Fabricante : Electrolux
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Arquivo Nome : 926294en.pdf

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• We recommend using the lower temperature the first time and then if necessary, for example, if a deeper browning is required, or baking time is too long, selecting a higher temperature. • If you cannot find the settings for a particular recipe, look for the one that is most similar. • If baking cakes on baking trays or in tins on more than one level, baking time can be extended by 10-15 minutes. • Moist recipes (for example, pizzas, fruit flans, etc.) are baked on one level. • Cakes and pastries at different heights may brown at an uneven rate at first. If this occurs, please do not change the temperature setting. Different rates of browning even out as baking progresses. 2 With longer baking times, you can switch the oven off about 10 minutes before the end of the baking time, in order to utilise the residual heat. Unless otherwise stated, the values given in the tables assume that cooking is started with the oven cold. Baking table Time Type of Shelf Tempera- Ovenfunction Hours baking position ture °C mins. Baking in tins Ring cake or brioche Fan-assisted 1 150-160 0:50-1:10 circulation Madeira cake/Fruitcakes Fan-assisted 1 140-160 1:10-1:30 circulation Sponge cake Fan-assisted 1 140 0:25-0:40 circulation Sponge cake Conventional 2 160 0:25-0:40 Flan base - short pastry Conventional 3 180-200 0:10-0:25 Flan base - sponge mixture Fan-assisted 3 150-170 0:20-0:25 circulation Apple pie Conventional 1 170-190 0:50-1:00 Apple pie (2tins O20cm, Fan-assisted 1 160 1:10-1:30 diagonally off set) circulation Apple pie (2tins O20cm, Conventional 1 180 1:10-1:30 diagonally off set) Savoury flan (e. g. quiche Conventional 1 180-200 0:30-1:10 lorraine) Cheesecake Conventional 1 170-190 1:00-1:30 Cakes/pastries/breads on baking trays Plaited bread/bread crown Conventional 3 170-190 0:30-0:40 Christmas stollen Conventional 3 160-1801) 0:40-1:00 Bread (rye bread) Conventional 2 -first of all 2501) 0:20 -then 160-180 0:30-1:00 Cream puffs/Eclairs Fan-assisted 3 160-1701) 0:15-0:30 circulation Swiss roll Conventional 3 180-2001) 0:10-0:20 Cake with crumble Fan-assisted 3 150-160 0:20-0:40 topping(dry) circulation Buttered almond cake/sugar Conventional 3 190-2101) 0:15-0:30 cakes Type of baking Ovenfunction Shelf position Temperature °C Time Hours mins. Fruit flans (made with yeast dough/sponge mixture)2) Fan-assisted circulation 3 150 0:35-0:50 Fruit flans (made with yeast Conventional 3 170 0:35-0:50 dough/sponge mixture) Fruit flans made with short Conventional 3 170-190 0:40-1:20 pastry Yeast cakes with delicate Conventional 3 160-180 0:40-1:20 toppings (e.g.quark, cream, vanilla cream) Pizza (with a lot of topping) 2 Conventional 1 190-2101) 0:30-1:00 Pizza (thin crust) Conventional 1 230-2501) 0:10-0:25 Unleavened bread Conventional 1 250-270 0:08-0:15 Tarts (CH) Conventional 1 200-220 0:35-0:50 Biscuits Short pastry biscuits Fan-assisted 3 150-160 0:06-0:20 circulation Short pastry biscuits Fan-assisted 1 / 3 150-160 0:06-0:20 circulation Viennese whirls Fan-assisted 3 140 0:20-0:30 circulation Viennese whirls Fan-assisted 1 / 3 140 0:25-0:40 circulation Viennese whirls Conventional 3 1601) 0:20-0:30 Biscuits made with sponge Fan-assisted 3 150-160 0:15-0:20 mixture circulation Biscuits made with sponge Fan-assisted 1 / 3 150-160 0:15-0:20 mixture circulation Pastries made with egg Fan-assisted 3 80-100 2:00-2:30 white, meringues circulation Macaroons Fan-assisted 3 100-120 0:30-0:60 circulation Biscuits made with yeast Fan-assisted 3 150-160 0:20-0:40 dough circulation Puff pastries Fan-assisted 3 170-1801) 0:20-0:30 circulation Tips on Baking Baking results Possible cause Remedy The cake is not Wrong oven level Place cake lower browned enough underneath The cake sinks (be-Oven temperature too high Use a slightly lower setting comes soggy, lumpy, streaky) Baking time too short Set a longer baking time Baking times cannot be reduced by setting higher temperatures Too much liquid in the mix-Use less liquid. ture Pay attention to mixing times, especially if using mixing machines Cake is too dry Oven temperature too low Set oven temperature higher. Baking time too long Set a shorter baking time Cake browns unevenly Oven temperature too high Set a lower oven tempera- and baking time too short ture and a longer baking time Mixture is unevenly distribut-Spread the mixture evenly ed on the baking tray Grease filter is inserted Take out the grease filter Cake does not cook in Temperature too low Use a slightly higher oven the baking time given setting Grease filter is inserted Take out the grease filter Table for Bakes and Gratins Dish Oven function Shelf position Temperature °C Time Hours mins. Pasta bake Conventional 1 180-200 0:45-1:00 Lasagne Conventional 1 180-200 0:25-0:40 Vegetables au gratin1) Rotitherm 1 160-170 0:15-0:30 Baguettes topped with melted cheese1) Rotitherm 1 160-170 0:15-0:30 Sweet bakes Conventional 1 180-200 0:40-0:60 Fish bakes Conventional 1 180-200 0:30-1:00 Stuffed vegetables Rotitherm 1 160-17...