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SDRAM RAS Precharge Time This controls the idle clocks after issuing a precharge command to the SDRAM. NOTE: This field will only be adjustable when SDRAM Configuration is set to [User Define]. SDRAM RAS to CAS Delay This controls the latency between the SDRAM active command and the read/write command. NOTE: This field will only be adjustable when SDRAM Configuration is set to [User Define]. AGP 4X Supported [Enabled] This feature allows the CPU to write directly to the AGP card for up to 30% performance gain over standard AGP 4X mode. Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled] 4. BIOS SETUPChip Configuration ASUS A7M266-D User’s Manual 57 4. BIOS SETUP 4. BIOS SETUPChip Configuration AGP Fast Write [Disabled] Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled] AGP Compensation [Bypass] Configuration options: [Bypass] [Auto] AGP Signal Driving [Auto] Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual] Graphics Aperture Size [32MB] This feature allows you to select the size of mapped memory for AGP graphic data. Configuration options: [32MB] [64MB] [128MB] [256MB] [512MB] Video Memory Cache Mode [UC] USWC (uncacheable, speculative write combining) is a new cache technology for the video memory of the processor. It can greatly improve the display speed by caching the display data. You must set this to UC (uncacheable) if your display card cannot support this feature; otherwise your system may not boot. Configuration options: [UC] [USWC] Software DDR PDL Delay [Auto] Configuration options: [Auto] [Manual] Delayed Transaction [Disabled] Leave on default setting. [Enabled] frees the PCI Bus when the CPU is accessing 8-bit ISA devices that normally consume about 50-60 PCI Clocks without PCI delayed transaction. Select [Disabled] for ISA devices that are not PCI 2.1 compliant. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] PCI to DRAM Prefetch [Disabled] Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] AGP to DRAM Prefetch [Enabled] Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] S2K Slew Rate Control [3] Configuration options: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] Onboard PCI IDE Enable [Both] You can select to enable the primary IDE channel, secondary IDE channel, both, or disable both channels. Configuration options: [Both] [Primary] [Secondary] [Disabled] 58 ASUS A7M266-D User’s Manual 4. BIOS SETUP 4.4.2 I/O Device Configuration Onboard FDC Swap A & B [No Swap] This field allows you to reverse the hardware drive letter assignments of your floppy disk drives. Configuration options: [No Swap] [Swap AB] Floppy Disk Access Control [R/W] Set this field to read and write the floppy disk (R/W). Change to [Read Only] for reading disks. Onboard Serial Port 1 [3F8H/IRQ4] Onboard Serial Port 2 [2F8H/IRQ3] These fields allow you to set the addresses for the onboard serial connectors. Serial Port 1 and Serial Port 2 must have different addresses. Configuration options: [3F8H/IRQ4] [2F8H/IRQ3] [3E8H/IRQ4] [2E8H/IRQ10] [Disabled] UART2 Use Infrared [Disabled] When enabled, this field activates the onboard standard infrared feature and sets the second serial UART to support the infrared module connector on the motherboard. If your system already has a second serial port connected to the onboard COM2 connector, it will no longer work if you enable the infrared feature. See Standard and Consumer Infrared Module Connector in 3.8 External Connectors. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled] Onboard Parallel Port [378H/IRQ7] This field sets the address of the onboard parallel port connector. If you disable this feature, Parallel Port Mode and ECP DMA Select configurations will not be available. Configuration options: [Disabled] [378H/IRQ7] [278H/IRQ5] 4. BIOS SETUPI/O Device Config. ASUS A7M266-D User’s Manual 59 4. BIOS SETUP 4. BIOS SETUPPCI Configuration Parallel Port Mode [ECP+EPP] This field allows you to set the operation mode of the parallel port. [Normal] allows normal-speed operation but in one direction only; [EPP] allows bidirectional parallel port operation; [ECP] allows the parallel port to operate in bidirectional DMA mode; [ECP+EPP] allows normal speed operation in a two-way mode. Configuration options: [Normal] [ECP] [EPP] [ECP+EPP] ECP DMA Select [3] This field allows you to configure the parallel port DMA channel for the selected ECP mode. This selection is available only if you select [ECP] or [ECP+EPP] in Parallel Port Mode above. Configuration options: [1] [3] I-Panel Hot Key Mapping [Group 1] If installing an optional I-Panel, then you must install Configuration options: [Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] [Group 4] I-Panel Update Timer [Disabled] Configuration options: [Disabled] [8 seconds] [16 Seconds] [32 Seconds] 4.4.3 PCI Configuration Slot 1, Slot 2/3, Slot 4, Slot 5 IRQ [Auto] These fields set how IRQ use is determined for each PCI slot. The default setting for each field is [Auto], which utilizes auto-routing to determine IRQ use. Configuration options: [Auto] [NA] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] 60 ASUS A7M266-D User’s Manual 4. BIO...