por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
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HP sa3150.qxd 2/28/01 10:03 AM Page 3
Performing the Initial Hardware Setup
Connecting the Device to the Network
To connect the VPN device to the network:
1 Connect the supplied DB-9 console cable to the console port of the VPN device
and to the COM port on your PC. Make a note of the communication port
1 Turn the device off before connecting network cables.
number on your PC.
2 Connect the supplied Ethernet cables to the Ethernet interfaces.
2 Plug in the power cable appropriate for use in your country.
To COM Port
3 Connect your Ethernet LAN cables to the shielded cables.
3 Turn on the VPN device by pressing the power button.
4 Turn the device on.
4 Configure and run your terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal*),
to create an active console session, using the following settings:
• 9600 baud
• No parity
• No hardware flow control
• 8 bits
• 1 stop bit
5 In the console window, select Transfer, then Capture Text.
6 In the File menu, select Save.
7 In the Save in and File name fields, select the folder and file
AC Power Cord
name under which you want to store your session file.
(to top)
8 Click Save.
9 Press Enter three times. Licensing text appears with a prompt. Press the
Console Port
space bar or press Enter to scroll through the license agreement. To accept
the license agreement terms, press Y.
A name-and-state prompt appears: hostname:SAFE>
10 Wait 60 seconds as the device changes from safe mode to normal mode.
Bridge Mode On (Y/N) [n]:
Enter int E0 IP Address []:
At the name-and-state prompt, enter enable.
Enter int E0 IP Subnet Mask []:
12 At the name-and-state prompt, enter
Shielded Ethernet Cables
Enter int E1 IP Address []:
13 At the name-and-state prompt, enter setup.
Enter int E1 IP Subnet Mask []:
10/100 Ethernet
Enter Default Gateway [ | interface no]:
The system prompts you for the host name.
Enter Manager Password [password]:
14 Enter a name up to eight characters long. For example, vpn1.
Enter time zone [GMT]:
The system displays a series of prompts and, in square brackets, examples of
Enter year [2000]:
Enter month [9]:
Enter day [1]:
Respond to the prompts (shown at right) by entering the appropriate
Enter hour [16]:
information and pressing Enter.
Enter minute [28]:
Once you have connected your VPN device to the network behind
Note: When the system prompts you to enter the time zone, enter the
Enter second [1]:
your firewall, configure the device using Hewlett-Packard SA3000
time zone with respect to Greenwich Mean Time. For example, to set the
Do you wish to save configuration to flash? [y]:
time zone for Boston, enter timezone est 5 edt.
Series VPN Manager included on the CD-ROM. Follow the instructions
in the Installation Guide for installing the VPN Manager.
This completes the initial hardware setup. Remove the console cable from the VPN device.