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Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo AX-1

Fabricante : Roland
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The transposition may be set independently to + 6/-5 semitones. ■ Note On Status Second Third 9nH kkH wH n« MIDI channel number: OH - FH (0-15) 0 = ch.1 15 = ch.16 kk « Note number: 28H - 54H (40-84) w * Velocity: 01H - 7FH (1-127) The range of note number can be changed by transposition and/or octave up/down. The transposition may be set independently to +6/-5 semitones. ■ Control Change Status Second Third CnH kkH wH n = MIDI channel number: OH - FH (0-15) kk - Control number: 00H - 7FH (0-127) w * value: 00H - 7FH (0-127) w=value: 00H w-value: 7FH ■ Channel pressure (Channel after touch) Status Second DnH kkH n - MIDI channel number: OH - FH (0-15) 0 = ch.1 15 = ch16 kk ■ value: 00H ■ 7FH (0-127) - System Realtime Message - ■ Active sensing Status FEH Active sense is always transmitted every 300 milli-seconds. ■ Sequencer start Status FAH "Sequencer start" is transmitted if START/STOP button is pushed. ■ Sequencer stop Status FCH "Sequencer stop" is transmitted if START/STOP button is pushed. ■ Timing clock Status F8H "Timing clock” is always transmitted if "F8 Clock ON". 0=ch,1 I5*ch.l6 for continuous controller off for switch controller on for switch controller 52 CONTROLLER NUMBERS CONTROL NUMBER CONTROL FUNCTION (2nd Byte value) Decimal Hex 0 00H Undefined 1 01H Modulation wheel or lever 2 02H Breath Controller 3 03H Undefined 4 04H Foot controller 5 05H Portamento time 6 06H Data entry MSB 7 07H Main volume 8 08H Balance 9 09H Undefined 10 0AH Pan 11 0BH Expression Controller 12-15 OC-OFH Undefined 16-19 10-13H General Purpose Controllers (#’s 1-4) \ 20-31 14-1FH Undefined 32-63 20-3FH LSB for values 0-31 64 40H Damper pedal (sustain) 65 41H Portamento 66 42H Sostenuto 67 43H Soft pedal 68 44H Undefined 69 45H Hold 2 70-79 46-4FH Undefined 80-83 50-53H General Purpose Controllers (#’s 5-8) 84-90 54-5AH Undefined 91 5BH Reverb Depth 92 5CH Tremolo Depth 93 5DH Chorus Depth 94 5EH Celeste (Detune) Depth 95 5FH Phaser Depth 96 60H Data increment 97 61H Data decrement 98 62H Non-Registered Parameter Number LSB 99 63H Non-Registered Parameter Number MSB 100 64H Registered Parameter Number LSB 101 65H Registered Parameter Number MSB 102-120 66-78H Undefined 121-127 79-7FH Reserved for Channel Mode Messages 53 Information When you need repair service, call your nearest Roland Service Center or authorized Roland distributor in your country as shown below. (AFRICA) EGYPT Al Fanny Trading Office P.O. Box 2904, El Horrieh Heliopolos, Cairo, EGYPT TEL: (02)4185531 REUNION Maison FO - YAM Marcel 25 Rue Jules MermanZL Chaudron - BP79 97491 Ste Cloblde REUNION TEL: 28 29 16 SOUTH AFRICA That Other Music Shop (PTY) Ltd. 11 Melle Street (Cnr Melle and Juta Street) Braamfontein 2001 Republic of SOUTH AFRICA TEL: {011)4034105 Paul Bothner (PTY) Ltd. 17 Werdmuller Centre Claremont 7700 Republic of SOUTH AFRICA P.O. Box 23032 Claremont, Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA, 7735 TEL: (021) 64 4030 CHINA Beijing Xinghai Musical Instruments Co., Ltd. 6 Huangmuchang Chao Yang District Beijing, CHINA TEL: (010)6774 7491 HONG KONG Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. Service Division 22-32 Pun Shan Street, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, HONG KONG TEL: 2415 0911 INDIA Rivera Digitec (India) Pvt Ltd. 409, Nirman Kendra Mahalaxmi Flats Compound Off. Dr. Edwin Moses Road, Mumbai-400011, INDIA TEL: (022)498 3079 INDONESIA PT Citra Inti Rama Jl. Cideng Timur No. 15J-150 Jakarta Pusat INDONESIA TEL: (021)6324170 KOREA Cosmos Corporation Service Station 261 2nd Floor Nak-Won Arcade Jong-Ro ku, Seoul, KOREA TEL: (02) 742 8844 MALAYSIA Bentley Music SDN BHD 140 & 142, Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA TEL: (03)2443333 PHIUPPINES G.A. Yupangco & Co. Inc. 339 Gil j. Puyat Avenue Makati, Metro Manila 1200, PHILIPPINES TEL: (02) 399 9801 SINGAPORE Swee Lee Company 150 Sims Drive, SINGAPORE 387381 TEL: 748-1669 CRISTOFOR1 MUSIC PTE LTD Blk 3014, Bedok Industrial Park E, »02-2148, SINGAPORE 489980 TEL: 2439555 TAIWAN ROLAND TAIWAN ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Room 5, 9fl. No. 112 Chung Shan N.Road Sec.2, Taipei, TAIWAN, R.O.C. TEL: (02)25613339 THAILAND Theera Music Co., Ltd. 330 Vemg NakomKasem, Soi 2. Bangkok 10100, THAILAND TEL: (02)2248821 VIETNAM Saigon Music 138 Tran Quang Khai St., District 1 Ho Chi Minh CtfY VIETNAM TEL: (08)844-4068 AUSTRALIA/ NEW ZEALAND AUSTRAUA Roland Corporation Australia Pty., Ltd. 38 Campbell Avenue Dee Why West. NSW 2099 AUSTRALIA TEL: (02)9962 8266 NEW ZEALAND Roland Corporation (NZ) Ltd. 97 Mt. Eden Road. Mt. Eden, Auckland 3, NEW ZEALAND TEL: (09)3098 715 ARGENTINA Instrumentos Musicales S.A. Florida 656 2nd Floor Office Number206A Buenos Aires ARGENTINA, CP1005 TEL: (54-11)4-393-6057 BRAZIL Roland Brasil Ltda. R. Coronel Octaviano da Silveira 203 05522*010 Sao Paulo BRAZIL TEL (011) 3743 9377 CHIU Comercial Fancy S.A. Avenida Rancagua 00330 Providencia Santiago, CHILE TEL:...

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