Assessments - 0, GPA: 0


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Document Outline
- Contents
- Tables
- Preface
- Introduction
- MIC BIOS Messages
- Types of Messages
- MIC BIOS Message Summary
- MIC BIOS Messages
- Automatic reboot in x seconds.
- Beginning boot process with IOPx. . .
- Beginning synchronization with CEy via IOPx. . .
- Confirm: Changes made to MIC settings have not been saved. Press
to return to setup; press ... - Confirm: The selected test mode will run on exit in place of system startup. Press
to retur... - Endurance startup canceled by user
- Entering server mode. Listening for client test connections. . .
- Establishing CEy communication channels. . .
- Floppy detected. Bypassing Endurance startup.
- Incompatible BIOS data area allocation
- Incompatible MIC PCI latency timer: value
- Incompatible platform module
- Incompatible remote BIOS version
- Initiating MIC test. . .
- Invalid response: message description
- IOPx has aborted synchronization
- IOPx has aborted the boot process
- IOPx has requested a reset
- MIC BIOS internal error: module line line
- MIC cable fault on portn: reason.
- MIC communication lost with IOPx
- MIC error status status: module line line
- MIC identity unknown
- MIC initialization complete
- MIC internal error: module linen context context data
- MIC internal warning: module linen context context data
- MIC not found
- MIC system error detected by CEx involving IOPy: error identifier MIC error context: context data
- Negotiating Endurance startup with IOPx. . .
- No MIC identity found: A MIC identity must be assigned and saved. Press
to continue. - Performing client tests. Please ensure remote port(s) are in server mode.
- Performing external loopback tests. Please ensure MIC ports are connected.
- Performing internal loopback tests.
- Platform initialization failed
- Press
or Control-M for MIC setup. Press to bypass initialization. - Reboot Required: The system must be rebooted for changes to take effect. Press
to bypass au... - Response timeout: message description
- Test test type on port port completed successfully.
- Test test type on port port failed.
- Test test type started on port port.
- Test mode may be canceled by pressing
. - Test terminated by user
- Unable to contact destination via port port.
- Watchdog timer expired
- Installation and Verification Procedure (IVP) Messages
- Types of Message
- IVP Message Summary
- IVP Messages
- Datagram Service is not bound to any adapter.
- Datagram Service is not installed.
- Datagram Service should be bound to the same adapters as the Ethernet Provider.
- Datagram Service should be bound to the same adapter as the IOP Link Driver.
- Datagram Service should not be bound to the Virtual Network Provider.
- Ethernet Provider and the IOP Link Driver should not be bound to the same adapter.
- Ethernet Provider is not bound to any adapter.
- Ethernet Provider is not installed.
- Ethernet Provider should not be bound to the Virtual Network Provider.
- IOP Link Driver is not bound to any adapter.
- IOP Link Driver is not installed.
- IOP Link Driver should not be bound to more than one adapter.
- IOP Link Driver should not be bound to the Virtual Network Provider.
- MAC address for redirected rail number n in the configuration is incorrect.
- Number of redirected rails and Ethernet bindings should be equal.
- Unable to read netcard information from the Registry.
- MtcCEX Messages
- MtcCEX Message Summary
- MtcCEX Messages
- MtcCEX: 32-bit platform-specific compatibility failure.
- MtcCEX: 32-bit platform-specific initialization failed. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Could not initialize MIC adapter. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Could not transition any IOP MIC port to ACTIVE.
- MtcCEX: Could not transition IOPx MIC port to ACTIVE.
- MtcCEX: Could not transition IOPx MIC port to DISABLED.
- MtcCEX: Endurance CE MIC Transport y is initializing.
- MtcCEX: Expected dual-processor boot, only one processor started.
- MtcCEX: Last IOP removed via REMOVE_IOP command.
- MtcCEX: Lost communications with boot IOP.
- MtcCEX: MIC adapter is not configured for CE operation.
- MtcCEX: MIC adapter malfunction detected.
- MtcCEX: Received illegal CE control packet.
- MtcCEX: Received illegal communication from non-boot IOP.
- MtcCEX: Received illegal STARTUP request from boot IOP.
- MtcCEX: Received illegal transport packet.
- MtcCEX: Received RESET request from boot IOP.
- MtcCEX: Synchronization initialization failed. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to allocate the required resources. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to complete initialization. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to complete synchronization-related initialization. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to create device object. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to find the CE MIC adapter.
