Facilidade de uso
• Shuffle the green deck of 10 level 1 phase cards and deal one card face up to each player. These cards show the players what they need to collect to win the game. • The phase cards remain face up during the entire game to remind players what they are trying to collect. LET’ LET’LET’S PLA S PLAS PLAY! Y!Y! • •• The y The yThe young oungounges esest pla t plat play yyer g er ger goes fir oes firoes firs sst and then t and thent and then pla plaplay g y gy goes ar oes aroes around in a cir ound in a ciround in a circle clecle. E . E. Each pla ach plaach play yyer erer in turn t in turn tin turn tak akakes a car es a cares a card f d fd fr rrom the t om the tom the top o op oop of the f thef the deck and places it f deck and places it fdeck and places it face up in f ace up in face up in fr rron onont o t ot of ff them. them.them. • Pla • Pla• Play yyer erers con s cons continue t tinue ttinue taking car aking caraking cards f ds fds fr rrom the om theom the deck un deck undeck until they ha til they hatil they hav vve 3 car e 3 care 3 cards tha ds thads that ma t mat mat ttch chch their phas their phastheir phase car e care card. d.d. • In the ev • In the ev• In the even enent tha t that that all the car t all the cart all the cards ha ds hads hav vve been e beene been t ttak akaken and ther en and theren and there is no winner e is no winnere is no winner, collect all , collect all, collect all the car the carthe cards f ds fds fr rrom the pla om the plaom the play yyer erers tha s thas that do no t do not do not tt ma mamat ttch their phas ch their phasch their phase car e care card. Shuffle thes d. Shuffle thesd. Shuffle these ee car carcards and f ds and fds and form a new f orm a new form a new face do ace doace down pile wn pilewn pile. .. END OF END OFEND OF THE G THE GTHE GAME AMEAME AND ANDAND THE WINNER THE WINNERTHE WINNER: :: • •• The fir The firThe firs sst pla t plat play yyer t er ter to collect wha o collect whao collect what is sho t is shot is shown wnwn on their phas on their phason their phase car e care card shout d shoutd shouts “ s “s “S SSuperher uperheruperhero oo” ”” and wins the g and wins the gand wins the game! ame!ame! AL ALALTERNA TERNATERNATE PLA TE PLATE PLAY YY: :: • Pla • Pla• Play in r y in ry in rounds oundsounds. .. The pla The plaThe play yyer who wins the er who wins theer who wins the r rround, or phas ound, or phasound, or phase ee, g , g, get etets t s ts to k o ko keep their phas eep their phaseep their phase ee car carcard. Collect the r d. Collect the rd. Collect the res esest o t ot of the phas f the phasf the phase car e care cards dsds and the char and the charand the charact actacter car er carer cards dsds, shuffle them , shuffle them, shuffle them s ssep epepar arara aat ttely elyely. D . D. Deal one o eal one oeal one of the r f the rf the remaining emainingemaining phas phasphase car e care cards t ds tds to each pla o each plao each play yyer erer. .. Then pla Then plaThen play yy ano anoanoth...
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