Facilidade de uso
Overcutting begins on the top side of the log with the bottom of the saw against the log. When overcutting use light downward pressure. Overcuttlng Undercutting Undercutting involves cutting on the underside of the log with top of saw against the log. When undercutting use light upward pressure. Hold saw firmly and maintain control, The saw will tend to push back toward you. WARNING: Never turn saw upside down to undercut. The saw cannot be controlled in this position. Alwaysmake yourfirst cut onthe compressionside of the log. First cut on compression side of log Second cut Firstcuton compressionside of log BUCKING WITHOUT A SUPPORT • Overcut through 1/3 of the diameter of the log. • Roll the log over and finish with a secend overcut, • Watch for logs with a compresion side. See illustration above for cutting logs with a compression side, BUCKING USING A LOG OR SUPPORT STAND • Remember your first cut is always on the compression side of the log. (Refer to the illustration below for your first and second cut). • Your first cut should extend 1/3 of the diameter of the log. • F3nishwith your second cut. Using a_2 naCut __lSt Cut LIMBING AND PRUNING WARNING: Never climb into a tree to limb or prune. Do not stand on ladders, platforms, a Iog, or in any position which can cause you to lose your bal ance or control of the saw, IMPORTANT POINTS * Watch out for spdngpoles. Spriogpoles are small size limbs which can whip toward you, or pull you off balance. Use extreme caution when cutting small size limbs. • Be atert for springback. Watch out for branches that are bent or under pressure. Avoid being struck by the branch or the saw when the tension in the wood fibers is released. • Frequently clear branches out of the way to avoid tdpping over them. 10 LIMBING • Limb a tree only after it is cut down. • Leave the larger limbs underneath the felled tree to support the tree as you work. • Start at the base of the felled tree and work toward the top, cutting branches and limbs. Remove small limbs with one cut. ° Keep the tree between you and the chain. • Remove larger, supporting branches with the 1/3, 2/3 cutting techniques described in the bucking section. • Always use an overcut to cut small and freely hanging limbs. Undercutting could cause limbs to fall and pinch the saw. PRUNING WARNING; Limit pruning to limbs shoulder height or below. Do not cut if CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES branches are higher than your shoulder. Get a professional to do the job. • Make your first cut 1/3 of the way through the bottom of the limb. • Next make a second cut all the way through the limb. • Finish the pruning operation by using an ovemut so that the stump of the limb protrudes t to 2 inches from the trunk of the tree. i | Secondcut / \ 3rdcutI to2in. t fromtrunkof tree FlU in dates as you complete Before After EveryJ Every Service regular service Use Use 5 hrs.125 hrs. Yearly Dates Check for damaged/worn parts Check for loose fasteners/parts ._, Check chain tension Check chain sharpness • r Check guide bar v" Clean unit & labels Clean air filter Clearv'inspect spark arrestor screen & inspect muffler Replace spark plug GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS The warrantyonthis unitdoesnotcover itemsthat have been subjectedto operatorabuseor negligence.Toreceive fullvalue from the warranty,the operator mustmaintain unit as instruct ed inthis manual. Various adjustments will need to be made periodicallyto properly maintain your unit. • Once a year, replace the spark plug, air filter element, and check guide bar and chain for wear. A new spark plug and air filter element assures proper air-fuel mixture and helps your engine run better and last longer. WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug before performingmaintenanceexcept for carburetoradjustments. LUBRICATION 1 Bar S-rocket 2 Bar Oil "_ F,,cap tI I Us_ 2 Use Craftsman chainsaw bar oil 11 CHECK FOR DAMAGED OR WORN PARTS Replacementofdamaged/wornparts shouldbe referredto yourSeam Service Center. NOTE: It is normalfor a smallamount ofoil to appear underthe sawafter engine stops.Do notconfusethiswitha leakingoiltank. o On/Stop Switch-EnsureOn/Stop switchfunctions propedyby moving the switchto the "Stop"position. Make sure enginestops;then restart engineandcontinue. • Fuel Tank-Donot usesaw iffuel tankshowssignsofdamage orleaks. • Oil Tank-Donotusesawifoiltank showssignsofdamageor leaks. CHECK FOR LOOSE FASTENERS AND PARTS ° Bar Clamp Nut • Chain • Muffler • Cylinder Shield • Nr Filter • ClutchDrum/Sprocket ° HandleScrews • VibrationMounts • Starter Housing ° Handguard CHECK CHAIN TENSION ° Use the screwdriver end of the bar tool to move chain around guide bar to ensure kinks do not exist. The chain should rotate freely. Bar Tool Bar Clamp Nuts • Loosen bar clamp nuts until they are finger tight against the bar clamp. • Turn adjusting screw clockwise until chain barely touches the bottom of guide bar. A iost,ogJ Adiu_ng Screw -1/4 rum • Lift up tip of guide bar to check for sag. Release tip of guide bar, then ...
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