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Anoxygenshortagemayoccur. Donotusethisairconditionerto preserveprecisiondevices,food, pets,plants,andartobjects. Itmaycausedeteriorationof quality,etc. Itmaycausefailureofproduct orfire. Donotuseforspecial purposes. Turnoffthemainpower switchwhennot singthe unitforalongtime. u Ifwaterenterstheunit,turntheunitoffatthepower outletandswitchoffthecircuitbreaker.Isolate supplybytakingthepower-plugoutandcontacta qualifiedservicetechnician. ! ! ! ! !! ! Itmaycausefailureof applianceoraccident. Appearancemaybe deterioratedduetochange ofproductcoloror scratchingofitssurface. Donotplaceobstacles aroundair-inletsorinside ofair-outlet. Donotusestrongdeter-gentsuchaswaxor thinnerbutuseasoftcloth. Ifbracketisdamaged,there isconcernofdamagedueto fallingofunit. Thereisdangeroffireor electricshock. Ensurethattheinstallationbracketof theoutdoorapplianceisnotdamaged duetoprolongedexposure. Donotplaceheavyobjectonthe powercordandensurethatthecord isnotcompressed. Operationwithoutfiltersmay causefailure. Itcontainscontaminantsand couldmakeyousick. Alwaysinsertthefilters securely.Cleanfilteronce everytwoweeks. Donotdrinkwaterdrained fromairconditioner. !! • It may cause an injury due to sharpedges of components. When the air filter is to be removed, do not touch the metal parts of the unit • Water may enter the unit and degrade the insulation. It may cause anelectric shock Do not allow water to enter inside the unit during cleaning • An oxygen shortage may occur • May cause explosion, fire and/or burns Ventilate the room well when used together with a gas stove or if there is a gas leak • Do not clean unit when power is on as it may cause fire and electric shock When the unit is to be cleaned, switch off, and turn off the circuit breaker • Operation with windows opened may allow rain to enter inside and damage property Stop operation and close the window in storm or hurricane • It may cause electric shock and damage Hold the plug by the head of the power plug when taking it out • It may cause failure of product or fire Turn off the main power switch when not using the unit for a long time • It may cause failure of appliance or accident Do not place obstacles around air-inlets or inside of air-outlet • If bracket is damaged, there is concern of damage due to falling of unit. Ensure that the instal- lation bracket of the outdoor appliance is not damaged • Operation without filters may cause failure • Operation with dirty/clogged filters may cause failure Always insert the filters securely. Clean filter once every two weeks • Appearance may be deteriorated due to change of product color or scratching of its surface Do not use strong deter- gents such as wax or thin- ner; use a damp, soft cloth • There is danger of fire or electric shock Do not place heavy ob- ject on the power cord and ensure that the cord is not compressed • It contains contaminants and could make you sick Do not drink water drained from air condi- tioner • Sharp edges could cause injury Use caution whe...
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