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This is the amount of memory located above 1 MB in the CPU's memory address map. Expanded Memory Expanded Memory in memory defined by the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) standard as EMS. Many standard DOS applications can not utilize memory above 640 K; the Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) swaps memory, which not utilized by DOS with a section, or frame, so these applications, can access all of the system memory. Memory can be swapped by EMS is usually 64 K within 1 MB or memory above 1 MB, depends on the chipset design. Expanded memory device driver is required to use memory as Expanded Memory. Other Memory This refers to the memory located in the 640 K to 1024 K 4-7 BX2000 address space. This is memory that can be used for different applications. DOS uses this area to load device drivers to keep as much base memory free for application programs. Most use for this area is Shadow RAM. 4-8 BIOS Configuration 4.6. BIOS FEATURES SETUP Figure 4.3: BIOS Features Setup R System will detect automatically and show up when you install the Pentium III processor. · Virus Warning If it is set to enable, the category will flash on the screen when there is any attempt to write to the boot sector or partition table of the hard disk drive. The system will halt and the warning message will appear in the mean time. You can run anti-virus program to locate the problem. Default value is Disabled. Enabled Activate automatically when the system boots up causing a warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition table Disabled No warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition table 4-9 BX2000 • CPU Internal Cache / External Cache These two categories speed up memory access. However, it depends on CPU / chipset design. The default value is Enabled. Enabled Enable cache Disabled Disable cache · CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking The default value is Disabled. Enabled Enable CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking Disabled Disable CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking • Processor Number Feature This item will show up when you install the Pentium III processor. The default value is Enabled. Enabled Pentium III Processor Number Feature. Disabled Disable this function • Quick Power On Self Test This category speeds up Power On Self Test (POST) after you power on the computer. If it is set to Enable, BIOS will shorten or skip some check items during POST. The default value is Enabled. Enabled Enable quick POST Disabled Normal POST · CPU Update Data The default value is Enabled. Enabled Enable CPU Update Data Disabled Normal CPU Update Data 4-10 BIOS Configuration · Boot From LAN First The default value is Enabled. Auto Enable Boot From LAN First Function Enabled Enable Boot From LAN First Function Disabled Disable Boot From LAN First Function +You can set “ Auto” or “ Enabled” to boot from LAN first. · Boot Sequence This category determines which drive computer searches first for the disk operating system (i.e., DOS). Default value is A, C, SCSI. X1, X2, X3 System will first search for X1 disk drive then X2 disk drive and then X3 disk drive. · Swap Floppy Drive The default value is Disabled. Enabled Floppy A & B will be swapped under DOS Disabled Floppy A & B will be normal definition · VGA Boot From The default value is AGP. AGP VGA Boot From AGP PCI VGA Boot From PCI · Boot Up Floppy Seek During POST, BIOS will determine the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks. 360 K type is 40 tracks 720 K, 1.2 M and 1.44 M are all 80 tracks. The default value is Enabled. Enabled BIOS searches for floppy disk drive to determine it is 40 or 80 tracks. Note that BIOS can not tell from 720 K, 1.2 M or 1.44 M drive type as they are all 80 tracks Disabled BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by track number. Note that there will not be any warning message if the drive installed is 360 K 4-11 BX2000 · Boot Up NumLock Status The default value is On. On Keypad is number keys Off Keypad is arrow keys · Typematic Rate Setting The default value is Disabled. Enabled Enable Keyboard Typematic rate setting. Disabled Disable Keyboard Typematic rate setting. · Typematic Rate (Chars / Sec) The default value is 6. 6-30 Set the maximum Typematic rate from 6 chars. Per second to 30 chars. Per second. · Typematic Delay (Msec) The default value is 250. 250-1000 Set the time delay from first key to repeat the same key in to computer. • Security Option This category allows you to limit access to the system and Setup, or just to Setup. The default value is Setup. System The system can not boot and can not access to Setup page will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt Setup The system will boot, but access to Setup will be denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt • To disable security, select PASSWORD SETTING at Main Menu and then you will be asked to enter password. Do not type anything and just press