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Instruções de Operação Gigabyte, Modelo GA-8IRXP

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2 T he M ain M enu (For exam ple: BIOS Ver. :F2) ................................................. 3 Standard CMO S Features .................................................................................... 5 Advanced BIO S Features ..................................................................................... 8 Advanced Chipset Features ............................................................................... 11 Integrated Peripherals ........................................................................................ 14 Power M anagem ent Setup ................................................................................. 23 PnP/PC I Configurations ...................................................................................... 28 PC Health Status .................................................................................................. 30 Frequency/Voltage Control ................................................................................. 32 SelectLanguage .................................................................................................. 34 Load Fail-Safe Defaults ....................................................................................... 35 Load O ptimized Defaults .................................................................................... 36 Set Supervisor/User Password .......................................................................... 37 Save & Exit Setup ................................................................................................ 38 Exit Without Saving ............................................................................................. 39 Block Diagram ................................................................................ 4 0 Dual BIOS / Q-Flash Introduction ..................................................... 4 1 Four Speaker & SPDIF Introduction ................................................. 4 9 @ BIOS Int roduction ....................................................................... 5 3 Easy TuneIIIT M Introd uction .............................................................. 5 4 RAID Introduc tion ........................................................................... 5 5 Driver Installing .............................................................................. 7 3 GA-8IR XP Motherboard BIOS Setup BIOS Setup is an ov er v iew of the BIOS Setup Pr ogram. T he progra m that a llow s us ers to m odify the ba sic sy stem configurat ion. This ty pe of information is stored in battery -ba cked C M OS RAM so tha t it reta ins t he Setup infor mation w hen th e pow er is tur ned off. E N T ER I N G SE T U P Pow er ON the computer and press immedia tely w ill allow y ou to enter S etup. C ON T R OL K EY S M ov e t o prev ious item M ov e to nex t item M ov e to t he it em in the left h and M ov e to t he it em in the r ight h and M ain M enu -Quit and not sa v e changes into C M OS Status Page Setup M enu and Option Page Setup M enu -E x it cur rent pa ge and return t o M ain M enu <+/PgUp> Incr ease th e numer ic v alue or m ake cha nges <-/PgDn> Decr ease th e numer ic v alue or m ake cha nges General help, only for St atus Pa ge Setup M enu a nd Option Page Setup M enu Reserv ed Reserv ed Reserv ed Restore th e prev ious C M OS v a lue from C M OS, only for Option Page Setup M enu Load the default C M OS v alue from BIOS default t able, only for Option Page S etup M enu Load t he S etu p Defaults Reserv ed Reserv ed Sav e all the C M OS changes, only for M ain M enu 2 TechnicalR eference G E T T I N G H E L P M ai n M en u The on-line des cript ion of t he h ighlighted setup funct ion is displa y ed at t he bottom of the screen. St atu s Pa ge Set up M enu / Opt ion Pag e S etup Me nu Press F 1 to pop up a small help w in dow that descr ibes the appropriate key s to use and the possible selections for th e high lighted item. To ex it the H elp Window pr ess . T he M a in M enu (F o r examp le: BI OS Ver. :F 2) Onc e y ou enter Aw a rd BI OS C M OS S etup U tility, t he M a in M enu (F igure 1) w ill appea r on the screen. The M ain M enu allow s y ou to select from eight s etup fu nctions and tw o ex it c hoices. U se arrow key s to select among the items and press to accept or en ter the sub-m enu. C MOS SetupU tility -C opy right (C ) 1984-2001 Aw ard Softw are ?Standard C MOS Features ?Adv anced BIOS Features ?AdvancedC hipset Features ?IntegratedPeripherals ?Pow er Management Setup ?PnP/PCI C onfigurations ?PC Health Status ?Frequency/VoltageC ontrol Select Language Load Fail-Safe Defaults Load Optimized Defaults SetSuperv isor Passw ord SetU ser Passw ord Sav e& Ex it Setup Ex it Without Sav ing ESC :Quit F8:Dual BIOS /Q-Flash F3:C hangeLanguage F10:Sav e & Ex it Setup Time, Date, HardDisk T y pe... Figure 1: Main Menu • St an da rd C MO S Fe at ur es This setu ...

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