- MtcCEX: Unable to generate SYSERR packet. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to initialize QI mechanism. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to initialize the MIC adapter. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to read the Windows NT Registry. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to register BUGCHECK notification. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to register SHUTDOWN notification. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unable to transmit SYSERR packet. Status = 0xy
- MtcCEX: Unexpected internal error detected. Status = 0xy
- MtcDgs Messages
- IOPn.MtcDgs Status Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcDgs Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Datagram Service protocol version mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Error accessing data in the Registry.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Error in NIC bindings.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Error transferring incoming Ethernet packet to the receive buffer.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Ethernet transmit error.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Incomplete transfer of incoming Ethernet packet to the receive buffer.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Initialization error
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Invalid Ethernet packet received.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Invalid Registry parameter. Using default value.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: NIC receive data lookahead buffer is too small.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Receive packet allocation failure.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Send packet allocation failure.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Unable to open NIC.
- IOPn.MtcDgs status: Unable to query or set NIC.
- MtcDsl Messages
- IOPn.MtcDsl Status Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcDsl Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A packet with an invalid transport command was received (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A provider has an invalid Registry entry (provName).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A provider has attempted to register more than once (provName).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A request contained an invalid provider ID (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A request for provider provName used an invalid logical device ID.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A request for provider provName used an invalid physical device ID.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A tack timeout condition was not cleared properly.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: A tacked flush packet has an unknown flush type (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid client callback ID was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid component state was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid component type was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid DSL packet ID was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid IOP state was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid logical device operation type was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid packet descriptor was encountered.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid reset reason code was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid resync flush state was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid subprovider ID was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: An invalid transaction ID was encountered (offendingValue).
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Invalid device entries in the IOP's configuration were pruned. This indicates...
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Physical device phyDevName of logical device logDevName on IOPx is offline.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Physical device phyDevName of logical device logDevName on IOPx is online.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Provider provName experienced an internal failure.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: The IOPs could not be joined because IOP 1 has a different device configurati...
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Unable to allocate a callback descriptor.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Unable to allocate a callback worker thread.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Unable to find a flush descriptor on the global flush list.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Unable to initialize the DSL.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Unable to run provider's callback routine provName.
- IOPn.MtcDsl status: Unable to start a full flush due to an internal software error.
- MtcEthP Messages
- IOPn.MtcEthP Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcEthP Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: A call to NdisRequest timed out.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: A call to NdisReset timed out.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: A critical error occurred initializing the Ethernet Provider.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: A duplicate address has been detected on device x (y).
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: An internal state consistency error has been detected on device x (y).
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Device state change in progress.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Device x (y) network connectivity lost.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Device x (y) network connectivity restored.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Error in Ethernet Provider device configuration.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Error in Ethernet Provider NIC bindings in the Control Panel.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Error opening or initializing NIC.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Error resetting Network Interface Controller.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Error transferring incoming Ethernet packet to the receive buffer.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Ethernet adapter current address mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Ethernet adapter maximum multicast list size mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Ethernet adapter optional properties mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Ethernet Co-Provider protocol version mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Ethernet Redirector-Provider protocol version mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Ethernet transmit error on device x (y)
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Incomplete transfer of incoming Ethernet packet to the receive buffer.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Invalid Ethernet packet received.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Invalid Registry parameter. Using default value.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Join response received, but device is not in the joining state.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: NdisRequest returned an error.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: NdisRequest returned an unknown error.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: NdisReset returned an error.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: NdisReset returned an unknown error.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Physical Ethernet device has failed.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Runt Ethernet packet received.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: The network adapter driver x (y) modifies the source address in outgoing pac...
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Timeout waiting for join complete from active Ethernet Provider.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Timeout waiting for join response from active Ethernet Provider.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Timeout waiting for report primary message x (y).
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Unable to set Ethernet multicast address list.
- IOPn.MtcEthP status: Unable to set Ethernet packet filter.
- MtcEtx Messages
- IOPn.MtcEtx Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcEtx Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Data PDUs have been received out of sequence.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Data PDUs have been retransmitted.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Error accessing data in the Registry.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Error in NIC bindings; initialization aborted.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Error transferring incoming Ethernet packet to the receive buffer.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Ethernet transmit error.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Incomplete transfer of incoming Ethernet packet to the receive buffer.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Initialization error.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Invalid Ethernet packet received.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Invalid Registry parameter. Using default value.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: IOP Link driver protocol version mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: NIC receive data lookahead buffer is too small.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Receive packet allocation failure.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Registry parameter mismatch between IOPs. Using default value.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Send buffer descriptor allocation failure.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Send packet allocation failure.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Unable to open NIC; initialization aborted.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Unable to query or set NIC.
- IOPn.MtcEtx status: Unable to reset NIC.
