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Instruções de Operação Gigabyte, Modelo GA-8VD667K

Fabricante : Gigabyte
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For users who choose "Easy Mode", they just need to click "Auto Optimize" to have autoed and immediate CPU overclocking. Th is software will then overdrive CPU sp eed automatica lly with the r esult being s hown in the co ntrol panel. If users prefer "Overclock" by them, there is also anothe r choice. Click "Advanced Mode" to enjoy "sport drive" class Overclocking user interface. "Advanced Mode", allows users to change the system bus / AGP / Memory working frequency in small increments to get ultimate system performance. It operates in coordination with Gigabyte motherboards. Be sides, it is different from other traditional over- clocking methods, EasyTune 4 doesn't require users to change neither BIOS nor hardware switch/ jumper setting; on the other hand, they can do "Overclock" at easy step . Therefore, this is a safer way for "Overclock" as nothing is changed on software or hardware. If user runs EasyTune 4 over system's limitation, the b iggest lost is on ly to restart the computer again a nd the side effec t is then well controlled. Moreover, if one well-performed system speed has been tested in EasyTune 4, user can "Save " this setting a nd "Lo ad" it in n ext time. Obviou sly, Gigabyte Ea syTune 4 ha s alre ady turned the "Overclock" technology towar d to a newer gen eration. This w onderful softwar e is now fr ee bun dled in Gigab yte mother boa rd attach ed in d river CD. Us ers may ma ke a test drive of "EasyTune 4" to find out more amazing features by themselves. *Som e Gigab yte pro ducts a re not fully s upporte d by Ea syTune 4. Plea se find the pr oducts supported list in the we b site. *Any "Overclocking action" is at u ser's r isk, Gig abyte Technolo gy will not be respons ible for any damage or instability to your processor, motherboard, or any other components. GA-8VD667K M otherboard -58 BIOS Flash Procedure Method 1: We use GA-7VTX motherboard and Flash841 BIOS flash utility as example. Please flash the BIOS according to the following procedures if you are now under the DOS mode. Flash BIOS Procedure: STEP 1: (1) Please make sure your system has installed the extraction utility such as winzip or pkunzip. Firstly yo u have to install the extraction utility such as winzip or pkunzip for unzip the files. Both of these utilities are available on many shareware download pages like STEP 2: Make a DOS boot diskette. (See example: Windows 98 O.S.) Beware: Windows ME/2000 are not allowed to make a DOS boot diskette. (1) With an available flop py disk in the floppy drive. Please leave the diskette " UN-write protected" type. Double click the "My Computer" icon from Desktop, then click "3.5 diskette (A)" and right click to select "Format (M)" -59 -Technical Reference English EnglishEnglish (2) Select the "Quick (erase)" for Format Type, and pick both "Display summary when finished" and " Copy syste m files", after tha t press " Start". That will format the floppy a nd transfe r the needed system files to it. Beware: This procedure will erase all the prior data on that floppy, so please proceed accordingly. (3) After the floppy has been formatted completely, please press "Close". GA-8VD667K M otherboard -60 STEP 3: Downlo ad BIOS an d BIOS utility pro gram. (1) Please go to Gig abyte website and click "Support". (2) From Support zone, click the "Motherboards BIOS & Drivers". -61 -Technical Reference English EnglishEnglish (3) We use GA-7VTX motherboard as example. Please select GA-7VTX by Model or Chipset option al menu to obtain BIOS flash files. (4) Select an ap propriate BIOS version (For example: F4), and c lick to download the file. It will pop up a file download screen, then select the "Open this file from its current location" and press "OK". GA-8VD667K M otherboard -62 (5) At this time the screen shows the following picture, please click "Extract" button to unzip the file s. (6) Please extract the download files into the cle an bootable floppy disk A mentioned in STEP 2, and press "Extract". -63 -Technical Reference English EnglishEnglish STEP 4 : Make sure the system w ill boot fro m the floppy disk. (1) Insert the floppy disk (contains boo table program and unzip file) into the floppy dr ive A. Then, restart the system. The system w ill boot from the floppy disk. Please press key to enter BIOS setup main menu when system is boot up. 7 V TX F1 Ch e ck S ys e m He a h OK AMD A h o n ( m)P ro ce ss o r 9 0 0 MHz Ch e ck n g NVR AM 2 6 2 1 4 4 KB Wa Pre ss F1 o e n e r D u a B OS U y Pre ss ESC o q u Pre ss a n y ke y o co n u n e ( C ) Ame r ca n Me g a re n d s n c 6 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 9 9 0 0 1 0 1111 0 7 1 5 9 5 V A K7 GA7 VTX1 F Ame r c a n R e e a se 0 9 1 6 9 9 Me g a re n d s AM B O S (C ) 1 9 9 9 Ame r c a n Me g a r e n d (2) Once you enter the BIOS setup utility, the m ain menu will appear on the s creen. Use the arrows to highlight the item "BIOS F EATURES SETUP". AM IBIOS SIM PLE SETUP UTILITY -VERSION 1.24b (C) 1999...

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