por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
b. If you are creating a Sysprep donor image for deployment, installation of
this driver will need to be attended only during the donor-image creation.
c. If you are using IBM ImageUltra Builder, you must prepare a Portable
Sysprep Image. SMBus needs to be a part of the base image. If you do not
want every computer to have SMBus as part of the base image, then you
will need to create two base images.
2. IBM Client Security Software Code
3. Administrator Password and Private key pair defined
4. Install IBM Client Security Software applets (File and Folder Encryption and
Password Manager, if required in the policy file must be installed. See the IBM
Client Security Installation’s Guide for installing silently these applets)
After the three components listed above are added to the donor system, the
Embedded Security Subsystem hardware-(the security chip)-must be initialized. To
initiate a mass installation, complete the following procedure:
1. Create the CSEC.INI file. (You can create the CSEC.INI file, using the Client
Security Wizard: CSECWIZ.EXE in Security directory. After completing the
wizard, mark the check box beside Save settings, but do not configure
subsystem. (Settings will be saved in C:\CSEC.INI).
2. Extract the contents of the IBM Client Security Software installation package
(csecxxxxx_00xx.exe) with Winzip using folder names.
3. Edit the szIniPath and szDir entries, which are required for a mass
configuration, in the SETUP.ISS file. The szIniPath parameter is required for
mass configuration. (See complete SETUP.ISS file below.)
4. Copy the files to the target system.
5. Create the \setup -s command-line statement. Run the command-line statement
from the desktop of a user who has administrator rights. The Startup program
group or the Run key is a good place to do this.
6. Remove the command-line statement on the next boot.
The full contents of the setup.iss file is listed below with several descriptions:
[InstallShield Silent] Version=v6.00.000 File=Response File szIniPath=d:\csec.ini
(The above parameter is the name and location of the .ini file, which is required for mass
configuration. If the location of the .ini file is on a network drive, it must be mapped. If
you are performing a silent installation that is not part of a mass configuration, remove
this entry. If you want to install IBM Client Security Software only, delete
szIniPath=d:\csec.ini from the above line of code. If you want to install and configure,
leave that command in place and verify the path.)
[FileTransfer] OverwrittenReadOnly=NoToAll [{7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76BD941EE13AD96}-
DlgOrder] Dlg0={7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-
SdLicense-0 Count=4 Dlg1={7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-
SdAskDestPath-0 Dlg2={7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-
SdSelectFolder-0 Dlg3={7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-
SdFinishReboot-0 [{7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-SdLicense-0]
Result=1 [{7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-SdAskDestPath-0]
szDir=C:\Program Files\IBM\Security
(The above parameter is the directory used to install Client Security. It must be local to the
[{7BD2CFF6-B037-47D6-A76B-D941EE13AD96}-SdSelectFolder-0] szFolder=IBM Client Security Software
(The above parameter is the program group for Client Security.)
IBM Client Security Software Version 5.30 Deployment Guide