- MtcEvtP Messages
- IOPn.MtcEvtP Status Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcEvtP Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: An error has occurred that prevented proper initialization of the Event Prov...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider could not register with the Provider DLL.
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider could not send a sync-up response to the Endurance System...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider detected a failure occurred when trying to send back the ...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider found that an event was posted that had more insertion st...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider has detected a non-response message in the IOP-to-IOP mes...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider has removed event entries from the pending event queue(s)...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider or Endurance System Management Redirector could not creat...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The Event Provider's function lookup table is missing a destination flag and...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The IOP's event pipe handle was not obtained. This is an indication that the...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The registration of event pipe logical events failed. This indicates a setup...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: The registration of event pipe logical events failed, or an unexpected numbe...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: There are no events awaiting delivery to the Endurance System Management Red...
- IOPn.MtcEvtP status: This event contains additional data from the previous event.
- MtcFLOP and MtcFLOR Messages
- IOPn.MtcFLOP and MtcFLOR Status Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcFLOP Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: An error has occurred that prevented proper initialization of the Floppy Pro...
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: The Floppy Provider attempted to attach a floppy device to the floppy driver...
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: The Floppy Provider attempted to create a floppy device, but failed. As a re...
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: The Floppy Provider attempted to respond to a request, but it was unable to ...
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: The Floppy Provider could not register with the DSL.
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: The registration of logical devices failed. This indicates a setup problem w...
- IOPn.MtcFLOP status: The registration of logical floppy devices failed. In most cases, this indic...
- MtcFLOR Status Messages
- MtcIopDm Messages
- Keyboard and Pointer (MtcKmP) Messages
- Keyboard and Pointer Message Summary
- Keyboard and Pointer Redirector Messages
- A critical error occurred initializing the Keyboard Pointer Redirector.
- A non-critical error occurred initializing the Keyboard Pointer Redirector.
- Invalid Registry parameter. Using default value.
- Memory allocation failure.
- Packet descriptor allocation failure.
- Unconsumed keyboard input discarded.
- Unconsumed pointer input discarded.
- IOPn.MtcKmP Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: A critical error occurred initializing the Keyboard Pointer Provider.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: A join response was received, but the provider is not joining.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Device I/O control error.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Error in Keyboard Pointer device configuration.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Error setting keyboard indicators.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Error setting keyboard typematic rate.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Error writing to the Registry.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Invalid Registry parameter. Using default value.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Keyboard attributes mismatch. Keyboards are not identical.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Keyboard Pointer Co-Provider protocol version mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Keyboard Pointer Redirector-Provider protocol version mismatch.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Pointer attributes mismatch. Pointer devices are not identical.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Timeout waiting for join complete from active Keyboard Pointer Provider.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Timeout waiting for join response from active input provider.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Unconsumed keyboard input discarded.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Unconsumed pointer input discarded.
- IOPn.MtcKmP status: Unsupported or invalid 16h Keyboard BIOS request.
- MtcMICX Messages
- IOPn.MtcMICX Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcMICX Messages
- IOPn.MtcMICX: MtcMICX could not initialize the driver due to an error or resource failure.
- IOPn.MtcMICX: MtcMICX detected a non-fatal error during driver initialization.
- IOPn.MtcMICX: MtcMICX has detected an unrecoverable error and has shut down operations. The IOP w...
- IOPn.MtcMICX: MtcMICX resources have not been returned following a port transition. The system wi...
- IOPn.MtcMICX: Port state change failed to change the state to the required setting.
- IOPn.MtcMICX: Port state change not allowed. MtcMICX has detected a flow control discrepancy.
- IOPn.MtcMICX: Port state change not allowed. MtcMICX has not flushed packets from the MIC.
- MtcMon Messages
- IOPn.MtcMon Message Summary
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: An error occurred while sending synchronization information to ...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: CEx has reported n memory error(s).
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: CEx has reported n platform error(s).
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Error writing fault information to
\Config\MtcFh.hrl. - IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault event processing complete. Removed Units: x
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault event processing complete. Removed Units: x
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault event processing completed, but there were insufficient s...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault event processing completed, but there were insufficient s...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault event processing completed, but there were insufficient s...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault information dump.
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Fault information log is not open.
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Insufficient buffer space to retain all Fault Handling error de...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Received a bad Fault Handler control packet.
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: Removed CEx because of divergence induced by a path error.
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: The Fault Handler received a packet from another IOP that is no...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: The Fault Handlers have failed to exchange synchronization info...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: The joining IOP encountered an error or operator action that ca...
- IOPn.MtcMon Fault Handler status: The joining IOP has received a Fault Handler join request from ...
