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The BIOS file is included in an automated update utility that combines the functionality of the Intel Flash Memory Update Utility and the ease of use of Windows-based installation wizards. To update the BIOS with the Intel Express BIOS Update utility: 1. Go to the Intel World Wide Web site: 2. Navigate to the DH57DD page. Under the “Software and drivers” heading, click on “Latest BIOS” to locate the latest BIOS files. Click on the “BIOS Update” link and select the Express BIOS Update file. 3. Download the file to your hard drive. (You can also save this file to a removable USB device. This is useful if you are updating the BIOS for multiple identical systems.) 4. Close all other applications. This step is required. Your system will be rebooted at the last Express BIOS Update window. 5. Double-click the executable file from the location on your hard drive where it was saved. This runs the update program. 6. Follow the instructions provided in the dialog boxes to complete the BIOS update. Intel Desktop Board DH57DD Product Guide Updating the BIOS with the ISO Image BIOS Update File or the Intel® Flash Memory Update Utility You can use the information in this section to update the BIOS using either the Intel Flash Memory Update Utility or the ISO Image BIOS update file. Obtaining the BIOS Update File You can update to a new version of the BIOS by using the ISO Image BIOS update file (recommended), or Intel Flash Memory BIOS update file. The ISO Image BIOS update file is a standardized image of a bootable CD-ROM that can be used to create a bootable CD that will update the BIOS. The Intel Flash Memory BIOS update file is a compressed file that contains the files you need to update the BIOS. The BIOS update file contains: • New BIOS file (including the Intel® Management Engine (Intel® ME) Firmware Image)) • Intel® Integrator Toolkit Configuration File (optional) • Intel Flash Memory Update Utility You can obtain either of these files through your computer supplier or by navigating to the Intel Desktop Board DH57DD page on the Intel World Wide Web site at Navigate to the DH57DD page. Under the “Software and drivers” heading, click on “Latest BIOS” to locate the latest BIOS files. Click on the “BIOS Update” link and select the ISO Image BIOS Update file or the Intel Flash Memory BIOS Update file. Updating the BIOS with the ISO Image BIOS Update File The ISO Image BIOS update allows for the update of an Intel® Desktop Board BIOS to the latest production release regardless of the operating system installed on the computer's hard drive and without the need to remove the BIOS configuration jumper. It requires a blank CD-R, a read/writeable CD drive, and software capable of uncompressing and writing the ISO image file to CD. The image uses ISOLINUX* bootloader and automatically launches a script to upgrade the BIOS via the Intel Flash Memory Utility. Updating the BIOS CAUTION Do not interrupt the process or the system may not function properly. Follow these instructions to upgrade the BIOS using the ISO Image BIOS file: 1. Download the ISO Image BIOS file. 2. Using software capable of uncompressing and writing an ISO image file to CD, burn the data to a blank CD. NOTE Copying the ISO Image BIOS file to CD will not work. The completed CD should contain multiple files and a directory. 3. Insert the CD that was created in the CD-ROM drive of the computer to be upgraded and boot the system. 4. When the "Press ENTER to continue booting from CD-ROM" prompt appears, press the Enter key. The system will boot from the hard drive if no key is pressed within 15 seconds. 5. At the "Welcome to the Intel Desktop Board BIOS Upgrade CD-ROM" page, press any key to confirm the BIOS upgrade operation. 6. Wait for the BIOS upgrade process to complete. CAUTION DO NOT POWER DOWN YOUR COMPUTER before the update is complete. The update may take up to 5 minutes. Updating the BIOS with the Intel Flash Memory Update Utility With the Intel Flash Memory Update Utility you can update the system BIOS from a bootable CD-ROM, bootable USB flash drive, or other bootable USB media. The utility available on the Intel World Wide Web site provides a simple method for creating a bootable CD-ROM that will automatically update your BIOS. The BIOS update files can also be extracted locally to your hard drive and copied to a bootable USB flash drive or other bootable USB media. The Intel Flash Memory Update Utility allows you to: • Update the BIOS and Intel Management Engine in flash memory • Update the language section of the BIOS NOTE Review the instructions distributed with the update utility before attempting a BIOS update. Intel Desktop Board DH57DD Product Guide CAUTION Do not interrupt the process or the system may not function properly. 1. Uncompress the BIOS update file and copy the .BIO file, IFLASH.EXE, and .ITK file (optional) to a bootable US...