Other channel messages will be echoed to the MIDI Out, but will not affect the BAM. The BAM will generate the following channel messages on its MIDI channel: • Program Change (as shown above) - whenever a preset change is initiated by front panel or PFC4B. • Bank Select (as shown above) - whenever the MATRIX bank is toggled from/to Factory to/from User. SYSTEM COMMON AND SYSTEM REAL-TIME MESSAGES The BAM will echo these messages to the MIDI Out when received. None will be generated by the BAM. SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES We’ve equipped the BAM with an extensive MIDI Sysex implementation. In addition to simple preset dumps and preset sharing via the Internet and such, this enables the amp to be programmed remotely by a computer program or hardware editor like the Peavey PC1600x™. All of the BAM’s Sysex messages start with a common header and end with an End of Sysex [EOX] byte. The table below shows the “unique” section (including the command and optional data) of each message that falls between the header and the EOX. 15 Here is the common part, along with descriptions of each byte’s purpose: F0 - Start of Sysex [SOX] 00 00 1B- Peavey Manufacturer ID = 00 00 1B 11 - BAM Product ID (10 for PFC4B commands: CMD = 00, 01) 00 - Reserved for future use (keep fixed at zero) CMD - Command byte that defines which Sysex message it is - Optional data F7 - End of Sysex [EOX] NOTE: Each time a preset is recalled, it is first loaded into a RAM buffer that we call the Edit Buffer (could also be called “current preset”). If another preset is recalled, the Edit Buffer is erased, so any changes will be lost unless stored to a User location (or externally). In the table below, we refer to this preset location as the “EdBuf.” Now for the unique stuff: CMD Number (in HEX) / description Resulting Action Name 00 / PFC4B Online None Amp sends PFC4B setup data 01 / PFC4B Switch Press Footswitch #, 0-5 Amp responds based on mode 02 / Version Request None Amp sends message 03 03 / Version of Software Version #, 00-7F Amp ignores if received 04 / Send Presets None Amp sends message 05 05 / Receive Presets Preset data, nibblized * Amp saves presets in User slots 06 / Send Single Preset Preset # (00 - 0F) Amp sends message 09 **** 07 / Receive Single Preset Preset #, preset nibs * Amp saves preset to User slot 08 / Send EdBuf None Amp sends message 09 09 / Receive EdBuf Preset nibbles * Amp loads and activates EdBuf 0A / Store EdBuf Preset # (00-0F; 7F for current) Amp stores EdBuf to User preset 0B / Send EdBuf Byte EdBuf address (00 - 1E) Amp sends message 0C 0C / Receive EdBuf Byte EdBuf address, value nibs * Amp activates EdBuf parameter 0D / Send EdBuf Partial Byte Partial address ** Amp sends message 0E 0E / Receive EdBuf Partial Byte Partial address, partial value ** Amp activates EdBuf parameter 0F / Send EdBuf Current Primary address *** Amp sends message 10 10 / Receive EdBuf Current Primary address, current value *** Amp activates EdBuf parameter 11 / 12 / Send Globals None Amp sends message 13 13 / Receive Globals 14 Global Bytes, nibblized * Amp saves and activates globals 14 / Send Global Partial Byte Partial address, 00-0D ** Amp sends message 15 15 / Receive Global Partial Byte Partial address, partial value ** Saves and activates global in amp * Nibblized data is sent hi nibble, then low nibble. E.g. a hex byte value of 74 will be sent as two bytes: 07 and 04. This is because MIDI data bytes really only have 7 bits - the most significant is reserved to be set for status bytes only. 16 Partial addressing is a way of programming a portion of an EdBuf byte, while not disturbing the other bits in that byte. A partial address is made up of 3 bytes. The first is the byte address of the preset byte you are targeting (00-1E). The second byte is the bit number you want to start writing at (0 for least significant, 7 for most significant). The third byte defines how many bits you want to program. The next byte will be the value, and since it is a partial value, it does not need to be nibblized. For example, to set the Compressor on/off bit, send the following string: F0 00 00 1B 11 00 0E 01 06 01 01 F7 The 01 points to the Hardware Control Bits (table below), whose bit 6 controls the compressor. The 06 says that we’re poking bit #6. The first 01 says that we’re programming one bit. The second 01 says that we’re setting (vs. clearing) the bit. *** “Current” addressing is an alternate method of controlling the eight preset parameters that have dual settings. Instead of the programming device needing to have two different strings for the two levels of, say, Pre Gain, it can use these messages with the address of the first Pre Gain parameter, and the status of the Boost will determine which of the two bytes will actually be read or written. For example, eight sliders (out of 16) of a PC1600x can write current Pre Gain through Delay Level, and five of the PC1600x’s buttons could emulate the EFX Select Mode of th...