Fabricante : Fisher-Price
Arquivo Tamanho: 969.91 kb
Arquivo Nome : M2055pr-0726.pdf

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Facilidade de uso
Useonlyonafloor. • SuffocationHazard-Neveruseonasoftsurface(bed,sofa,cushion) sincetheproductcantipoverandcausesuffocationinsoftsurfaces. • Neverusethetoybarasahandle. • Alwaysusetherestraintsystem. • Neverleavechildunattended. • Neveruseasacarseat. • Notrecommendedforchildrenwhocansitupbythemselves(6monthsapproximately,until9kg/20lbs). WARNINGIMPORTANT! Please keep these instructions for future reference, as they contain important information. • Pleasereadtheseinstructionsbeforeuseofthisproduct. • Adultassemblyisrequired.Toolneededforassembly: PhillipsScrewdriver(notincluded). • Requiresthree“C”(LR14)alkaline batteries(notincluded) foroperation. • Productfeaturesanddecorationmayvaryfromphotos. 2 Consumer Information IMPORTANT! Please keep these instructions for future reference, as they contain important information. • Pleasereadtheseinstructionsbeforeuseofthisproduct. • Adultassemblyisrequired.Toolneededforassembly: PhillipsScrewdriver(notincluded). • Requiresthree“C”(LR14)alkaline batteries(notincluded) foroperation. • Productfeaturesanddecorationmayvaryfromphotos. 2 Consumer Information CAUTION This package contains small parts in its unassembled state. Adult assembly is required. Infant Support Butterfly Toy Seat Back Tube Seat Pad Soothing Unit Base Tube Front Base Toy Bar Parts IMPORTANT! Please remove all parts from the package and identify them before assembly. Some parts may be packed inside the pad. 4 mm x 30 mm Screw – 2 4 mm x 20 mm Screw – 2 Shown Actual Size Turn Tube Ends Up • Place the seat back tube face down, as shown. • Turn the ends of the tube upright. Seat Back Tube IMPORTANT! Before assembly, inspect this product for damaged hardware, loose joints,missing parts or sharp edges. DO NOT use if any parts are missing or broken.Contact Mattel for replacement parts and instructions if needed. Never substitute parts. 4 Assembly 1 •Inserttheendsofthefrontbaseintotheholesinthehandles. Hint: If you cannot insert the front base into the handles, turn the seat back tube over and try again! • Inserttwo4mmx20mmscrewsthroughtheholeinthehandlesandtheendsofthefrontbase.Tightenthescrews. Hint: If the screw does not easily insert through the hole in the handle and front base, you may not have pushed the front base completely into the handle. Push the front base into the handle to align the holes and then insert the screw. Seat Back Tube Handles Front Base 2 Turn Tube Ends Up • Placetheseatbacktubefacedown,asshown. • Turntheendsofthetubeupright. Seat Back Tube IMPORTANT! Beforeassembly,inspectthisproductfordamagedhardware,loosejoints,missingpartsorsharpedges. DONOTuseifanypartsaremissingorbroken.ContactMattelforreplacementpartsandinstructionsifneeded. Neversubstituteparts. 4 Assembly 1 •Inserttheendsofthefrontbaseintotheholesinthehandles. Hint: If you cannot insert the front base into the handles, turn the seat back tube over and try again! • Inserttwo4mmx20mmscrewsthroughtheholeinthehandlesandtheendsofthefrontbase.Tightenthescrews. Hint: If the screw does not easily insert through the hole in the handle and front base, you may not have pushed the front base completely into the handle. Push the front base into the handle to align the holes and then insert the screw. Seat Back Tube Handles Front Base 2 Handle Tubes Back Base • While pressing the buttons on the ends of the back base, insert it into the tubes in the handle. Make sure the back base “snaps” into place. • Pull the back base to be sure it is secure to the handle tubes. PRESS PRESS • Turn the assembly upright. • Position the soothing unit upright and fit the groove to the front base, as shown. • Insert two 4 mm x 30 mm screws through the front base and into the soothing unit. Tighten the screws. Soothing Unit Groove Front Base 3 4 Assembly Front Base Lower Pocket • Fit the pad lower pocket around the front base and soothing unit. • Turn the assembly face down. • Fasten both pad side flaps to the strap on the back of the pad. Make sure you hear a “snap” on both sides. Upper Flap Seat Back Tube • Fit the upper flap on the pad around the seat back tube. Assembly 6 Side Flap Strap 5 PRINTED IN CHINA M2055pr-0726 • Fit the toy bar into the socket in the handle A.Turn the toy bar to secure in place B. • Attach the butterfly toy to any of the fastener tabs on the sides of the pad or toy bar, as shown. Assembly • Placetheinfantsupportontopofthepad. • Inserttherestraintpadthroughtheslotintheinfantsupport.Makesuretherestraintpadisnottwisted. • Threadtherestraintstrapsthroughtheslotsintheinfantsupport. Assembly is now complete. 8 Infant Support Toy Bar Socket BA• FitthetoybarintothesocketinthehandleA.TurnthetoybartosecureinplaceB. • Attachthebutterflytoytoanyofthefastenertabsonthesidesofthepadortoybar,asshown. Assembly • Placetheinfantsupportontopofthepad. • Inserttherestraintpadthroughtheslotintheinfantsupport.Makesuretherestraintpadisnottwisted. • Threadtherestraintstrapsthroughtheslotsintheinfantsupport. Assembly is now complete. 8 Infant Support Toy Ba...