por este dispositivo também tem outras instruções :
Facilidade de uso
7. Troubleshooting & FAQs
7.2 General FAQs
drivers. Your computer may ask
you for monitor drivers (.inf and
When I install my monitor what
.icm files) or a driver disk when
should I do if the screen shows
you first install your monitor.
'Cannot display this video
Follow the instructions to
insert the companion CD-ROM
Recommended resolution for
included in this package. Monitor
this monitor: 1280 x 1024 @ 60
drivers (.inf and .icm files) will be
installed automatically.
Unplug all cables, then connect your
How do I adjust the resolution?
PC to the monitor that you used
Ans.: Your video card/graphic driver
and monitor together determine
In the Windows Start Menu, select
the available resolutions. You
Settings/Control Panel. In the
can select the desired resolution
Control Panel Window, select the
under Windows® Control Panel
Display icon. Inside the Display
with the "Display properties".
Control Panel, select the ‘Settings’
tab. Under the setting tab, in box
What if I get lost when I am
labelled ‘desktop area’, move the
making monitor adjustments via
sidebar to 1280 x 1024 pixels.
Open ‘Advanced Properties’ and
Ans.: Simply press the OK button, then
set the Refresh Rate to 60 Hz, then
select 'Reset' to recall all of the
click OK.
original factory settings.
Restart your computer and repeat
Is the LCD screen resistant to
step 2 and 3 to verify that your PC is
set at 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz.
Ans.: In general it is recommended
Shut down your computer,
that the panel surface is not
disconnect your old monitor and
subjected to excessive shocks
reconnect your Philips LCD monitor.
and is protected from sharp or
Turn on your monitor and then turn
blunt objects. When handling the
on your PC.
monitor, make sure that there is
no pressure or force applied to
What is the recommended
the panel surface side. This may
refresh rate for LCD monitor?
affect your warranty conditions.
Ans.: Recommended refresh rate in
LCD monitors is 60 Hz, In case of
How should I clean the LCD
any disturbance on screen, you
can set it up to 75 Hz to see if
Ans.: For normal cleaning, use a clean,
that removes the disturbance.
soft cloth. For extensive cleaning,
please use isopropyl alcohol. Do
What are the .inf and .icm files
not use other solvents such as
on the CD-ROM? How do I install
ethyl alcohol, ethanol, acetone,
the drivers (.inf and .icm)?
hexane, etc.
Ans.: These are the driver files for your
monitor. Follow the instructions
Can I change the color setting of
in your user manual to install the
my monitor?