Facilidade de uso
DANGER To reduce the risk of electric shock: 1. Do not reach for a corded razor that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately. 2. Use razor only in dry condition. Do not use a razor while bathing or in a shower. 3. Do not submerge razor in water. 4. Do not place or store a razor where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink. Do not place or drop a razor into water or other liquid. 5. Always unplug this razor from the electrical outlet immediately after use, except when razor is (re)charging. 6. Remove power supply cord from razor before cleaning. WARNING To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons: 1. Close supervision is necessary when this razor is used by, on, or near children or invalids. 2. Use this razor for its intended household use as described in this manual. Do not use attachments not recommended by Philips Electronics North America Corporation. 3. Never operate this razor if it has a damaged cord or charging plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water while plugged in. For assistance call 1-800-243-3050. ENGLI SH 4. Keep the razor, cord and charging plug away from heated surfaces. 5. Never drop or insert any object into any opening. 6. Do not charge or plug in razor outdoors or operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administered. 7. Do not use this razor with a damaged or broken comb, as facial injury may occur. 8. For corded use, always attach plug to razor first, then to outlet. Be certain that plug is inserted firmly into razor, up to mark indicated on plug. To disconnect, turn razor off then remove charging plug from outlet. 9. Never put the razor in direct sunlight or store in a pouch at a temperature above 140°F. 10. Razor can be rinsed under running tap water. Do not operate razor corded until fully dried. 11. To prevent possible damage to the cord, do not wrap cord around the razor. 12. Only use the power plug supplied with the razor. SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT: The power plug contains a transformer. Do not cut off the power plug to replace it with another plug, as this will cause a hazardous condition. ENGLISH 6 45 -DAy MONEy-BACK GUARANTEE To en joy th e c loses t an d mo s t c om for t ab le shave f rom your n ew Phil i ps No relco Me n ’s Razor, t h e r a z o r should b e u se d exc l u sive ly fo r 3 week s. Th is allows you r ha i r and sk in e n ou gh t ime t o a dap t to t h e Ph ilips Norelc o Shav in g Syste m . I f, a f ter that per iod of time , you a re no t fully sa ti s f i e d w i th yo ur P h i lips Nore lc o M en’s Ra zo r, s e nd t h e p ro du c t ba ck along with d a t ed sa l es re ceipt and we’ll refu n d you the fu ll purc h a se pr ic e . The razor must b e s h ipped pre p ai d by insure d m ai l, insura n ce prepa id, and have the orig ina l sales receipt, i n dicat ing pu r- cha s e pr ice an d the d ate of p urc ha se , e ncl ose d . We cannot b e respon- si bl e for l ost m ai l. The razor mus t b e p ostm ar ke d no late r t ha n 4 5 days fro m the d at e of pu rchas e . Philips No relco reser ves the right to verif y t he purch ase price o f the razor a n d li mi t ref u nd s not to e x cee d s u g geste d re t a il price . To o btai n m on ey-back guarante e retu r n au t ho ri za tio n form, cal l 1 -8 0 0-243-30 5 0 for a s sistance . Pl ea se al l ow 4-6 weeks for d el i ver y o f c heck . ENGL ISH Table of Contents Features .........................................................8-9 LED Indicators ............................................. 10 Before First Use ........................................... 10 Charging ................................................... 10-12 Recharging ..................................................... 12 Quick Charge ............................................... 12 Put It To The Test & Shaving Tips ........ 12-13 How to Shave With An Electric Razor ......................................... 13-14 Trimming ........................................................ 14 Cleaning.................................................... 15-19 Replacing Razor Heads .............................. 20 Storage............................................................ 20 Assistance ...................................................... 21 Accessories ................................................... 22 Warranty........................................................ 23 8 9 Spring-Release Trimmer Automatic Worldwide Voltage 100V to 240V AC Cleaning Brush Rechargeable - Initial 4-hour full charge for up to 55 minutes of cordless shave time 1-Hour Quick Charge Cordless/Cord - To shave with or without a cord Full 2-Year Warranty 45-Day Money-Back Guarantee ENGLISH ENGLISH How the Unique Philips Norelco Lift and Cut Shaving System Makes Close Comfortable: Groove channels beard closer to cutting system Lifter raises hair Slots to cut long hairs Holes to cut short hairs even closer Features Razor Head Assembl...
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