Fabricante : Escient
Arquivo Tamanho: 3.96 mb
Arquivo Nome : ecd41e81-358b-4c8a-9b0e-675b10b4bdb6.pdf

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Facilidade de uso
Escient is committed to providing our customers the most technologically advanced, yet easier- than-ever to use products that converge the power of the Internet with home entertainment. To maximize your enjoyment, please take a few minutes to review this User’s Manual. It will guide you through all the features and benefits of your new FireBall. If you should need assistance please call our Customer Support Staff at 800.372.4368 The Escient Team ProDUct IntroDUctIon 6 About this MANuAl 6 REcoRd YouR sERiAl NuMbER 6 MANuAl disclAiMERs 6 WARNiNGs ANd PREcAutioNs 7 tRAdEMARks & sERvicE MARks 8 WARRANtY iNfoRMAtioN 9 EsciENt PRivAcY PolicY 11 coNtAct iNfoRMAtioN 11 coPYRiGht 11 tERMs ANd dEfiNitioNs 12 SetUP 13 PoWER stAtEs 13 fRoNt PANEl ovERviEW 14 REAR PANEl ovERviEW 15 REMotE ovERviEW 16 ENtERiNG tExt With thE REMotE coNtRol 17 entering numeric entry Mode 17 typing characters with the remote 17 connectIng external DISc changerS 19 Supported external changers 19 connecting Sony DVP-cx777eS cD/DVD changers 20 connecting Kenwood cD/DVD changers 21 connecting Sony cD changers 22 loAdiNG dvd MoviE discs iNto chANGERs 23 automatically getting Disc Information 24 getting Disc Information for a range of Discs 25 getting Disc Information for all Discs 26 FireBall™ s Manual PAGE 2 aDDItIonal connectIon anD hooKUP lIStenIng to MUSIc 40 bRoWsiNG YouR Music libRARY 40 InForMatIon 27 shoW ANd hidE tRAcks 40 diGitAl Audio iNPuts 27 PlAYiNG thE cuRRENt titlE 41 Audio outPuts 27 sElEctiNG A diffERENt soNG 41 vidEo outPuts 28 chANGiNG thE GuidE viEW 42 Rs-232 coNNEctioNs 29 View By artist 42 iNtERNAl ModEM coNNEctioNs 29 View By cover 42 iR coNNEctioNs 29 chANGiNG thE cuRRENt PlAY ModE 43 EthERNEt coNNEctioNs 30 viEWiNG bY GENRE 44 ExtERNAl chANGER coNNEctioNs 32 changer types 32 control connections 32 lIStenIng to Internet raDIo 45 Digital audio connections 32 bRoWsiNG iNtERNEt RAdio stAtioNs 45 analog audio connections 32 PlAYiNG thE cuRRENt stAtioN 46 Sony cD Mega changer hookup 32 Sony DVD/cD changer hookup 33 33 ManagIng YoUr MeDIa 47 Kenwood DVD/cD changer hookup cREAtiNG PlAYlists 47 cREAtiNG GRouPs 48 regIStratIon 34 AddiNG iNtERNEt RAdio stAtioNs 49 tEstiNG A bRoAdbANd coNNEctioN 34 uPdAtiNG thE iNtERNEt RAdio stAtioNs list 50 tEstiNG A diAluP coNNEctioN 35 EditiNG MoviE iNfoRMAtioN 51 editing Disc Info 51 watchIng DVD MoVIeS 37 automatically lookup Information for this Disc 52 Searching for Movie Information Manually 53 bRoWsiNG YouR MoviE libRARY 37 tips for Searching for Movies 53 PlAYiNG thE cuRRENt MoviE 37 Selecting an existing cover 54 sElEctiNG A diffERENt MoviE 38 edit Description 55 Movie Info 38 EditiNG Music iNfoRMAtioN 56 chANGiNG thE GuidE viEW 38 editing track names 57 View By title 38 automatically lookup Information for this Disc 58 View By cover 38 Searching for the original cover 59 viEWiNG bY GENRE 39 tips for Searching for covers 59 FireBall™ s Manual PAGE 3 Selecting an existing cover 60 external control 85 EditiNG RAdio iNfoRMAtioN 61 suRRouNd ModE sEttiNGs 85 EditiNG PlAYlists 62 iNstAlliNG thE EtP touch PANEl 86 EditiNG GRouPs 63 calibrating the touch Panel 87 dElEtiNG Music 64 changing the touch Panel Button overlay 88 dElEtiNG PlAYlists 65 Using Your touch Panel 88 dElEtiNG GRouPs 66 iR REMotE coNtRol 89 diREct AccEss codEs 90 PlAYlist hot kEYs 93 SettIng USer PreFerenceS 67 sERiAl coM PoRts 94 sEttiNG thE scREEN sAvER PREfERENcEs 67 coNtRolliNG fiREbAll fRoM othER dEvicEs 95 activation Idle time 67 other Modes 67 retail Demo Mode 68 FIreBall UtIlItIeS 96 sEttiNG YouR tiME ZoNE 69 GEttiNG iNfoRMAtioN About YouR fiREbAll 96 custoMiZAblE usER iNtERfAcE 70 REstARtiNG thE sYstEM 97 ENAbliNG PAssWoRd PRotEctioN 71 uPdAtiNG thE softWARE 98 MoviE RAtiNGs 72 choosiNG YouR NEtWoRk coNNEctioN 73 controllIng FIreBall FroM a weB testing the Your connection 74 ethernet Settings 75 BrowSer 99 Dialup Settings 76 sEttiNG uP thE fiREbAll WEb sERvER 99 sEttiNG thE fiREbAll sERvER sEttiNGs 77 usiNG thE WEb usER iNtERfAcE 99 diGitAl iNPut PREfERENcEs 78 vidEo outPut PREfERENcEs 79 networKeD aUDIo USIng FIreBall MUSIc Video Format 79 clIentS 100 centering the FireBall Screen 80 sERvERs 100 adjusting your tV’s Brightness 81 cliENts 100 adjusting your tV’s contrast 82 locAtiNG thE fiREbAll cliENts ANd sERvERs 101 adjusting your tV’s Sharpness 83 central 101 adjusting your tV’s color and tint 84 Distributed 102 coNfiGuRiNG A fiREbAll sERvER 103 coNfiGuRiNG A fiREbAll cliENt 103 FireBall™ s Manual PAGE 4 networking 103 Server Selection 103 eScIent technIcal SUPPort 104 troUBleShootIng 105 NEtWoRk PRoblEMs 105 softWARE uPdAtE PRoblEMs 105 REcoRdiNG PRoblEMs 105 aDDItIonal InForMatIon 106 sPEcificAtioNs 106 Video Specifications 106 audio Specifications 106 Physical Specifications 106 3rd Party certifcations 106 Fcc Part 15, Subpart B 106 gracenote® enD-USer lIcenSe agreeMent 107 FireBall™ s Manual PAGE 5 ProDUct IntroDUctIon Thank you for purchasing a FireBall Media Management system from Escient (a division of D&M ...