por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
Meat loaf made from 0.5 kg minced meat Baking tray 2 CircoSteam ® 140 - 150 45 60 Saddle of venison on the bone* 0.6 - 0.8 kg Wire rack + baking tray 2 CircoSteam ® 150 - 170 15 - 30 Boned leg of lamb 1.5 kg Wire rack + baking tray 2 CircoSteam ® 170 180 60 80 Saddle of lamb on the bone* 1.5 kg Wire rack + baking tray 2 CircoSteam ® 160 170 15 25 Rabbit portions 1.5 kg Wire rack + baking tray 2 CircoSteam ® 150 160 40 60 Wiener sausages - Perforated + Baking tray 3 1 Steam cooking 80 - 85 12 - 18 Bavarian veal sausages - Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 - 85 15 - 20 Baking tray 1 * Sear first Roasting tips Using the roasting set Using the roasting set will give optimum results and the cooking compartment will stay as clean as possible. You can purchase the roasting set as an accessory from specialist retailers ( see section: Accessories) When is the roast ready? Use a meat thermometer (available from specialist retailers) or carry out the " spoon test" : press down on the roast with a spoon. If it feels firm, it is ready. If the spoon can be pressed in, it needs to be cooked for a little longer. The roast is too dark and the outside is Check the shelf height and temperature. burnt in places. The roast looks good but the juices are Next time, choose a smaller roasting dish or add more liquid. burnt. The roast looks good, but the juices are Next time, choose a larger roasting dish or add less liquid. too clear and watery. Fish Food Amount Accessories Level Operating Temperature in ° C Cooking time mode in min. Sea bream, whole per 0.3 kg Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 90 15 25 Baking tray 1 Sea bream fillet per 0.15 kg Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 90 10 - 20 Baking tray 1 Fish terrine Bain marie 1.5 l Wire rack 2 Steam cooking 70 80 40 - 80 Trout, whole per 0.2 kg Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 90 12 - 15 Baking tray 1 Cod fillet per 0.15 kg Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 90 10 - 14 Baking tray 1 Salmon fillet per 0.15 kg Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 100 8 - 10 Baking tray 1 Mussels 1.5 kg Baking tray 2 Steam cooking 100 10 - 15 Ocean perch fillet per 0.15 kg Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 90 10 - 20 Baking tray 1 Sole rolls, stuffed - Perforated + 3 Steam cooking 80 90 10 - 20 Baking tray 1 Cooking meat at a low temperature Low-temperature cooking is the ideal cooking method for all tender pieces of meat which are to be cooked medium rare or a point. The meat remains very juicy and turns out as soft as butter. Slide the baking tray into the combination steam oven and preheat with the Low- temperature cooking mode. Sear the meat on the hob on all sides. Place in the preheated steam oven and continue to cook gently. When cooked, arrange on preheated plates and serve with a hot sauce or gravy. Food Amount Accessories Level Temperature in °C Cooking time in min. Boned leg of lamb 1 - 1.5 kg Baking tray 2 80 140 - 160 Sirloin 1.5 - 2.5 kg Baking tray 2 80 150 180 Fillet of pork - Baking tray 2 80 90 50 - 70 Pork medallions - Baking tray 2 80 60 80 Beef steaks approx. 3 cm thick Baking tray 2 80 40 60 Duck breast - Baking tray 2 80 35 - 55 Bakes, soup ingredients, etc. Food Accessories Level Operating mode Temperature in °C Cooking time in min. Savoury bake made from cooked ingredients Ovenproof dish + wire rack 2 CircoSteam ® 150 - 170 30 - 40 Sweet bake Ovenproof dish + wire rack 2 CircoSteam ® 150 - 170 30 45 Lasagne Baking tray 2 CircoSteam ® 160 170 35 45 Souffle Mould + wire rack 2 CircoSteam ® 180 200 15 25 Royale Solid 2 Steam cooking 90 15 - 20 Semolina dumplings Perforated + Baking tray 3 1 Steam cooking 90 - 95 7 - 10 Hard-boiled eggs (Size M, max. 1.8 kg) Perforated + Baking tray 3 1 Steam cooking 100 10 - 12 Soft- boiled eggs (Size M, max. 1 kg) Perforated + Baking tray 3 1 Steam cooking 100 6 - 8 Dessert, compote Compote: Weigh the fruit and add approximately Y the amount of water, then add sugar and spices to taste. Rice pudding Weigh the rice and add 2.5 times the amount of milk. Ensure the level of rice and milk in the accessory is no higher than 2.5 cm. Stir after cooking. The remaining milk is quickly absorbed. Yoghurt Heat the milk to 90 ° C on the hob. Then leave to cool to 40 ° C. If you are using UHT milk, you do not need to heat it. Stir in one to two teaspoons of natural yoghurt per 100 ml milk, or the corresponding amount of yoghurt culture into the milk. Pour the mixture into clean jars and seal them. After preparation, leave the glasses to cool in the refrigerator. Food Accessories Operating Temperature in °C Cooking time mode in min. Yeast dumplings Baking tray Steam cooking 100 20 25 Creme caramel Mould + wire rack Steam cooking 90 - 95 15 - 20 Sweet bake (e. g. semolina pudding) Ovenproof dish + wire CircoSteam ® 160 170 50 - 60 rack Rice pudding* Baking tray Steam cooking 100 25 35 Yoghurt* Portion- sized glasses + Steam cooking 40 300 - 360 wire rack Apple compote Baking tray Steam cooking 100 10 - 15 Pear compote Baking tray Steam cooking 100 10 - 15 Cherry compote Baking tr...