Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo FD-7
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If you use a monaural cable, you will not be able to obtain the rim-shot and choking techniques. PD-7, PD-9Ü, * WOU • /iy K h LTfgfflLT< TD-7^SPD-11 & n - v > h >J if • 4 y 9 -1 J--7s ft è s' t • LX < 7)1 • -¡ÈliVê t -tt/u0 ’) U • ’> 3 7 h If ?£ Jo J; 3 — i7 # PAD DESCRIPTION/PART FUNCTIONS/&g|$(7)£$R KIX11J f=t It ^ v As shown 'below, you can attach the PD-7 or PD-9 to a drum stand in two different ways. To change the angle for inserting the rod, first loosen the Stand Fixing Screw and then rotate the eyebolt by degrees. miOiitc, K7AX* > K<7)n 7 KH2ii*) 0)11 £1-0 n 7 t §li, y h£90° 0 f£ L T < Method A Method B NOTE If you use method B, do not try to insert the rod into the eyebolt by force, as it will not go any further than a predetermined point. (B) (DWittttHZtZtZ, P-y ?C4'oTt'i T0T\ iS^Ui LiAt 4'i'i9i:UT < tz£i\ .'"Æ.s PD-7 Dimensions vf S 7-9/16 (W) X9-1/16 (D)X 2-9/16 (H) inches 192 (W) X 230 (D) X 65 (H) mm Weight 1 lb 13 oz It M 800 g Dimensions 10 (W)X 11-1/2 (D)X 2-11/16 (H) inches PD-9 )£ 254 (W) X 292 (D) X 68 (H) mm Weight 3 lbs 9 oz m s 1600 g -1- 26055321 'G3-7-8N K□ "7 KICK TRIGGER UNIT OWNER'S MANUAL TO&sfcWS ■ THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS// \# y 4r -- v £ A o TV 5 £ <0 : 1. Beater/Hffl If — £ — 2. KD-7/KD-7*1* 3. Connection Cable/i^H-ir — 7 JU 4. Owner's Manual (this leaflet)/IXiftlfcRW (:£$£) The kick pedal is not included in this package. The KD-7 can be used with any kick pedal on the market. To set up the KD-7 with the Sound Module, use the supplied stereo cable. t KD-7li, TfclgCD LTfiffl Lt < ¿5$ V'o #?)f t !- !i, UMtO Ut • y - ’7'L X < /i £ i ^ ■ DESCRIPTION AND PART FUNCTIONS/£SB ~> -&OKD-7£ 5 -y ? X • -f > • v> 7 i7 IZjgffitZ til:, IZfjCO KD-7£0 h -f-J h • ■ 3 > h n-JUtrffiHHI-*- btfXb i+c -? i fX • j' 7 1 Pi’g'iX 7 ^ h 7* h ■ f-o- )l SrgBfltl] itc t *¡+77 I' 7 •y h • • a > h B Polarity Switch/#0vUr-f- • 7? For a detailed explanation about this function, see page 4. «HlCOL'Tliglj3itrK< /fil'o C Mix In Jack/ ^ -y ^ y ^7 Connecting the OUTPUT jack on another KD-7 to the MIX IN jack on the first KD-7 lets you use the setup as a double kick drum. To use MIX IN jack, you will need to re-adjust the trigger parameter on the sound module, since the output level will be reduced compared with tim§s when only one KD-7 is used. Be sure that you connect the second KD-7 to the MIX IN jack. 5 -j >7 X, ■ -i > • -j 5 £ i) -) —&C0KD-7O 7 7 h 7 y h • v IZ&fct iliUioT, ? 7 % • * y ? • K y A h I X h i += X • 'f > • >> -j Lf-itii, KD-7—t & £ l) h V if- • '<7 > — S' — zMW L"C < D Output Jack/T7 0 h 7° y h • y ^ E Foot Plate/ 7 y h • 7°b- h F Anchor Bolt/T > ^7 — • # h G Pad Face (with sensor)/}!® (*tz > If — F*3i£) H Beater/ fc: — 2 — Attach as shown and securely fasten the screw of the kick pedal. After a long period of operation, the mechanical components for the KD-7 (such as Beater and/or Sensor) may deteriorate. At the appropriate time, these parts should be replaced. Component parts are available at the retailer from whom you have purchased your KD-7. For details, contact the authorized Roland distributor or local Service Station in your country. I1CDJ: n I\sCDiktbl-'siV&mzffilbX < £i$t»o KD-70$iiffg|;DnpW9 —, -fc>-V--l±№$tBahX'-fc ?Pjf€fjDnpiitff !:T . LXio ¡1 $i-t7)X\ I < lift# >) fc'X ■ 7-r —> 3 > itrii< I Kick Pedal (on the market)/v 0 • ^ 30 u (rlilSap) The beater should be connected as shown in this figure. fc'-?-!i££ HOW TO USE THE FOOT PLATE/7 y b - 7is-V CD fit' Using your kick pedal, adjust the height of the foot plate so that the beater strikes the rubber pad squarely. ib’3M#^ts- • #VU h Rotate the anchor bolt to join it to the foot plate and then adjust the height. T>tt-• tfJls h£0UT. 7yh-7°U— h ¿ISq- $ -ft s © $ f llfin L ttc Foot Plate 77h•7V-h Dimensions 6-13/16 (W) X 4-7/16 (D) X 3-15/16 (H) inches 172 (W) X112 (D) X100 (H) mm Weight m m 3 lbs 2 oz 1410 g (including the beater) (t: — 9 — i "a t?) -2- FD-7 HI-HAT CONTROL PEDAL OWNER S MANUAL MfcifcWW ■ THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS//№7^-ÿCÀoTl'5é(0 : 1. FD-7/FD-7*te 2. Anchor Bolt X 2/T > * - • h X2 3. Spring for the Anchor Bolt X 2/T hffl*7°U > 7X2 4. Attaching Tape X 3/Suffix —7° X3 5....
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