por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
2.Highlight the BIOS file you want to flash and press Enter button on your keyboard to enable reading from the BIOS file from the floppy. Please confirm again you have the correct BIOS file for your motherboard. Q-F lash U tility V1 .30 Flas h Ty pe/ Size ... ... .... ... ... SST 49L F00 2A 2 56 K Ke ep D M I D ataE na ble U p date B IOS fro m F lop py l 8 GE 8 0 0. F 4 256K To tal S ize : 1 .3 9M Fr ee Siz e: 1.1 4M F 5: R e fr es h D EL : D elete 1 File (s) fou nd B IO S fi le i n th e flop py . Q-F lash U tility V1 .30 Flas h Ty pe/ Size ... ... .... ... ... SST 49L F00 2A 2 56 K Enter: Ru n h/i: M ov e E SC : Re set F10: Pow er Off Ke ep D M I D ataE na ble l lRe adin g BIOS file from floppy ... .... .. >>>> >>>>... ....... ...... ....... .... Do n't tur n off P ow er Or RES ET Sy stem After BIOS file is read, you’ll see a confirmation dialog box asking you "Are you sure to update BIOS?" D o n o t t u r n i n g power or reset your s y s t e m a t t h i s sta ge! English -8 5 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish Q-F lash U tility V1 .30 Flas h Ty pe/ Size ... ... .... ... ... SST 49L F00 2A 2 56 K Enter: Ru n h/i: M ov e E SC : Re set F10: Pow er Off l l l C H EC KSU M = AC 03 Are y ou sure to u pdate BI OS? [E nter] to c ontin ue up datin g B IO S o r " ES C " to ab or t. You ca n press "Enter" to continue up dating BIOS or "E SC" to a bort. 3. Press Y button if you make sure to update BIOS. Then it will begin to update BIOS. The progress of updating will be shown at the same time. Do not turning off po wer or re se t y our sy stem at th is s tage !! The porces s of updatin g BIOS Q-F lash U tility V1 .30 Flas h Ty pe/ Size ... ... .... ... ... SST 49L F00 2A 2 56 K Enter: Ru n h/i: M ov e E SC : Re set F10: Pow er Off l l l U pd ating BIOS N o w ... >>>>>>> >>>>>>... ......... ..... Do not Tur n Off Po w er On R ESET Sy s tem 4. Press any keys to return to the Q-Flash™ menu when the BIOS updating procedure is completed. Q-F lash U tility V1 .30 Flas h Ty pe/ Size ... ... .... ... ... SST 49L F00 2A 2 56 K Enter: Ru n h/i: M ov e E SC : Re set F10: Pow er Off l l l ! ! C op y BIOS completed -pass !! P leas e pre ss an y ke y to continue. ... 5. Press Esc and then Enter to exit the Q-Flash™ utility. System will restart. Q-F lash U tility V1 .30 Flas h Ty pe/ Size ... ... .... ... ... SST 49L F00 2A 2 56 K Enter: Ru n h/i: M ov e E SC : Re set F10: Pow er Off l l l A re y o u su re to RES ET? [ Enter] to co ntin ue or [Es c] to a bor t.. .. 6. Press Del to enter BIOS menu after system reboots and load BIOS Fail-Safe Defaults. See how to load BIOS Fail-Safe Defaults, please kindly refer to Step 6 to 7 in Part One. Congratulation!! You have updated BIOS successfully!! GA-8S655FX Series M otherboard -8 6 M ethod 2: @ BIOS U tility If you don't have DOS boot disk, we recommend that you used Gigabyte @BIOSTM program to flash BIO S. 1. Click "@ BIO S" Press here. 2.Click"Start"-"Programs"" GIG ABYTE"-" @BIOS" (1) (2) 3.Click "P" . 4.Click here. 5. Please select @BIOS sever site, then C lick " OK". (3) (4) Methods and steps: I. Update BIOS through Internet a. Click "Internet Update" icon b. Clic k "Upda te New BIOS" icon c . Select @BIOSTM se ver d. Select the exact modelname on your motherboard e. System will automatically download and update the BIOS. English -8 7 -Tech nical Refere nce EnglishEnglish II. Upd ate BIOS NOT through Internet: a. Do not click "Internet Update" icon b. Click "Upd ate New BIO S" c . Please select "All Files" in dialog box while opening the old file. d. Please search for BIOS unzip file, downloading from internet or any other methods (such as: 8S655FX Ultra.F1). e. Complete update process following the instruction. III. Save BIO S In the very beginning, there is "Save Current BIOS" icon shown in dialog box. It means to save the current BIOS version. IV. Check out supported motherboard and Flash ROM: In the very beginning, there is "About this program" icon shown in dialog box. It can help you check out which kind of motherboard and which brand of Flash ROM are supported. Note: a. In method I, if it shows two or more motherboard's modelnames to be selected, please make sure your motherboard's model name again. Selecting wrong modelname willcause the system unbooted. b. In method II, be sure that motherboard's model name in BIOS unzip file are the same as your motherboard's. Otherwise, your system won't boot. c . In method I, if the BIOS file you need cannot be found in @BIOSTM server, please go onto Gigabyte's web site for downloading and updating it according to method II. d. Please note that any interruption during updating willcause system unbooted GA-8S655FX Series M otherboard -8 8 2-/4-/6-Channel Audio Function Introduction The insta llation of window s 98SE/2K/M E/XP is ver y simp le. Please follo w next step to in stall the function! Stereo Speakers Connection and Settings: We recom m end that you use the speaker with am plifier to acqiire th e best sound effect if the stereo...