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• Keep this manual hand y. Aai A i 2| •*lie]S soil o| 09*1# a- «a * 0| -asAi# fc 7^f $ Oil £fi«№4£. A;if ÆRIIRÿttAïtlllIïft. English * £ A SAFETY FIRST A * £ » - Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a A symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. fiffîASSé«î, ». ■ NOTES ON TYPES OF WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL ■ ærms | A WARNING | 1 A » ft 1 This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death. IMPORTANT | C* » 1 This mark indicates instructions which must be followed, or it leads to mechanical failure, breakdown, or damage. 1 NOTE 1 m * This mark indicates hints or directions useful in the use of the product. I English * £ 1 Contents s m 1. PARTS LOCATION.................... 4 .............. ....... 4 2. WARNING LABELS ........ .......6 ON THE MACHINE.................... 6 3. SYMBOLS ON THE MACHINE ........8 aawMMff*.............. ....... 8 4. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS , 10 .............. .......10 5. INSTALLING GUIDE BAR s.««#««««........... .......22 AND SAW CHAIN...................... 22 6. FUEL AND CHAIN OIL ............. 24 .............. .......24 7. OPERATING ENGINE ............. 26 7. »#51*.................... .......26 8. SAWING.................................. 36 «.«M.......................... .......36 9. MAINTENANCE ...................... 42 9. tète.......................... 10. MAINTENANCE OF ...... .......48 SAW CHAIN AND GUIDE BAR 48 il.#«*##»............ .......52 11 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 11*11 IWULLUI IW 1 11 iVJ UvlL/U mu 12. SPECIFICATIONS ................... .....54 1 2 ш А у э ч ï Х|Л|Л*&в a\\^<äSi &JL ОИН1 SAISI oí au, -as ¥#s*i# яви #i*iw of a пн^°| Aneoi sai E|0| Й171 ŒHSOII SIE X|A| AhS# ^ si чт из. *saoi iifafot ачч. A $ £ * - *1йВЯв±К«Й;£Ж*Л1и;5Ш⧱ И*ЮЗНГА(Й*1!гШг, ±A#«í*fe^w*^ns, здмвж шшятмъ. ■ nilírasi SAI 1 а а д i 0| a\3.b äff ¥4И>14 ЯП а * sife au ею* я*кч цщщ о^ачч. I s а I 0| Dh3°| X|A|# Sf°S у\ 711212! гд-ощ щ&9 Ш°Ш 4> SI è44. ■ нжтю I А » fe ЗЕ^л^чв^а**:«, йргиш&й flí^JEtro ж т 0| apafe £1\ш а|-§а|о|| #§*!• а H4*|a|# цвнаЧЧ. а а *яЗДЛ«Я±**ЙШЯй1И. * я 1.4¥*2ias............... 5 2.S7|0| ÿffgüAI...... 7 3.£7|SR§nBüg............ 9 4.2hï!^2| Al-g-................11 5.7|0|EH|ÿf folgst........23 6.£S 3! 42! £й........... 25 7.ç«5! 2.Щ..................... 27 a*4(L|Mi7|)4íl.........37 9.gggu |.......................43 10. S*I2! Ш WS. ВД gggai •••• 49 ii.ig*|H| y\o\s.............53 12. Af°f..........................55 В № .................. 5 2.«»±й*£*Ж............. 7 .................. 9 л.тттш..................n 5. ЗДВДОМШ...............23 6.KWMMH Ü..................25 7.J»f^5l *.......................27 8.Щ 1.............................37 10СИЙМ»ШНМ*...........49 11 -штштш.................5з 12.«#........................... 55 3 1. PARTS LOCATION 1. 1. Front guard 1. mm 2. Starter knob 2. Jgz&SSfcii 3. Air cleaner 3. snsas 4. Choke knob 4. mnmvm 5. Throttle interlock 5. 6. Right handle 6. 7. Throttle lever 7. 8. Engine switch 8. 9. Fuel tank 9. mmm 10. Oil tank 10. maat 11. Left handle 11. 12. Saw chain 12. &3£ 13. Guide Bar 13. 4 I i iS H m № № Ш & * « s Ш « № m Ш m в £ Si m m Î5 M m c нь M Ё г m Hb m № « и E s 49 •R ПЛ ш ш « № » c\i со to
Benzo e serras - G4500/G5200 (2.8 mb)
Benzo e serras - G5000 (2.8 mb)