Assessments - 1, GPA: 3 ( )

Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo MKS-80

Fabricante : Roland
Arquivo Tamanho: 1.29 mb
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Língua de Ensino: ende
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. Program Change messages are transmitted In the basic channyl for the Upper 'Tone Number' defined by the ’Patch Number’, and in the basic channel + 1 for (he Lower 'Tono N'umber' When ihe ‘Tons Number’ is changed, a Program Change message is transmitted in the basic channel (or the Upp e r * To ne Numb c r’ . or In the basic channel + I for the Lower one, according to the panel setting. byte a mi oooo b 0100 0001 с ООП otto rt oooo nnnn e ooto oooo f 001 1 oooo g oooo COgg Ekc tus Iva su tus Roland ID tf Operation code = IPR (Individual parameter) Unit if = MIDI basic channel, nnnn = 0-15 where nnnn + 1 = channel » Formal type Leve i #‘a 2 Croup fr gg = 01 : Upper Patch gg = 10 Lower Patch b Oppp PPPP Pa ram« ter if ( 0 - 14 ) 1 Ovvv wvv Value CO- 108 ) : b and -i ( repetitively ) J 111! 01 I I End of Sy stem Exclusive Parame ter tt Fune 11 on e 0010 0000 f 0010 0000 t 0000 0010 h Ovvv vvvv Ovvv vvvv i ПИ 01П Format type Levfl I tt = | Croup a = Lower values (0 ~ 100) of parameter in sequence. <48 bytes total) End of System Exclusive KEY MODE SELECT SPLIT POINT BALANCE TONE NUMBER OCT SH I FT S ASSIGN MODE SELECT 6 UNISON DETUNE 7 HOLD CLIDE BENDER SENS VCO-1 BEND Pa rame ter Я Furvc l ion -. Du a i = Sp 1 1t-t ! split-2 = Wh о 1 e - 108 ( Note numb ei - 10П 3.’4 When the 'Tone Number' Is changed while the MiDi FUNCTION is ie t at Ml, the following exclusive messages (A and B) ara san l. A. PCR CP r o r ram number) which indicates the 'Tone Number' : 2 ОСТ Down I ОСТ Down r No rtni l I OCT Up ' 2 OCT Up So l o Un í ь o nwl Un ison-2 Po1 y“1 Poly-2 100 OFF 0& ía 1ways > (MIDI Damper messages arn 1 gno red > MIDI Damper messages are re со gn i ze á 100 100 GFF No rma1 CSIlghtly more than 1 octave) W Id в C2. 5 о с lav e s> By t e De s с r i P l 1 on a 111 I 0000 Exclu s i ve s t à tus b OiOO 0001 Ro t a n d i D tf с 001 I 0100 Operation code - PCR number) d 0000 nnnn Un l t Я = M î D ! baste channel, nnnn * 0 - IS where nnnn + 1 = channel Й e 0010 OOOQ Format typ* r 00 10 0000 Lave) n = \ % QÜOÜ OOss Croup к fg = Ol Upper Tan 0 g g = i 0 Lo we г Tone h ODOO 0000 Next p го g ram nuflibor índir*te$ the 'Ton .e N'umbe r i Oppp pppp Program Я CT on i V if APR (All V3 r ame ter) which ind i с a t r s the AM paramntftr* fo г the ' Tone Numbe r * De & с r \ p t i Value П VCO-2 BEND AFTER TOUCH SENS AFTER TOUCH MO'DE SELECT 14 LFO-2 RATE 0 w OFF 1 ~ No rma1 (S1 Igh 11 у 2 ~ Wide (2 0 - too 0 = VCF frequency ) » veo LFO-2 MOD П - Î00 re than ^1 oc tave> oc t ave &) 3.3 Whan the ’Patch Number' Is changed while the MIDI FUNCTION is tftl »1 III, thft following exclusive messages CA through E> are sent In sequence. A. PGR (Program number) which indicates the 'Patch Number* Byte Description 4. a 1111 0000 b 0100 0 001 с ООП 0101 d ÖQQQ nnnn e 0010 0000 f ooto QOOO S OOGO 00#* ft Ovvv vvvv Ovw' VVV V 1 1П1 0111 RECOGNIZED ] ExcIu & [ ve status Rc i an d i D tT Operation code = APR which Indicates the Patch Parameters for Upper section Byte ft 1111 0000 Ъ 0100 0001 с ООП 0101 d 000Q nnnn a ODIO Q000 i 0011 0000 g 0000 0001 h Ovvv vvvv Ovvv vvvv 1111 0111 Lowe r sec t Ion By ta Desc r ipt i on Exclus 1 ve s ta tus Roland ID if Operation code » APR tali parameter) Unit # » MIDI basic channel, nnnn - 0 •here nnnn + 1 » channel » Format type Level # » 2 Group # = Upper values CO - 106) of parameter In sequence, (15 bytes total) End of System Exclusive e 00IO 0000 f oiao iioi oiao ton 0101 ООП Q01Ö П01 0011 1000 ООП 000Q i 0000 0000 ь mi aiи Exclus ive s ta tus Ro land ID It Operation cade Unit # MIDI basic chennei, nnnn = 0 -»here nnnn = 0 for channel 1 Format type К - File name in ASCII Check sum End oí System Exclusive 5. 1.2 Request a file (RQF) By te De sc г ip 11 on Dase r\P t \ с И U 0000 0100 000t ООП 0101 0000 nnnn 0010 0000 ООП 0000 0000 0010 Ovvv vvvv Ovvv vvvv nil 01 П Exc1 us i ve $ ta tus Ro1 and \ D tt Operation code = APR Call f Unit # * MI...

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