C0h Early chipset initialization: -Disable shadow RAM -Disable L2 cache (socket 7 or below) -Program basic chipset registers C1h 1. Detect memory -Auto-detection of DRAM size, type and ECC. -Auto-detection of L2 cache (socket 7 or below) 2. PEG slots Auto-Configuration C3h Expand compressed BIOS code to DRAM C5h Call chipset hook to copy BIOS back to E000 & F000 shadow RAM. 0h1 Expand the Xgroup codes locating in physical address 1000:0 03h Initial Superio_Early_Init switch. 05h 1. Blank out screen 2. Clear CMOS error flag 07h 1. Clear 8042 interface 2. Initialize 8042 self-test 08h 1. Test special keyboard controller for Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips. 2. Enable keyboard interface. 0Ah 1. Disable PS/2 mouse interface (optional). 2. Auto detect ports for keyboard & mouse followed by a port & interface swap (optional). 3. Reset keyboard for Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips. 0Eh Test F000h segment shadow to see whether it is R/W-able or not. If test fails, keep beeping the speaker. 10h Auto detect flash type to load appropriate flash R/W codes into the run time area in F000 for ESCD & DMI support. 12h Use walking 1’s algorithm to check out interface in CMOS circuitry. Also set real-time clock power status, and then check for override. GA-8N-SLI Quad Royal Post Code Definition 11/14/2005 1 POST (hex) Description 14h Program chipset default values into chipset. Chipset default values are MODBINable by OEM customers. 16h Initial Early_Init_Onboard_Generator switch. 18h Detect CPU information including brand, SMI type (Cyrix or Intel) and CPU level (586 or 686). 1Bh Initial interrupts vector table. If no special specified, all H/W interrupts are directed to SPURIOUS_INT_HDLR & S/W interrupts to SPURIOUS_soft_HDLR. 1Dh Initial EARLY_PM_INIT switch. 1Fh Load keyboard matrix (notebook platform) 21h HPM initialization (notebook platform) 23h 1. Check validity of RTC value: e.g. a value of 5Ah is an invalid value for RTC minute. 2. Load CMOS settings into BIOS stack. If CMOS checksum fails, use default value instead. 3. Prepare BIOS resource map for PCI & PnP use. If ESCD is valid, take into consideration of the ESCD’s legacy information. 4. Onboard clock generator initialization. Disable respective clock resource to empty PCI & DIMM slots. 5. Early PCI initialization: -Enumerate PCI bus number -Assign memory & I/O resource -Search for a valid VGA device & VGA BIOS, and put it into C000:0. 25h PCI Bus Initialization 26h Init clock Generator 27h Initialize INT 09 buffer 29h 1. Program CPU internal MTRR (P6 & PII) for 0-640K memory address. 2. Initialize the APIC for Pentium class CPU. 3. Program early chipset according to CMOS setup. Example: onboard IDE controller. 4. Measure CPU speed 2Bh Invoke video BIOS. 2Dh 1. Initialize multi-language 2. Put information on screen display, including Award title, CPU type, CPU speed …. 33h Reset keyboard except Winbond 977 series Super I/O chips. 3Ch Test 8254 3Eh Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 1. GA-8N-SLI Quad Royal Post Code Definition 11/14/2005 POST (hex) Description 40h Test 8259 interrupt mask bits for channel 2. 43h Test 8259 functionality. 47h Initialize EISA slot 49h 1. Calculate total memory by testing the last double word of each 64K page. 2. Program write allocation for AMD K5 CPU. 4Eh 1. Program MTRR of M1 CPU 2. Initialize L2 cache for P6 class CPU & program CPU with proper cacheable range. 3. Initialize the APIC for P6 class CPU. 4. On MP platform, adjust the cacheable range to smaller one in case the cacheable ranges between each CPU are not identical. 50h Initialize USB 52h Test all memory (clear all extended memory to 0) 55h Display number of processors (multi-processor platform) 57h 1. Display PnP logo 2. Early ISA PnP initialization -Assign CSN to every ISA PnP device. 59h Initialize the combined Trend Anti-Virus code. 5Bh (Optional Feature) Show message for entering AWDFLASH.EXE from FDD (optional) 5Dh 1. Initialize Init_Onboard_Super_IO switch. 2. Initialize Init_Onbaord_AUDIO switch. 60h Okay to enter Setup utility; i.e. not until this POST stage can users enter the CMOS setup utility. 65h Initialize PS/2 Mouse 67h Prepare memory size information for function call: INT 15h ax=E820h 69h Turn on L2 cache 6Bh Program chipset registers according to items described in Setup & Auto-configuration table. 6Dh 1. Assign resources to all ISA PnP devices. 2. Auto assign ports to onboard COM ports if the corresponding item in Setup is set to “AUTO”. 6Fh 1. Initialize floppy controller 2. Set up floppy related fields in 40:hardware. 73h (Optional Feature) Enter AWDFLASH.EXE if : -AWDFLASH is found in floppy drive. GA-8N-SLI Quad Royal Post Code Definition 11/14/2005 POST (hex) Description -ALT+F2 is pressed 75h Detect & install all IDE devices: HDD, LS120, ZIP, CDROM….. 77h Detect serial ports & parallel ports. 7Ah Detect & install co-processor 7Fh 1. Switch back to text mode if full screen logo is supported. -If errors occur, report errors & wait for ke...