1 Open meter, insert 10-test disc, close meter. 2 Pull (a) and push (b) handle to expose test strip. 3 Apply sample. 1 3 2 ba Bayer Diabetes Care Helpline: 1-800-268-7200 IntroductIon IntroductIon1ALookAtYourMeter2expLAnAtIonofdIspLAYsYMboLs4testIngMAterIALs6EvEryday usE InsertIngA10-testdIsc7runnIngAbLoodgLucosetest10marking a deleted blood test 17understanding your test results 18runnIngAcontroLtest20marking a control test 22BEyond EvEryday usE recALLIngtestresuLts24viewing your averages 25cle