITED. When ordering parti by mail from thcatalog ofrfor hour.p wnidi Rnrve1; thft tp'Tifory in which yoi< live-, ier’riy pritro'. will be furni'Jitd on rrrjucrt ;;,r paitr, wiJ( he c.h;ppr;o at prevailing prices and you w’H be billed accordingly. WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AS SHOWN IN THIS LIST: 1. The PART NUMBER 3. The MODEL NUMBER ’13.29410 2, The PART NAME 4. The NAME of irem RADIAL SAW ----------------COAST TO COAST NATION-WIDE----------- SERVICE FROM SIA1S FOR YOU» CRAFTSMAN ACCRA-ARM RADIAL SAW -4. 1Г2» - ¿•"'I tECj. S F A K ^, ’'OE&JC K AND CO and SIMPSONS-SEARS LIMITED in Canada back up your investmem! with quick, experl rnfcbüfiical -'.ervice and genuine CRA'ISMAN replacement parts. If and when /o»1 n-red repoifs et service, call on u£ to protect yo'j' invent-rnt'F1' trt thib f:ne piece of equiomerif. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO.-U.S. A. IN CANADA, SIMPSONS - SE ARS LIMITED V >rnb J , Г ш т Г*. "j CRBFTIMRN, POWER TOOL SAFETY...AN0 YOU 3 MINUTES of required reading for the heme Craftsman .„, whether this is your first purchase or you’re an Did hand at power foals. KJl/'V'h JUST BOJL.H1 A 011 A! IT * sEA-'S iO'Jl. deii^ntu * v>?ii rruiny veins ot ton p*- 'l.irr-i.irc arid Liw. M< n-" ■operation. I is also designed witli safety in mind, pern iihny > n • ■ > j .l the tool wit ¡ol'i concer-i tr. Ick j d‘ ■ .-Tin -!• i iles are oo-:>'r" r\ W *'d III-.' to CD pd’|-| jl -I il" ■ ■ ill'If to sonic. &1 il.t ■nnr.T important rules fo ij‘,u.v tm maxi mum enjoy- rn?nt of ■, >■<«jf r*. : ■ nV".'r 11 ■. i>s 1. HEAD THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL.,. ccwpieieJy - accurately Pay Special >i ■ v ¡iS rsi ■caulion.s ftni us 1 ■ '“.v ir- .'.J * « " -v ■ ‘ i. 1 • .r>' i .....I! ->«>i ' 1‘i i| ¿¿‘ !ii|' *i ' ,!i I ” INSPECT TBF POWER TOOL THOROUGHLY l ' [I»- ,p !, lie ,i . i <1 , S >, n. 11nr< .-<■!,, 1: , -■ ii iJZL PROPER FIECTRICSL CQilNCC! JOHS ¡i.-;- r.i ■ 'i :> i it ■ m '! ■ i, ! L'j[i if, i?l, •>h i ■ ‘..i '..¡-Li ; L i - : ih-n ' I t I I Lr ' ' ■ I>l 111 ■ J ’ ■ '> H ' ■' I!!. I I,' ! I ii'it hii 11 I i 1 '. ^ L’ ; , ' ii * ; lr loo« when ri-Dl in usi? [) ¡¿CI'ilfll/C [ -¡1p|j I cab ¡4: 1 r fi!T| p*!>%VL"!! . , ’ ’ 1 I! ( f » "l !i | ! ! / ir |f 1 |l * •« ' t U DON'T EXCEEL THE Of ¡HE POWER TOOL " ’! ‘ I I 11' jl..*| * - j I, | ■ !>.' ■ <■!■; Il \ ■<*: r i : ’’ ‘i. ’ . 1» ' ’ ‘ I _ .Il ¡,1 ! ICI • ‘Sl, ’i> n- f ‘*t*’ ». >h ' f \ > * ‘ ■ “ m '■ ■ ‘ ih ■ I '* ,.t *■" tl ir !• 1ft KLEP CPECTA10RS AWAY Cur io si I v am -:ril«resi »•* i«i( \ in’« . 1 <> i'i'i i i < I ■’ i , 1! I 1« %VGl d in 3. FOLLOW OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 1! i ■ Ii i.i ■ p -i* ■■■■_■ i>ipe2 ir< .i i Cl ' f *" ■ ‘ ii. i_|1j ■■ I i! |> ■ «fit accidtnJs 4, OlISS PROPERLY FOR TIE WORKSHOP iiet nd ol loose sleeves, remove ycty rif- vmm inug-lilling shiip a-:rni'" 1 HOUBLt-CHECI HOLDING FIXTHRFS > , i-'i. ■ , ill . ‘ii i:I , i . i > '* ,i ‘ i?:i5;iiignnienl or biiio i it,i h * ' ■ B. KELP CUTTING TOOLS SHARP '.1j- ■ i .•!• , i'll!' „, ! - _ fcSi., Hi ii; lop s’harfC. Dills !a®ls r ■ 1, I I •, r I . u ■ s'l <:hippso!• . an lii U' pi' '■ I - ral>on Wore ASSEMBLING AND ADJUSTING YOtJR SAW POWER SUPPLY & MOTOR CONNECTIONS MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS The AC ifiL'itor uvjd in 1 ^11ч ¡: a capLii.itor LtarSr ridn- ’•яд sp^ciiicct om :ù '* ■» о I I _l J. 1Ü/5 60 Single 3450 . I" .1 oc L v, jse wired for 115 voit reversible with fh< 1 • iir>!- С r:i i in ‘ *-i Л то. Branch ■" и cl-д and u',^ "5 Amp T ¡t- j-Ljl-Ict, Fuse* ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS MOTE. Th"i ю-л me'? r, m^iC'd ct Hiс fottory h"ir 11 £ voit, .1Л eye. *" AC «ч cl- oj lh j\\~ !i bqu г- 1 r f 'cr -d is pnroqr^ dH 1 k'*v I ¡ivdf г I v и I ’ *i Lfsihi* Vvfüi 1« '«hr n uv л «Г> *'.llll.nj'‘ I’ ih. ri-'t/H, Î If VJlrt ". bi up1.r-jtti ^ith nr: ■■•'.î ïP* "iti"к n-*, Ho^ > VC’ >f ThVf uf IKi_ !■ 'li- ;-Л 5'irj f.' T