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Instruções de Operação Peavey, Modelo 0280305057

Fabricante : Peavey
Arquivo Tamanho: 1.07 mb
Arquivo Nome : d62ae7d2-c80a-4832-94a9-3e2c2e333dc6.pdf
Língua de Ensino: enesfrde
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First, extremely tough black covering is provided along with heavy-duty corners. Second, a serious handle is available at the top of the unit. Third, a heavy-duty metal grille is provided to protect the speaker. This amp is for real. Check it out---it’s all there...sound, portability, roadworthy design. Also, with every KB series amplifier, you get Peavey’s excellent five-year warranty (check the warranty document at the end of the manual for full details), and the best in customer service from Peavey’s award- winning repair and service department. 4 5 CHANNEL ONE 1. INPUT Signal input for Channel One. This 1/4" jack input will accept signals from a variety of keyboard and acoustic instruments. 2. LEVEL Controls the Channel One 1/4" phone jack input level. 3. LOW EQUALIZATION An active tone control (shelving type +/-15 dB) for boosting or cutting the bass frequency range. CAUTION: Excessive low frequency boost can damage the speaker. 4. HIGH EQUALIZATION An active tone control (shelving type +/-15 dB) for boosting or cutting the treble frequency range. CHANNEL TWO 5. INPUT Signal input for Channel Two. This 1/4" jack input will accept signals from a variety of keyboard and acoustic instruments. 6. LEVEL Controls the Channel Two 1/4" phone jack input level. FRONT PANEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 77. .. L LLO OOW WW E EEQ QQU UUA AAL LLI IIZ ZZA AAT TTI IIO OON NN An active tone control (shelving type +/-15 dB) for boosting or cutting the bass frequency range. C CCA AAU UUT TTI IIO OON NN: :: Excessive low frequency boost can damage the speaker. 8 88. .. H HHI IIG GGH HH E EEQ QQU UUA AAL LLI IIZ ZZA AAT TTI IIO OON NN An active tone control (shelving type +/-15 dB) for boosting or cutting the treble frequency range. 9 99. .. H HHE EEA AAD DDP PPH HHO OON NNE EE J JJA AAC CCK KK A headphone jack is provided for stereo headphones. This switching jack disengages the internal speaker when plugged in. RREEAARR PPAANNEELL 10 11 1 110 00. .. P PPO OOW WWE EER RR S SSW WWI IIT TTC CCH HH On/Off switch. The red pilot light illuminates when the unit is turned on. 1 111 11. .. I IIE EEC CC C CCO OON NNN NNE EEC CCT TTO OOR RR/ //D DDE EET TTA AAC CCH HHA AAB BBL LLE EE L LLI IIN NNE EE C CCO OOR RRD DD This is a standard IEC power connector. An AC mains cord having the appropriate AC plug and ratings for the intended operating voltage is included in the carton. The main cord should be connected to the amplifier before connecting to a suitable AC outlet. 1 112 22. .. Maintain a clearance of 12” from any combustible surface. 6 K KKB BB™ ™™ 1 11 S SSP PPE EEC CCI IIF FFI IIC CCA AAT TTI IIO OON NNS SS RRaatteedd ppoowweerr aanndd llooaadd:: 20 W RMS into 4 Ohms PPoowweerr @@ cclliippppiinngg ((ttyyppiiccaall)):: (5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 VAC line) 20 W RMS into 4 Ohms TToottaall hhaarrmmoonniicc ddiissttoorrttiioonn:: Less than 0.5%, 100 mW to 12 W RMS, 60 Hz to 10 kHz, 4 Ohms (typically below 0.2%) PPoowweerr ccoonnssuummppttiioonn:: 50 Watts, 50/60 Hz, 120 VAC PPRREEAAMMP...

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