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It is important that you follow the operating instructions of this program. You will find the program under: Start • All programs • Accessories • System Tools • Backup Make a backup and another backup of selected data to an external medium (CD-R), to familiarise yourself with the technique. A backup is unsuitable if you are not able to recover the data, the medium (CD-R, CD-RW) is defective or no longer available. FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions Do I still have to install the enclosed CDs/DVDs? Do I still have to install the enclosed CDs/DVDs? No. Basically all programs are already preinstalled. The disks are only intended as backup copies. When is the recovery of the factory setting recommended? This method should be chosen as the last resort. Read chapter “System recovery” on page 76 concerning the alternatives possible. Why is the boot partition missing when booting from the support/ application CD? The first partition is formatted with the file system NTFS. Compared to FAT32 this file system offers more security and a more efficient access. However, NTFS partitions can only be read from operating systems supporting this. This is not the case in the aforementioned CD. Appendix Help Operation Connecting Safety Customer service & self help 81 Customer service Troubleshooting Errors can have simple causes, but sometimes they are caused by faulty equipment. We would like to give you some ideas to solve common problems. Should these instructions not lead to success, please feel free to call us. Localise the cause Visibly check all cables and connections. Should all lights be off, check whether all equipment is supplied with power. • Check power points, power cable and all power switches. • Switch off the PC and check all cable connections. Check the connections to peripherals. Do not exchange cables, even though they may look similar. The polarity in those cables may be different. When it is confirmed that the computer has power and all connections are correct, turn the computer on again. Frequent use of the programs Disk Defragmenter and Disk Cleanup will help you to avoid problems with your operating system. The tool "System Information", available in the program folder "System Tools" is also very useful. Customer service Errors and possible causes The monitor is blank. • Confirm that the system is not in stand-by mode. Press any key on the keyboard to test this out. Wrong Date and Time. • Double-click the clock on the taskbar and correct the date and time. After a system restart a new drive letter is assigned to the cards in the card slots. • This can happen, when the card reader re-initializes the slots during a system start. New IDs might be assigned, which can lead to new drive letters for some cards. No data can be accessed from the optical drive. • Check whether the disc is inserted correctly. • Is the optical drive displayed in Windows Explorer? If so, test another disc. Th...