Downloads : 12   Arquivo Tamanho: 177 kb   Fabricante : Hisense Group  
Categoria : fones de ouvido sem fio e outros acessórios

5 7 WARNING! 7 Speakers are capable of delivering sounds at loud volumes 8 and high pitched tones. Exposure to such sounds can 9-10 result in permanent hearing loss damage. The volume level may vary based on conditions such as the phone you are using, its reception and volume settings, and the 10 environment. Please read the safety guidelines below 10 prior to using this speaker. 10 10 11 Safety Guidelines 11 11 Prior to using this product follow these steps: 11 1. Before using the speakerphone,

Downloads : 8   Arquivo Tamanho: 195 kb   Fabricante : Hisense Group  
Categoria : fones de ouvido sem fio e outros acessórios

8 9 4. Set your Bluetooth phone to ‘discover’ the Hisense HB650. Follow your phone’s instruction guide. This usually involves going to a ‘setup,’ ‘connect’ or ‘Bluetooth’ menu on your phone and selecting the option to ‘discover’ or ‘add’ a Bluetooth device. * (See example from a typical mobile phone). 5. Your phone will find the Hisense HB650. 6. Your phone will then ask if you want to pair with it. Accept by pressing ‘Yes’ or ‘OK’ on the phone and confirm with the passkey or PIN = 0000 (4 zeros
