Facilidade de uso
- To prevent damage and injuries, keep the oper
ating appliance (with or without attachment)
away from scalp hair, face, eyebrows, eyelash
es, clothes, threads, cords, brushes etc.
- Do not use precision trimming attachments
without comb on intimate areas other than the
bikini line, as this could cause injury.
- Do not use any exfoliation brush immediately
after epilation, as this may intensify possible
skin irritation caused by epilation.
- Do not use bath or shower oils when you epi
late wet skin, as this may cause serious skin irri
- Charge, use and store the appliance at a tem
perature between 10°C and 35°C.
- If your appliance is equipped with a light for
optimal use, do not look directly into the light to
avoid being dazzled by it.
- Do not use the adapter in or near wall sockets
that contain or have contained an electric air
freshener to prevent irreparable damage to the
- Never use compressed air, scouring pads, abra
sive cleaning agents or aggressive liquids such
as petrol or acetone to clean the appliance.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
- This Philips appliance complies with all applica
ble standards and regulations regarding expo
sure to electromagnetic fields.
- This appliance is waterproof (Fig. 2). It is suit
able for use in the bath or shower and for
cleaning under the tap. For safety reasons, the
appliance can therefore only be used without
- The appliance is suitable for mains voltages
ranging from 100 to 240 volts.
- The adapter transforms 100-240 volts to a safe
low voltage of less than 24 volts.
- This symbol means that this product shall not
be disposed of with normal household waste
(2012/19/EU) (Fig. 3).
- This symbol means that this product contains a
built-in rechargeable battery which shall not be
disposed of with normal household waste (Fig.
4) (2006/66/EC). We strongly advise you to
take your product to an official collection point
or a Philips service centre to have a profession
al remove the rechargeable battery.
- Follow your country’s rules for the separate
collection of electrical and electronic products
and rechargeable batteries. Correct disposal
helps prevent negative consequences for the
environment and human health.
Removing the rechargeable
Warning: Only remove the rechargeable bat
tery when you discard the appliance. Make
sure the battery is completely empty when
you remove it.
Check if there are screws in the back or front of
the appliance. If so, remove them.
2 Remove the back and/or front panel of the
appliance with a screwdriver. If necessary, also
remove additional screws and/or parts until you
see the printed circuit board with the recharge
able battery.
3 Remove the rechargeable battery.
Guarantee and support
If you need information or support, please visit
www.philips.com/support or read the separate
worldwide guarantee leaflet.
Guarantee restrictions
Cutting units are not covered by the terms of the
international guarantee because they are subject
to wear.
Vigtige sikkerhedsoplysninger
Læs disse vigtige oplysninger omhyggeligt igen
nem, inden apparatet og tilbehøret tages i brug, og
gem dem til eventuel senere brug. Det medfølgen
de tilbehør kan variere for forskellige produkter.
- Hold adapteren tør (fig. 1).
- Brug ikke en forlængerledning til at oplade ap
- Adapteren indeholder en transformator. Klip ik
ke adapteren af for at udskifte den med et an
det stik, da dette vil føre til farlige situationer.
- Apparatet må kun oplades med den medleve
rede adapter.
- Dette apparat må bruges af børn fra 8 år og op
efter og personer med reducerede fysiske, sen
soriske eller mentale evner eller manglende er
faring og viden, hvis de er blevet instrueret i sik
ker brug af apparatet og forstår de medfølgen
de risici. Lad ikke børn lege med apparatet.
Rengøring og vedligeholdelse må ikke foretages
af børn uden opsyn.
- Tag altid stikket ud af apparatet, inden det skyl
les under vandhanen.
- Indfør ikke metalholdige genstande i stikkon
takten til apparatet for at undgå kortslutning.
- Kontroller altid apparatet, inden du anvender
det. Anvend ikke apparatet, hvis det er beskadi
get, da dette kan forårsage personskade. Ud
skift altid en beskadiget del med en tilsvarende
original type.
- Brug aldrig vand, der er varmere end badetem
peratur (maks. 40°C), når du skyller apparatet.
- Brug kun apparatet til det tilsigtede formål som
vist i brugervejledningen.
- Af hygiejniske grunde bør apparatet kun anven
des af en og samme person.