Instruções de Operação Gigabyte, Modelo GA-8ILML4
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Rev erse the installation steps w hen y ou w ish to remov e the DIM M module. • When STR/DIMM LED is ON, you do not install / remove DDR from socket. -11 -Hardw are Installation Process English EnglishEnglish DDR Introduction Established on the ex isting SDRAM industry infrastructure, DDR (Double Data Rate) memory is a high performance and cost-effectiv e solution that allow s easy adoption for memory v endors, OEM s and sy stem integrators. DDR m emory is a sensible ev olu tionary s olution for the PC industry that builds on the ex isting SDRAM infrastructure, y et makes awesome adv ances in solving the sy stem performance bottleneck by doubling the memor y bandw idth. DDR SDRAM w ill offer a superior so lution and m igration path from ex is ting S DRAM de signs d ue to its av a ilability , pr icing a nd ov er all ma rket su pport. PC 2100 DDR memory (DDR266) doubles the data rate through reading and w riting at both the rising and falling edge of the clock, achiev ing data bandw idth 2X greater than PC 133 w hen running w ith the same DRAM clock frequency . With peak ba ndw idth of 2.1GB per second, DDR memory enables sy stem OEM s to build high performance and low latency DRAM subsy stems that are suitable for serv ers, w orkstations, high- en d PC 's a nd v alue des kto p SM A sy stem s. W ith a c ore v oltage of o nly 2.5 Volts c ompa red to conv entional SDRAM 's 3.3 v olts, DDR memory is a compelling solution for small form factor desktops and notebook applications. GA-8ILML4 Motherboard -12 Step 3: Connect ribbon cables, cabinet wires, and power supply Step3-1 : I/O Back Panel Introduction English uvwxy • PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connector PS/2 M ouse C onnector OThis connector supports standard PS/2 (6 pin Female) key board and PS/2 mouse. PS/2 Key board C onnector (6 pin Female) • Parallel Port ,VGA port and Serial Ports (COMA) Parallel Port OThis mainboard supports 1 standard C OM port, (25 pin Female) 1 VGA port and 1 LPT port. Dev ice like printer can be connected to LPT port ; mouse and modem etc can be connected to C OM port. C OM A VGA Serial Port VGA Port (9 pin M ale) (15 pin Female) -13 -Hardw are Installation Process EnglishEnglish • Game /MIDI Ports Joy stick/ M IDI (15 pin Female) • Audio Connectors M IC In ine Out Line In L • USB/LAN Connector LAN C onnector U SB 0 U SB 1 OThis connector supports joy stick, M IDI key board and other relate audio dev ices. • After install onboard audio driv er, y ou may connect speaker to Line Out jack, micro phone to M IC In jack. Dev ice like C D-ROM , w alkman etc can be connected to Line-In jack. OBefore y ou connect y our dev ice(s) into U SB connector(s), please make sure y our dev ice(s) such as U SB key board, mouse, scanner, zip,speaker..etc. H av e a standard U SB interface. Also make sure y our OS (Win 95 w ith U SB supplement, Win98, Window s 2000, Window s M E, Win N T w ith SP 6) supports U SB controller. If y our OS does not support U SB controller, please contact OS v endor for possible patch or driv er upgrade. For more information please contact y our OS or dev ice(s) v endors. GA-8ILML4 Motherboard -14 - 15 - Hardware Installation Process English Step 3-2 : Connectors Introduction A) ATX_12V B) CPU_FAN C) ATX D) FDD E) IDE1/IDE2 F) SYS_FAN G) CLR_CMOS H) BIOS_WP I) CI D F G H J A B E O K P J) F_PANEL K) PWR_LED L) F_USB1/F_USB2 M) BATTERY N) COMB O) CD_IN P) IR Q) AUX_IN R) F_AUDIO C N M L I Q R English English A) ATX_12V ( +12V Power Connector) 3 4 +12V +12V GN D GN D 1 2 B) CPU_FAN (CPU FAN Connector) • This connector (ATX +12V) supplies the C PU operation v oltage (Vcore). If this " ATX+ 12V connector" is not connected, sy stem cannot boot. • Please note, a proper installation of the C PU cooler is essential to prev ent the C PU from Sense+12V/ControlGND running under abnormal condition or damaged by ov erheating.The C PU fan connector supports M ax . current up to 600 mA. 1 C) ATX_POWER (ATX Power) • AC pow er cord should only be connected to y our pow er supply unit after ATX pow er cable and other related dev ices are firmly 1 connected to the mainboard. 3.3V 3.3V -12V 3.3V GN D GN D PS-ON (SoftOn/Off) VC C GN D GN D GN D VC C GN D GN D Pow er Good -5V VC C 5V SB (Stand by +5V) VC C +12V 20 D) FDD (Floppy Connector) 1 GA-8ILML4 Motherboard -16 E) IDE1/ IDE2 (IDE1/IDE2 Connector) • Important N otice: Please connect first harddisk to IDE1 and connect C DROM to IDE2. 1 1 IDE1 IDE2 1 F) SYS_FAN (System FAN Connector) Sense +12V/C ontrol GN D G) CLR_CMOS (Clear CMOS) • You may clear the C M OS data to its default v alues by this jumper. 1 2-3 close: N ormal Default doesn’t include the “Shunter” to prev ent from improper use this jumper. To clear C M OS, temporarily short 1-2 pin. 1-2 close: C lear C M OS 1 -17 -Hardw are Installation Process English EnglishEnglish Power1 Power L) F_USB1/F_USB2 (Front USB Connector) • Be careful with the polarity of the front panel USB connector. Check the pin assignment while you connect the fro...