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Learn how to send, receive, reply, forward, delete email messages, and more. Available online at under the Nokia 9300 Xpress Mail User Guide link. Nokia 9300 User Guide This guide includes comprehensive detail on using your Nokia 9300 and safety instructions. Tutorial The tutorial is available on your Nokia 9300 device and offers basic training on common features. For support: Nokia Support on the Web Check for the latest information. 1-888-NOKIA-2U (1-888-665-4228) Toll free support available Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST and Saturday - Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST. Cingular Support For service or billing related questions, contact Cingular at 1-866-CINGULAR (1-866-246-4852). Tip! Register your new product at so we can better serve your needs. Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia and Nokia 9300 are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Other product and company names may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Many features and mobile services are network dependent and require network support. Some networks have limitations that affect how you can use phone features. Coverage not available in all areas. Requires eligible Cingular Data Connect, PDA Connect, or MEdia Net plan and Xpress Mail feature. Subject to pricing and terms and conditions of selected Cingular data plan, Xpress Mail feature, and associated service agreement and coverage maps. May require purchase of, and be subject to the terms and conditions of, additional software, associated services or features, hardware and/or network connections. If you use your device to access company email or information, it is your responsibility to ensure your use complies with your company’s internal IT and security procedures. Additional restrictions apply. Contact Cingular Wireless about feature support and availability. N4229 Xpr XprXpress Mail Per ess Mail Peress Mail Personal Edition Email Set Up Guide sonal Edition Email Set Up Guidesonal Edition Email Set Up Guide Xpress Mail Personal Edition is ideal for individuals and small business users who need access to work and personal email, desire a simple set up process with self registration, and an easy-to-use email application. With Xpress Mail, you have wireless access to both personal Internet Service Provider (ISP) email accounts such as POP3 and IMAP4 (Yahoo, Earthlink, Comcast and more) and corporate email platforms such as Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Domino and Novell GroupWise. Your email messages are automatically delivered to your device. You can easily send, receive and reply to emails with your Nokia 9300, as well as access your calendar, view attachments and access your email from any PC browser. For more information about Xpress Mail, go to This guide will help you set up and use Xpress Mail on your Nokia 9300. Note: You will need to have an eligible data plan, which includes the Xpress Mail feature. Please call 1-866-CINGULAR (1-866-246-4852) to activate if you have not already done so. Xpress Mail Enterprise Edition is available for the Nokia 9300. 9248932. Version 2.0. Printed in U.S.A. Please contact your local IT administrator for access. Xpress Mail Personal Edition Set Up Instructions Step 1. Complete the Nokia 9300 set up. See the Nokia 9300 Set Up Instructions Guide included in your product packaging and complete device set up through step 7. Be sure to have an active data rate plan to enable email and other data related wireless transfers to your device. Step 2. Create an Xpress Mail Personal Edition account. a. Using a compatible PC, visit b. At the web site, select Register Now and follow the on-screen instructions to create your Xpress Mail account. Create a user name, password, and input the rest of the necessary information on that screen. c. Download, install, and configure the Xpress Mail Personal Edition desktop software onto your PC. Step 3. Download Xpress Mail Personal Edition application onto your Nokia 9300. a. At the Desk (Home screen), scroll to and select the Xpress Mail icon (fig. 1 next page). b. From the screen that appears, select Install Now. Xpress Mail c. On the next page, select Download Now to begin downloading Xpress Mail. d. After download has completed, on the next screen select Install. e. When the install is complete, open Xpress Mail from the Nokia 9300 Desk screen (fig. 1 next page) which will bring up the Registration screen. Enter your 10-digit mobile number, then press Next. f. On the next screen, select Personal Edition, then press Next. g. On the next screen, enter your Xpress Mail user name and password that was created in Step 2b above, then press Next. h. Xpress Mail will automatically generate the security keys and synchronize your email. Xpress Mail Personal Edition Set Up Inst...