Instruções de Operação Texas Instruments, Modelo TI-85
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Before you begin, check the basic setup with 2nd MORE (MODE) . Use the following instructions to choose the settings shown in Figure 1. Check the window format with GRAPH MORE F3 (FORMT) . Choose the settings shown in Figure 2. • If you do not have the darkened choices shown in Figures 1 and 2 (below), use the arrow keys to move the blinking cursor over the setting you want to choose and press ENTER . • Press EXIT or 2nd EXIT (QUIT) to return to the home screen. TI-85, 86 Basic Setup TI-85, 86 Window Setup FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 For the TI-85 Return to the home screen with (QUIT) . Specify the statistical EXIT or 2nd EXIT setup as shown in Figure 3 by pressing 2nd – (LIST) F1 ({) 0 F2 (}) STO7 (L) ALPHA 1 ENTER 2nd (ENTRY) ENTER 2 ENTER . (See Figure 3.) Press (QUIT) to return to the home screen. EXIT or 2nd EXIT For the TI-86 Return to the home screen with (QUIT) . Specify the statistical EXIT or 2nd EXIT setup as shown in Figure 6 by pressing 2nd – (LIST) F5 (OPS) MORE (SetLE) MORE MORE ALPHA F3 7 (L) 1 , Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. B-1 B-2 TI-85/TI-86 Graphing Calculators ALPHA 7 (L) 2 , ALPHA 7 (L) 3 , ALPHA 7 (L) 4 , ALPHA 7 (L) 5 ENTER . (See Figure 4.) Press EXIT or 2nd EXIT (QUIT) to return to the home screen. TI-85 Statistical Setup TI- 86 Statistical Setup FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 TI-86 Note: Because appropriate TI-86 computer linking software had not yet been perfected at the time this material was written, TI-86 screens in this Guide appear smaller than the TI85 screens. Screens that appear the same on both calculators are shown for the TI-85. Basic Operation You should be familiar with the basic operation of your calculator. With calculator in hand, go through each of the following. 1. CALCULATING You can type in lengthy expressions; just make sure that you use parentheses when you are not sure of the calculator’s order of operations. As a general rule, numerators and denominators of fractions and powers consisting of more than one term should be enclosed in parentheses. Evaluate 1 4 * 15 , 895 7 . Evaluate (-3)4 . 5 8 , 1. 456 . (Use (–) for the negative symbol and . for the subtraction sign.) Evaluate e3*0.027 and e3*0.027. The calculator will assume you mean the first expression unless you use parentheses around the two values in the exponent. (It is not necessary to type in the 0 before the decimal point.) 2. USING THE ANS MEMORY Instead of again typing an expression that was evaluated immediately prior, use the answer memory by pressing 2nd (–) (ANS) . Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Calculate 1 4*15 , 895 7 . e « « . .. -1 using this nice shortcut. (If you wish to clear the home screen, press CLEAR .) The Oto a fractionO key is obtained by pressing 2nd 5 (MATH) F5 (MISC) MORE F1 (Frac) . The calculator’s symbol for Otimes 1012O is 12. Thus, 7.94512 means 7,945,000,000,000. The result 1.4675–6 means 1.4675*10–6, the scientific notation expression for 0.0000014675. Chapter 1 B-3 3. ANSWER DISPLAY When the denominator of a fraction has no more than three digits, your calculator can provide the answer in fraction form. When an answer is very large or very small, the calculator displays the result in scientific notation. ‹ E E E ‹‹ 4. STORING VALUES Sometimes it is beneficial to store numbers or expressions for later recall. To store a number, type the number on the display and press STO . (Note that the cursor automatically changes to alphabetic mode when you press STO .) Next, press the key corresponding to the letter in which you wish to store the value, and then press ENTER . To join several short commands together, use 2nd (:). Store 5 in A and 3 in B, and then calculate 4 A . 2B. To recall a value stored in a variable, use ALPHA to type the letter in which the expression or value is stored and then press ENTER . The value stays stored until you change it. 5. ERROR MESSAGES When your input is incorrect, an error message is displayed. If you have more than one command on a line without the commands separated by a colon (:), an error message results when you press ENTER . Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. B-4 TI-85/TI-86 Graphing Calculators Choose F1 (Goto) to position the cursor to the place the error occurred so that you can correct the mistake or choose F5 (Quit) to begin a new line on the home screen. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 Ingredients of Change: Functions and Linear Models • 1.1 Fundamentals of Modeling There are many uses for a function that is entered in the graphing list. Graphing the function in an appropriate viewing window is one of these. Because you must enter all functions on one line (that is, you cannot write fractions and exponents the same way you do on paper) it is very important to have a good understanding of the calculatorOs order of operations and to use parentheses whenever they are needed. 1.1.1 ENTERING AN EQUATION IN THE GRAPHING LIST Press (y(x)=)...
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