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When you encounter problems such as blurry screen, blurred letters, screen flicker or tilted screen while using the device or after changing screen resolution, press the AUTO function button to improve resolution. (Only supported in Analog Mode) note CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 13 CUstoMIZInG settInGs Accessing the Main Menus 1 Press any button on the front of the Monitor set to display the MonItoR setUP OSD menu. 2 Press the desired menu item. 3 Change the value of the menu item by pressing the buttons on the front of the Monitor set. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow ( ) button. 4 Select eXIt to leave the OSD menu. Monitor set Buttons MENU SUPER+ RESOLUTION DUAL AUTO INPUTVOLUME EXIT MONITOR SETUP MenU (See p.14) Sets the screen options. AUto (See p.5) Optimizes the resolution. eXIt Exits the OSD menu. InPUt Sets the external input. sUPeR+ ResoLUtIon (See p.16) DUAL (See p.17) VoLUMe (See p.16) note Different menu items are enabled depending on the type of input signal and model. Menu sUPeR+ ResoLUtIon DUAL AUto VoLUMe InPUt eXIt e1951s / e2051s / e22551s o X o o X X o e1951t / e2051t / e2251t / e2351t o X o o X o o e2251VR / e2351VR (Analog/Digital) o o o o X o o e2251VR / e2351VR (HDMI) o o o X o o o e2251VQ / e2351VQ (Analog/Digital) o X o o X o o e2251VQ / e2351VQ (HDMI) o X o X o o o ENGENGLISH 14 CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS ENGENGLISH Customizing settings Menu settings MENU 1 Press any button on the front of the Monitor set to display the MonItoR setUP OSD menu. 2 Press the MenU button to display the options in the OSD menu. 3 Set the options by pressing the < or > or Ў buttons. 4 Select eXIt to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow ( ) button. BRIGHTNESS 100 ORIGINAL RATIO WIDE COLOR TEMP PRESET PRESET WARM RED 50 GREEN 50 BLUE 50 CONTRAST 70 BLACK LEVEL LOW LANGUAGE ENGLISH RTC ON SUPERENEYGYSAVING FACTORY RESET NO EXIT The available MENU settings are described below. Menu Analog Digital HDMI Description BRIGHtness o o o Adjusts the brightness of the screen. oRIGInAL RAtIo o o o WIDe Switch to full screen mode according to input image signal. oRIGInAL Change the input image signal ratio to original. * This function works only if input resolution is lower than Monitor set ratio (16:9). CoLoR teMP o o o PReset Select the screen color. • WARM: Set the screen to warm color temperature (more red). • MeDIUM: Set the screen to medium color temperature. • CooL: Set the screen to cool color temperature (More blue). UseR • ReD: Set your own red color levels. • GReen: Set your own green color levels. • BLUe: Set your own blue color levels. ContRAst o o o Adjusts the contrast of the screen. BLACK LeVeL (only supported in HDMI mode) X X o You can set the offset level. If you select 'HIGH', the screen will be bright and if you select ‘LOW’, the screen will be dark. • offset: As the criteria for video signal, it is the darkest screen the monitor can show. LAnGUAGe o o o Changes the menu language. RtC (only supported ine2251VQ, e2351VQ model) o o o If you set on, you enable the Response Time Control function and reduce the afterimage of the screen. If you set oFF, you disable the Response Time Control function and operate at panel response time. sUPeR eneRGY sAVInG o o o Change the SUPER ENERGY SAVING function. (See p.15) FACtoRY Reset o o o Returns the monitor to original factory settings except "LANGUAGE". y Analog: D-SUB(Analog signal) input. y Digital: DVI-D(Digital signal) input. y HDMI: HDMI(Digital signal) input. CUSTOMIZING SETTINGS 15 sUPeR eneRGY sAVInG settings 1 Press any button on the front of the Monitor set to display the MonItoR setUP OSD menu. 2 Press the MenU button to display the options in the OSD Menu. 3 Select sUPeR eneRGY sAVInG by pressing the Ў button. 4 Enter to sUPeR eneRGY sAVInG by pressing the > button. ENGENGLISH EXITOK ON OFF RESET TOTAL POWER REDUCTION: 20 W TOTAL CO2 REDUCTION: 16 g SUPER SAVING : 5 W/h LED SAVING : 12 W/h SUPER ENERGY SAVING 5 Set the options by pressing < or > buttons. 6 Select eXIt to leave the OSD menu. To return to the upper menu or set other menu items, use the up arrow ( ) button. The available SUPER ENERGY SAVING settings are described below. Menu Description on Enables SUPER ENERGY SAVING. oFF Disables SUPER ENERGY SAVING. Reset Resets the values of total energy consumption reduction and CO2 emission reduction estimates. ytotAL PoWeR ReDUCtIon: How much power is saved while using the monitor. ytotAL Co2 ReDUCtIon: Estimated CO2 not used by activating the Super Energy Saving function. ysAVInG DAtA(W/h) note 470 mm (18.5 inch) 508 mm (20 inch) 546 mm (21.5 inch) 584 mm (23 inch) SUPER SAVING 3 W/h 3 W/h 4 W/h 5 W/h LED SAVING 3 W/h 18 W/h 15 W/h 12 W/h y Saving Data depends on the Panel. So,those values should be different from each panel and panel vendor. y LG calculated these values by using “broadcast video signal”. y LED Saving means how much power can be saved using a WLED Panel...
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