Facilidade de uso
Indicator Words: • Flashto promptnext step. • Indicatestatusofprogrammedfunction. • Showprogrammedfunctionwhenrecalled. • Showovenselected. U -isthe upperoven;L -istheloweroven. (ModelWW30430) Chimes vs. Beeps • A chimesoundis usedto designatetheend of a timingor cooking operation. • A beep sound will be heard when any pad is touched. A series of short beeps are used to designateanincorrectentry,door isopenwhensetforaself-clean,probeneedstoberemoved and a fauttcode. End of Cycle Chimes: • Theendofcyclechimesisfourshortchimesfollowedby"reminder"chimes foraspecified lengthoftime,untilyoucancelthatfunction. FortheTimerfunction,therearetwo"reminder" chimes every 30 seconds for five minutes. For the Timed Cook, functions there is one "reminder"chime every minuteforten minutes.Tocancelthese"reminder"chimes,touchthe appropriate pad again (either the Timer Pad or Cook TimePad). You may also touch the Cancel OffPad tocancelthe"reminder"chimes,but itwilla/socancelallotheroven functions. • Ifyouwouldliketoeliminateallthe"reminder"chimesentirely,touchandholdthe Caneel Off Padfor twelveseconds. (Thiswillnot eliminatethe initialfourshortchimes). • To return the"reminder"chimes,touchandholdtheCancelOff Padfor twelve seconds. [NOTE: _enn-AirT_chang_the_v_nt_a24h_urc__ck_r_e_s`us(C)degr__s_c_ntacty_urauth___zedl Service Contractor or installer, 7 To set oven on Bake or Convect Bake or Convect Roast 1. Place ovenracksonproperrackpositions.(See page 9.) 2. Touch Bake Pad or Convect Bake Pad or Convect Roast Pad, IndicatorWords BAKE or CONV BAKE or CONV ROAST will flash and three dashes will be shown. Note: If morethanfive secondselapsebetweentouchinga pad and touchinga numberpad, Displaywill returnto previousDisplay. 3. Touch the appropriate number pads for desired oven temperature. Allowable temperature range is 100° to 550°F. After five seconds the oven will beginto preheat. The IndicatorWordsON, PREHEAT,andeither BAKE orCONV BAKEorCONVROASTwillappearintheDisplay. Thetemperatureshownwill be 100° or the oven temperature whichever is higher. Example: If at 10 o'clock you set the oven for 350° for convect baking, after five seconds the Display will show: I0:00 During the preheat,theDisplaywill showarise in5° incrementsuntil programmed temperature is reached. When the oven is preheated,the oven will chime, the ON and PREHEAT Indicator Words will go off, and programmed oven temperature will remain in the Display. Note: Oven will preheat for approximately 7 to 11 minutes. Important: Whenever ON appears in the Display, the oven is heating. To recall temperature sat during preheat: Touch the appropriate Bake Pad or Conveot Bake Pad orConvect RoastPad. Temperaturewillbebrieflydisplayed, then will automatically return to on-going program. Tochange temperatureset: Touchappropriate Bake Pador Convect BakePad or Convect RoastPadand the appropriatenumber pads forthe new desired temperature. Note:If youare loweringthetemperaturebelowthe currentoventemperature,the indicatorWords PREHEAT and ON will appear briefly in the Display and the preheatchimewillsound. Then,the Displaywillshowprogrammedtemperature and indicatorword BAKEorCONV BAKEor CONV ROASTonly. 4. TouchCancel Off Pad to turnovenoff at end of baking.The ovenwillcontinue operatinguntilthe Cancel Off Pad is touched. Therackpositionsnotedaregenerallyrecommendedfor thebestbrowningresultsand mostefficientcookingtimes. Formanyfooditems,excellentresultscanbeachieved whenusingoneofseveraldifferentrackpositions. Referto bakingand roastingsections for recommendationsfor specificfoods. Different Racks Twoflatracksandoneoffsetrackwerepackagedwithyouroven. The useoftheoffset rackis denoted in the list below and the chartsas an "o" after the racknumber. Note WW30430 Owners: An additional offset rack and flat were packaged in your oven. _'_F 4 (flat rack) 3o (offsetrack) 1 (flat rack) Rack Uses Rack Position #4o (offset rack on #4): Most broiling. Rack Position #3: Most baked goods on cookie sheets, cakes (sheet and layer). Rack Position#30 (offsetrack on #3): Mostbakedgoodson cookiesheets,frozenconveniencefoods,freshfruit pie,cream pie, layer cakes, main dish souffle. Rack Position#2: Roasting small cuts of meat, cakes (tube, bundt or layer), frozen fruit pie, pie shell, large casseroles. Rack Position #20 (offset rack on #2): Roastingsmall cuts of meat, loaves of bread, angel food cake. Rack Position #1: Large cuts of meat and large poultry, angel food cake, loaves of bread, custard pie, dessert souffle. MultipleRack Cooking: Two racks, use #20and #4. Three racks, use #1,#30,and #4. When electrical power is supplied or after power interruption, the last clock time displayedbeforepowerwasinterruptedwillflash. Timewilladvanceandcontinueto flash until clock is reset. BASI_ INS_UCTiONS 12;To_haP_PNate:: numberPadS:I TosetTimeofDay I,TouchClockPad. Indicatorword TIME will flash and time digits will appear in the Display. (If more than five seconds elapse between touching Clock Pad and touching a nu...
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