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Instruções de Operação Gigabyte, Modelo 8S648-RZ

Fabricante : Gigabyte
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w/• Serial port (COMA/COMB) M o use and m ode m e tc. can be conn ecte d to Se rial por t. • Game/MIDIport Th is co nne cto r s upp or ts joy stick, M IDI ke ybo ar d a nd oth er re late a udio d ev ice s. • Line Out jack Co nnec t the s tere o s peak ers or ear phon e to th is c onn ecto r. • Line In jack De vices like C D-R OM , walkm an etc. ca n b e con ne ct to L ine In jac k. English "*" Only fo r 8S648-RZ. -1 1 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess English English • MIC In jack Microp hon e c an b e c onn ect to M IC In jac k. After ins tallation of the audio driver , you are ab le to use 2 /4/6-c hannel audio feature by software se lection . You c an con nect "F ron t sp eak er" to "Line Out" ja ck, Con nec t " Rear sp eak er" to "L ine In " jack an d c onn ect "C enter /Su bwo ofe r" to "M IC In" jac k. • LAN port * LA N is fas t Eth ern et with 10 /10 0M bps sp ee d. • USB port Be fo re yo u c onn ec t y ou r d ev ice (s ) into U SB co nne ctor( s), p lea se m a ke su re yo ur de vic e( s) su ch as US B k ey boa rd, m o us e, sca nn er, zip, sp eak er. ..e tc . H ave a stand ard U SB inter fac e. Also m ake sure yo ur O S su ppor ts USB controller. If your OS doe s no t su ppor t U SB c ontr olle r, please co ntac t OS ve ndor fo r po ssible patch o r dr ive r up gra de. For m or e infor m ation plea se co ntact y ou r O S or d ev ic e( s) v en do rs . Step 4-2: Connectors Introduction 2 31 714 4 13 8 6 16 5 10 12 11 15 9 1) ATX_12V 9) F_AUDIO 2) ATX 10) SUR_CEN 3) CPU_FAN 11) CD_IN 4) SYS_FAN 12) AUX_IN 5) IDE1 / IDE2 13) SPDIF_IO 6) FDD 14) F_USB1 / F_USB2 7) PWR_LED 15) CLR_CMOS 8) F_PANEL 16) BAT "*" Only fo r 8S648-RZ. 8S648-RZ Series M otherboard -1 2 1) ATX_12V (+12V Power Connector) Th is c onn ector ( ATX _12 V) s upp lie s th e C PU oper ation voltage (V core ). If th is "AT X_1 2V con nec tor " is no t c onn ected, sy ste m c ann ot boo t. 3 4 1 2 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 GND 3 +12V 4 +12V 2) ATX(ATX Power) AC p ower co rd s hou ld o nly b e co nne cted to y ou r power s up ply u nit a fter ATX po we r c ab le a nd other rela ted dev ices ar e firm ly con nec ted to the m ain boar d. 1 10 20 11 Pin No. Definition Pin No. Definition 1 3.3V 11 3.3V 2 3.3V 12 -12V 3 GND 13 GND 4 VCC 14 PS_ON(softon/off) 5 GND 15 GND 6 VCC 16 GND 7 GND 17 GND 8 PowerGood 18 -5V 9 5V SB (stand by +5V) 19 VCC 10 +12V 20 VCC 3) CPU_FAN (CPU Fan Connector) Pleas e no te, a prop er ins tallation of the CPU coo ler is es sential to pre ven t the C PU fro m ru nning un de r abn or m a l c on ditio n or da m a ge d b y ov erh ea ting . T he C PU fa n con ne ctor su pp orts M a x. cur rent up to 6 00 m A. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 +12V 3 Sense English -1 3 -Har dware Installatio n Proc ess EnglishEnglish 4) SYS_FAN (System Fan Connector) T his co nn ec to r allo ws y o u to lin k with the c oo lin g fa n on the s ys te m c as e to lower the s ys te m tem per ature. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 GND 2 +12V 3 Sense 5) IDE1 / IDE2 (IDE1 / IDE2 Connector) Im por ta nt Notic e: Ple as e c onn ec t firs t har d d is k to IDE 1 a nd co nne ct CD -RO M to IDE 2. Th e r ed strip e o f the ribb on cab le m us t b e the sam e s ide with the Pin 1. 1 39 2 40 ID E2 ID E1 6) FDD (Floppy Connector) Pleas e co nne ct the flo ppy dr ive rib bon cab les to FD D. It s upp orts 36 0K, 1. 2M , 720 K, 1.44 M a nd 2 .8 8M b ytes flo pp y disk typ es . Th e r ed stripe of the ribbon ca ble m u st be the sam e s ide with the Pin 1. 1 34 2 33 8S648-RZ Series M otherboard -1 4 7) PWR_LED PWR_LED is connect with the system power indicator to indicate whether the system is on/off. It will blink when the system enters suspend m ode. If you use dual color LED, power LED will turn to another color. 1 Pin No. Definition 1 MPD+ 2 MPD3 MPD 8) F_PANEL (2 x 10 pins Connector) Please connect the power LED, PC speaker, reset switch and power switch etc of your chassisfront panel to the F _PANEL connector according to the pin assignm ent below. 1 2 19 20 HDHD+ RES+ RESNCI DE H a rd D isk Ac tiv e LE D R es et S witc h SPEAKMSGMSG+ PWPW+ Mes sa ge L ED / P o we r / Slee p LE D SPEAK+ 11 111 S of t P o we r Con nect or Sp eak er Co nne ct or HD (IDE Hard Disk Ac tive LED) Pin 1:LED anode(+) Pin 2:LED c athode(-) SPK(Speaker Connec tor) Pin 1:VCC(+) Pin 2-Pin 3: NC Pin 4: Data(-) RES (Reset Switc h) Open:Norm alOperation Close:ResetHardware System PW (SoftPower Connec tor) Open:Norm alOperation Close:Power On/Off M SG (Message LED/Power/Sleep LED) Pin 1:LED anode(+) Pin 2:LED c athode(-) NC NC English -15 -Hardware Installation Process EnglishEnglish 9) F_AUDIO (Front Audio Connector) If yo u wan t to u se Fr ont Au dio c onn ector , y ou m u st rem ove 5 -6, 9-10 Ju m pe r. In o rder to utilize the front a udio h eader, your ch assis m ust ha ve fron t audio conne ctor. A lso please m ak e sure the pin as sigm e nt on the c able is the sam e as th e pin assig m ent on the M B h eader. To find ou t if the ch ass is you a re buy ing s upp ort fr on t a udio con nec...

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