Facilidade de uso
Symmetric XLR out to connect to e.g. a mixing console. SUBSONIC switch to cut low frequencies from the power amp (CCL ND: signals below 120 Hz). SPEAKER OUT EXT. to connect an additional speaker with min 8 Ohm. SPEAKER OUT to connect the amplifier to the speaker. HORN ATT. to control horn volume separately. Retractable handle and wheels make it easy to transport your Warwick Combo. SPECIFICATIONS C CC L LL N NN D DD 4 44 C CC C CC L LL N NN D DD 4 44 C CC C CC L LL N NN D DD 8 88 C CC C CC L LL 2 22 1 11 0 00 N NN D DD 8 88 I II N NN P PP U UU T TT 25 mV 25 mV 25 mV 25 mV P PP R RR E EE A AA M MM P PP transistor transistor transistor transistor P PP O OO W WW E EE R RR A AA M MM P PP fan cooled fan cooled fan cooled fan cooled E EE Q QQ U UU A AA L LL I II Z ZZ E EE R RR BASS, PARAM MID, TREB, LO / HI BOOST BASS, PUNCH, PARAM MID, ATTACK, TREB, LO / HI BOOST BASS, PUNCH, PARAM MID, ATTACK, TREB, LO / HI BOOST BASS, PUNCH, PARAM MID, ATTACK, TREB, LO / HI BOOST L LL I II M MM I II T TT E EE R RR adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable H HH E EE A AA D DD P PP H HH O OO N NN E EE min 200 Ohm min 200 Ohm min 200 Ohm min 200 Ohm E EE F FF F FF E EE C CC T TT L LL O OO O OO P PP mono serial send 0 dBu, 600 Ohm return 0 dBu, 10 kOhm mono serial send 0 dBu, 600 Ohm return 0 dBu, 10 kOhm mono serial send 0 dBu, 600 Ohm return 0 dBu, 10 kOhm mono serial send 0 dBu, 600 Ohm return 0 dBu, 10 kOhm R RR E EE A AA R RR C CC O OO N NN T TT R RR O OO L LL HORN ATTENUATOR HORN ATTENUATOR HORN ATTENUATOR HORN ATTENUATOR N NN O OO M MM I II N NN A AA L LL P PP O OO W WW E EE R RR 200 Watt / 4 Ohm 300 Watt / 4 Ohm 300 Watt / 4 Ohm 300 Watt / 4 Ohm S SS P PP E EE A AA K KK E EE R RR NEODYMIUM 12”, HF HORN NEODYMIUM 15”, HF HORN NEODYMIUM 15”, HF HORN NEODYMIUM 2 x 10”, HF HORN T TT H HH D DD < 0.1% < 0.1% < 0.1% < 0.1% C CC O OO N NN N NN E EE C CC T TT O OO R RR S SS TUNER OUT, DI OUT (pre / post) TUNER OUT, DI OUT (pre / post) TUNER OUT, DI OUT (pre / post) ext. speaker out (min 8 Ohm) TUNER OUT, DI OUT (pre / post) ext. speaker out (min 8 Ohm) S SS W WW I II T TT C CC H HH E EE S SS LIMITER, MUTE, GROUNDLIFT, SUBSONIC, DI PRE / POST LIMITER, MUTE, GROUNDLIFT, SUBSONIC, DI PRE / POST LIMITER, MUTE, GROUNDLIFT, SUBSONIC, DI PRE / POST LIMITER, MUTE, GROUNDLIFT, SUBSONIC, DI PRE / POST W WW E EE I II G GG H HH T TT ( (( N NN E EE T TT / // G GG R RR O OO S SS S SS , ,, k kk g gg ) )) 19 / 23 26 / 33 27 / 32 27 / 34 D DD I II M MM E EE N NN S SS I II O OO N NN S SS C CC O OO M MM B BB O OO ( (( c cc m mm ) )) 441 x 396 x 461 531 x 484 x 601 531 x 484 x 601 531 x 484 x 601 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CCLL NNDD 44 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CCCCLL NNDD 44 // 88 P PPl lle eea aas sse ee s sse eee ee t tth hhe ee n nne eew ww W WWa aar rrw wwi iic cck kk B BBa aas sss ss F FFo oor rru uum mm o oon nn w www www ww. ..w wwa aar rrw wwi iic cck kk. ..d dde ee F FFo oor rr s ssu uup ppp ppo oor rrt tt i iin nnf ffo oor rrm mma aat tti iio oon nn p ppl lle eea aas sse ee r rre eef ffe eer rr t tto oo s ssu uup ppp ppo oor rrt tt@ @@w wwa aar rrw wwi iic cck kk. ..d dde ee H HHe eea aad ddq qqu uua aar rrt tte eer rrs ss: :: Warwick GmbH&Co.Music Equipment KG • Gewerbegebiet Wohlhausen • 08258 Markneukirchen/Germany • E-Mail: info@warwick.de B BBr rra aan nnc cch hh C CCh hhi iin nna aa: :: Warwick Music Equipment (Shanghai) Ltd., Co.•Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone • Shanghai 200131/P.R.China • E-Mail: info@warwick.cn B BBr rra aan nnc cch hh U UUK KK: :: Warwick Music Equipment Trading (Manchester UK) Ltd. • 75 Bridge Street • Manchester M3 2RH / Great Britain • E-Mail: info@warwickbass.co.uk B BBr rra aan nnc cch hh S SSw wwi iit ttz zze eer rrl lla aan nnd dd: :: Warwick Music Equipment Trading (Zurich) GmbH • Kriesbachstrasse 30 • 8600 Dubendorf / Switzerland • E-Mail: info@warwick.ch B BBr rra aan nnc cch hh C CCZ ZZ: :: Warwick Music Equipment Trading (Praha CZ) s.r.o. • Spalena 23/93 • 11000 Praha 1 / Czech Republic • E-Mail: info@warwick.cz V VVi iis ssi iit tt u uus ss o oon nn t tth hhe ee W WWo oor rrl lld dd W WWi iid dde ee W WWe eeb bb: :: h hht ttt ttp pp: ::/ /// //w www www ww. ..w wwa aar rrw wwi iic cck kk. ..d dde ee ...
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