por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
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HDD-0~3 Select your boot device priority by HDD-0~3. SCSI Select your boot device priority by SCSI. CDROM Select your boot device priority by CDROM. Disable Disable this function. LAN Select your boot device priority by LAN. • Boot Up Floppy Seek During POST, BIOS will determine the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks. 360 K type is 40 tracks 720 K, 1.2 M and 1.44 M are all 80 tracks. Enabled BIOS searches for floppy disk drive to determine it is 40 or 80 tracks. Note that BIOS can not tell from 720 K, 1.2 M or 1.44 M drive type as they are all 80 tracks. (Default value) Disabled BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by track number. Note that there will not be any warning message if the drive installed is 360 K. • Boot Up NumLock Status On Keypad is number keys. (Default value) Off Keypad is arrow keys. BIOS Setup • •••• Security Option This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup. System The system can not boot and can not access to Setup page will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt. Setup The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt. (Default value) • •••• HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability Enabled Enabled HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability. Disabled Disabled HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability. (Default value) • •••• Report No FDD For WIN 95 No Assign IRQ6 For FDD. (Default value) Yes FDD Detect IRQ6 Automatically. 52 6OMM7 Motherboard Advanced Chipset Features CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright( C ) 1984-2000 Award Software Advanced Chipset Features Top Performance Disabled SDRAM Timing Control Auto • SDRAM CAS Latency Time 3 .. SDRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc 7/9 .. SDRAM RAS-to-CAS Delay 3 .. SDRAM RAS Precharge Time 3 Delayed Transaction Enabled On-Chip Video Window Size 64MB AGP Graphics Aperture Size 64MB ¦Display Cache Frequency 133MHz ..System Memory Frequency Auto ..Onboard Display Cache Setting• ¦Initial Display Cache Enabled ¦Display Cache Timing Auto SDRAM Buffer Strength Auto X SWE#, SCAS#, SRAS, SMAA, SBS Default X SMD[63:0], SDQM[7:0] Default X SMAA#[7:4] (Rows 0/1) Default X SMAB#[7:4] (Rows 2/3) Default X SMAC#[7:4] (Rows 4/5) Default X SCS[0]# (Row 0) Default X SCS[1]# (Row 1) Default X SCS[2]# (Row 2) Default X SCS[3]# (Row 3) Default X SCS[4]# (Row 4) Default X SCS[5]# (Row 5) Default X SCKE[0]# (Row 0) Default X SCKE[1]# (Row 1) Default X SCKE[2]# (Row 2) Default X SCKE[3]# (Row 3) Default X SCKE[4]# (Row 4) Default X SCKE[5]# (Row 5) Default Item Help Menu Level ^v> <:Move Enter:Select +/-/PU/PD:Value F10:Save ESC:Exit F1:General Help F5:Previous Values F6:Fail-Safe Defaults F7:Optimized Defaults Figure 5: Advanced Chipset Features .. These four items will be available when ”SDRAM Timing Control” is set to Manual. ..This item will be show when the system bus frequency is 133MHz. ¦These three items will only be shown when you install GA-AIMM card. 53 BIOS Setup 54 • Top Performance If you wish to maximize the performance of your system, set “Top Performance” as “Enabled”. Disabled Disabled this function. (Default Value) Enabled Enabled Top Performance function. • SDRAM Timing Control Auto Set SDRAM Timing Control to Auto. (Default value) Manual Set SDRAM Timing Control to Manual. • SDRAM CAS latency Time 3 For Slower SDRAM DIMM module. (Default Value) 2 For Fastest SDRAM DIMM module. • SDRAM Cycle Time Tras/Trc 7/9 Set SDRAM Tras/Trc Cycle time to 7/9 SCLKs. (Default value) 5/7 Set SDRAM Tras/Trc Cycle time to 5/7 SCLKs. • SDRAM RAS-to-CAS delay 3 Set SDRAM RAS-to-CAS delay 3 SCLKs. (Default value) 2 Set SDRAM RAS-to-CAS delay 2 SCLKs. • SDRAM RAS Precharge Time 3 Set SDRAM RAS Precharge Time to 3. (Default value) 2 Set SDRAM RAS Precharge Time to 2. • Delayed Transaction Disabled Normal operation. Enabled For slow speed ISA device in system. (Default value) • On-Chip Video Window Size 32MB Set On-Chip Video Window Size to 32MB. 64MB Set On-Chip Video Window Size to 64MB. (Default value) • AGP Graphics Aperture Size 32 MB Set AGP Graphics Aperture Size to 32MB. 64 MB Set AGP Graphics Aperture Size to 64MB. (Default Value) 6OMM7 Motherboard 55 • Display Cache Frequency 100MHz Set Display Cache Frequency to 100MHz. 133MHz Set Display Cache Frequency to 133MHz. (Default value) • System Memory Frequency Auto Set System Memory Frequency to Auto. (Default value) 100MHz Set System Memory Frequency to 100MHz. 133MHz Set System Memory Frequency to 133MHz. • Initial Display Cache Disabled Disabled Initial Display Cache. Enabled Enabled Initial Display Cache. (Default value) • Display Cache Timing Auto Set Display Cache Timing to Auto. (Default value) Fast Set Display Cache Timing to Fast. Normal Set Display Cache Timing to Normal. • SDRAM Buffer Strength Auto Set SDRAM Buffer Strength to Auto. (Default value) Manual Set SDRAM Buffer Strength to Manual. • SWE#, SCAS#, SRAS#, SMAA, SBS Default Set SWE#, SCAS#, SRAS#, SMAA, SBS to Default. (Default value) 1.7x Set SWE#, SCAS#, S...