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Incorrectly doing overclock/overvoltage may result in damage to CPU, chipset, or memory and reduce the useful life of these components. This page is for advanced users only and we recommend you not to alter the default settings to prevent system instability or other unexpected results. (Inadequately altering the settings may result in system's failure to boot. If this occurs, clear the CMOS values and reset the board to default values.) ``M.I.T. Current Status This screen provides information on CPU/memory frequencies/parameters. ``Advanced Frequency Settings &&CPU Clock Control Allows you to manually set the CPU base clock in 1 MHz increments. (Default: Auto) Important: It is highly recommended that the CPU frequency be set in accordance with the CPU specifications. &&Processor Graphics Clock Allows you to set the onboard graphics clock. The adjustable range is from 300 MHz to 2000 MHz. &&CPU NorthBridge Frequency Allows you to manually set the CPU North Bridge frequency. The adjustable range is from 800 MHz to 6000 MHz. &&CPU Clock Ratio Allows you to alter the clock ratio for the installed CPU. The adjustable range is dependent on the CPU being installed. &&CPU Frequency Displays the current operating CPU frequency. ``Advanced CPU Core Settings &&CPU Clock Ratio, CPU Frequency The settings above are synchronous to those under the same items on the Advanced Frequency Settings menu. &&Core Performance Boost (Note 1) Allows you to determine whether to enable the Core Performance Boost (CPB) technology, a CPU performance-boost technology. (Default: Auto) &&Turbo Performance Boost Ratio Allows you to determine whether to improve CPU performance. (Default: Disabled) &&Core Performance Boost Ratio Allows you alter the ratio for the CPB. The adjustable range is dependent on the CPU being installed. (Default: Auto) &&AMD Cool&Quiet function Enabled Lets the AMD Cool'n'Quiet driver dynamically adjust the CPU clock and VID to reduce heat output from your computer and its power consumption. (Default) Disabled Disables this function. &&SVM Mode Virtualization enhanced by Virtualization Technology will allow a platform to run multiple operating systems and applications in independent partitions. With virtualization, one computer system can function as multiple virtual systems. (Default: Enabled) &&C6 Mode Allows you to determine whether to let the CPU enter C6 mode in system halt state. When enabled, the CPU core frequency will be reduced during system halt state to decrease power consumption. The C6 state is a more enhanced power-saving state than C1. (Default: Enabled) &&CPU core Control Allows you to determine whether to manually enable/disable CPU cores. Automatic mode allows the BIOS to enable all CPU cores (number of cores available depends on the CPU being used). (Default: Automatic mode) &&APM Enables or disables Application Power Management. (Default: Enabled) &&Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) (Note 2) Allows the BIOS to read the SPD data on XMP memory module(s) to enhance memory performance when enabled. Disabled Disables this function. (Default) Profile1 Uses Profile 1 settings. Profile2 (Note 2) Uses Profile 2 settings. &&AMD Memory Profile (A.M.P.) (Note 2) Allows the BIOS to read the SPD data on AMP memory module(s) to enhance memory performance when enabled. (Default: Disabled) &&System Memory Multiplier Allows you to set the system memory multiplier. Auto sets memory multiplier according to memory SPD data. (Default: Auto) &&Memory Frequency (MHz) This value is automatically adjusted according to the CPU Clock Control and System Memory Multiplier settings. ``Advanced Memory Settings &&Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) (Note 2), System Memory Multiplier, Memory Frequency(MHz) The settings above are synchronous to those under the same items on the Advanced Frequency Settings menu. (Note 1) This item is present only when you install a CPU that supports this feature. (Note 2) This item is present only when you install a CPU and a memory module that support this feature. &&System Fan Speed Control Allows you to determine whether to enable the fan speed control function and adjust the fan speed. Normal Allows the fan to run at different speeds according to the system temperature. You can adjust the fan speed with EasyTune based on your system requirements. (Default) Silent Allows the fan to run at slow speeds. Manual Allows you to control the fan speed under the Fan Speed Percentage item. Disabled Allows the fan to run at full speeds. &&Fan Speed Percentage Allows you to control the fan speed. This item is configurable only when System Fan Speed Control is set to Manual. Options are: 0.75 PWM value /oC ~ 2.50 PWM value /oC. 2-3 System Information This section provides information on your motherboard model and BIOS version. You can also select the default language used by the BIOS and manually set the system time. &&System Language Selects the default language used by the BIOS. &&System Date Sets the system dat...