Facilidade de uso
No. Name Description Impedance I/O 1SSWExt/IntSpeakerSwitchInputHighImpedanceI2SP+BTLOutput+forExternalSpeaker8 ./ 16 . O3SP-BTLOutput-forExternalSpeakerO4MSWExt/IntMICSwitchInputHighImpedanceI5EMCExternalMICInput1.8 k. I6 MEExternalMICGNDGND- 7PTTExternalPTTInputHighImpedanceI8PFProgramableFunctionKeyInputHighImpedanceI9OPTManDownInputHighImpedanceI10EGNDGND- 115V5Vpowersupplyoutput5VO12TXDSerialDataOutputCMOSO13RXDSerialDataInputCMOSI14NCNotused-- Antenna Terminal 50 . impedance Battery Terminal The battery terminal uses a spring plate. The negative terminal connects to the chassis ground. The battery is mounted on the rear side of the transceiver using a sliding mounting method. Thank You We are grateful you have chosen Kenwood for your land mob le rad o appl cat ons. Th s nstruct on manual covers only the bas c operat ons of your portable rad o. Ask your dealer for nformat on on any custom zed features they may have added to your rad o. noTices To The user . Government law proh b ts the operat on of unl censed rad o transm tters w th n the terr tor es under government control. . Illegal operat on s pun shable by f ne and/or mpr sonment. . Refer serv ce to qual f ed techn c ans only. SAFETY: It s mportant that the operator s aware of and understands hazards common to the operat on of any transce ver. The AMBE+2™ vo ce cod ng Technology embod ed n th s product s protected by ntellectual property r ghts nclud ng patent r ghts, copyr ghts and trade secrets of D g tal Vo ce Systems, Inc. Th s vo ce cod ng Technology s l censed solely for use w th n th s Commun cat ons Equ pment. The user of th s Technology s expl c tly proh b ted from attempt ng to extract, remove, decomp le, reverse eng neer, or d sassemble the Object Code, or n any other way convert the Object Code nto a human-readable form. U.S. Patent Nos. #5,870,405, #5,826,222, #5,754,974, #5,701,390, #5,715,365, #5,649,050, #5,630,011, #5,581,656, #5,517,511, #5,491,772, #5,247,579, #5,226,084 and #5,195,166. Firmware Copyrights The t tle to and ownersh p of copyr ghts for f rmware embedded n Kenwood product memor es are reserved for Kenwood Corporat on. PrecauTions • Do not charge the transce ver and battery pack when they are wet. • Ensure that there are no metall c tems located between the transce ver and the battery pack. • Do not use opt ons not spec f ed by Kenwood. • If the d e-cast chass s or other transce ver part s damaged, do not touch the damaged parts. • If a headset or headphone s connected to the transce ver, reduce the transce ver volume. Pay attent on to the volume level when turn ng the squelch off. • Do not place the m crophone cable around your neck wh le near mach nery that may catch the cable. • Do not place the transce ver on unstable surfaces. • Ensure that the end of the antenna does not touch your eyes. • When the transce ver s used for transm ss on for many hours, the rad ator and chass s w ll become hot. Do not touch these locat ons when replac ng the battery pack. • Always sw tch the transce ver power off before nstall ng opt onal accessor es. • The charger s the dev ce that d sconnects the un t from the AC ma ns l ne. The AC plug should be read ly access ble. Turn the transceiver power off in the following locations: • Near explos ves or blast ng s tes. • In a rcrafts. (Any use of the transce ver must follow the nstruct ons and regulat ons prov ded by the a rl ne crew.) • Where restr ct ons or warn ngs are posted regard ng the use of rad o dev ces, nclud ng but not l m ted to med cal fac l t es. • Near persons wear ng pacemakers. Turn the transceiver power off in the following locations, unless the model is specifically qualified for such use (Intrinsically Safe such as approved by Factory Mutual, CSA): • In explos ve atmospheres ( nflammable gas, dust part cles, metall c powders, gra n powders, etc.). • Wh le tak ng on fuel or wh le parked at gasol ne serv ce stat ons. • Do not remove the black sheet from the reverse s de of the transce ver (refer to the llustrat on below). Removal of th s sheet decreases the waterproof eff c ency of the transce ver and may cause malfunct ons f water seeps nto the transce ver. • The orange seal on the reverse s de of the transce ver s mportant w th respect to the waterproof eff c ency of the transce ver. Do not place st ckers or other mater als on or around the seal shown n the f gure, or on the reverse s de of the battery pack. Do ng so w ll mpa r the waterproof eff c ency of the transce ver and may cause t to break down. Add t onally, n order to prevent damage to the seal, do not allow t to come n contact w th fore gn mater als. • Do not d sassemble or mod fy the transce ver for any reason. • Do not place the transce ver on or near a rbag equ pment wh le the veh cle s runn ng. When the a rbag nflates, the transce ver may be ejected and str ke the dr ver or passengers. • Do not transm t wh le touch ng the antenna term nal or f any metall c parts are exposed from the antenna cover ng. Tr...
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