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU Messages
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: CEx MIC fault.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: CEx Power supply failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: CEx processing capability failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOP operating system or subcomponent failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOP1 <-> IOP2 interconnect fault.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOP1 or IOP2 processing capability failure or data set divergence.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx MIC fault.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx Power supply failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx processing capability failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx <-> CEy cross tuple fault.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx <-> CEy interconnect fault.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx IOP-IOP Link (IL) netcard capability, cabling, or remote netcard.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx/CEy tuple power supply failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: IOPx <-> CEx tuple processing capability failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: Local hardware fault on IOPx.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: Processing capability failure on unspecified CE.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: Processing capability failure on unspecified IOP.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: Target operating system or subcomponent failure.
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: The MIC on Compute Element CEx has detected a misconnected cable on its IOPy por...
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: The MIC on I/O Processor IOPx has detected a misconnected cable on its CEy port,...
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: Uncorrectable memory error on CEx
- IOPn.MtcMon FRU: Uncorrectable platform error on CEx
- IOPn.MtcMon Status Messages
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A CE protocol error was detected on IOPx during a CEy remove or disable opera...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A CE protocol error was detected on IOPx during an IOPy remove or disable ope...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A conflict was detected during CE boot with remote IOPx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A crash dump is being taken for the Windows NT operating system running on th...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A Monitor client failed to complete initialization with the remote IOP during...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A Monitor client failed to initialize with the remote IOP during IOP joining....
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A protocol error occurred on IOPx during IOP initialization.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A protocol error occurred with CEx while suspension of the CE operating syste...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: A protocol error was detected on IOPx during IOP joining.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager command has been issued to disable CEx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager command has been issued to disable IOPx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager command has been issued to disable Tuplex.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager command has been issued to remove CEx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager command has been issued to shut down IOPx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager command has been issued to shut down Tuplex.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager request to shut down or disable IOPx failed because the ...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager request to shut down the operating system on the CE(s) c...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An Endurance Manager request to shut down the operating system on the CE(s) c...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An error occurred activating Interconnect ESIx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An error occurred activating IOPx on the active CEs.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An error occurred loading the thresholding database on the joining IOP. IOP i...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An error occurred on IOPx reading the thresholding database during IOP joining.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An invalid BOOT REQUEST packet has been received from CEx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An invalid control message was received from IOPx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An invalid packet has been received by the Monitor. Packet command = x.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An invalid request was made to remove IOPx.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: An unknown packet has been received by the Monitor. Packet command = x.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE boot failed because the Monitor's ConfigurationArcTree Registry entry on I...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE boot or synchronization could not be performed because the 16-bit platform...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE boot or synchronization could not be performed because the 16-bit platform...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE operating system shutdown has been requested by the operator.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE synchronization cannot be performed at this time. The operation will be re...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE synchronization cannot be performed at this time. Windows NT is not fully ...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CE synchronization process aborted due to time out.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEs are incompatible. The memory sizes do not match. CE1 memory size = y kilo...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx cannot be booted because IOPy cannot communicate with it.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx cannot be booted because not all required ESIs are available.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx cannot be booted by IOPy because the Monitor's ConfigurationArcTree Regis...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx cannot be removed because it is already offline.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx cannot be synchronized because IOPy cannot communicate with it.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx cannot be synchronized because not all required ESIs are available.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be booted because the boot device is not available on IOPy.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be booted because the keyboard boot driver has not registered w...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be booted because the number of processors is invalid for the E...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be booted because the SCSI boot driver has not registered with ...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be removed or disabled because CE synchronization is currently ...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be removed or disabled because it is the only active CE. Shut d...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be synchronized because auto synch is set to FALSE on IOPy.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx could not be synchronized because the Endurance System Management Service...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx did not obtain the memory controller type. The presence of ECC or parity ...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx failed to inhibit IPMI global interrupts.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx has been disabled by operator request.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx has been enabled by operator request.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx has been removed from service.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx has provided platform device information. Chipset: vendor chipset. Memory...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx is available to be booted or synchronized.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx is FAULTED and requires repair.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: CEx will not be synchronized because the number of processors in use by the C...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: Client registration failed on the local IOP. Client ID = x.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: Conflicting IOP IDs have been detected in the Endurance system. Local IOP ID ...
- IOPn.MtcMon status: Differences in client lists with IOPx were detected during IOP initialization.
- IOPn.MtcMon status: Differences with IOPx... Este manual também é adequado para os modelos :
Computadores - HP NetServer AA 6200 solutions (1.7 mb)
Computadores - HP NetServer E 30 (1.7 mb)