Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo HP-2500S
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OFF Harpsichord.................................... OFF Clavi................................................. OFF Vibraphone..................................... ON (Tremolo) E. Piano 1/2 .................................... ON (Chorus) (ZD CZD (ZD (ZD (ZD (ZD (ZD (ZD A i « Press the button that corresponds to the rate you want. * The rate of Tremolo can be set separately for each voice and is retained until the piano is switched off. 10 7. Reverb Reverberation, which is different from the direct sound that you hear from the sound source, reaches your ears after reflecting here and there. For example, when a musical instrument is played in a hall, even after the instrument stops giving sound, there is remaining sound in the hall for a while. This is the reverberation. The Piano provides three different reverb effects, ROOM, STAGE and HALL. • ROOM This gives the reverberations of a live room. • Changing the reverberation time The Reverb time of each effect, Room, Stage or Hall, can be adjusted. nnnnnnnn ! 9 2 10 3 1 Reverb Time 12 5 13 6 M 7 ft I 6 7 8 Shorter < Procedure > Longer • STAGE This gives the reverberations of a stage. • HALL This gives the reverberations of a concert hall. Simply press a relevant Reverb button, ROOM, STAGE or HALL (the corresponding indicator lights up) to select a reverb. ROOM 5VGE HALL (ZD CUD (ZD Pushing the same button again will turn off the reverb. * STAGE is selected when the piano is switched on. ► While holding down either of the Reverb buttons (Room, Stage or Hall), press the Tone Selector button that corresponds to the reverb time you want. Holding down the Reverb button will flash the Tone Selector button that corresponds to the reverb time previously selected. At this stage, you can select a new reverb time. starts flashing keep holding down these buttons While holding down these buttons + HARPS I- ClAVI VIBRA- _E PIANO-. CHORD PHONE 1 2 (ZD (ZD (ZD (ZD CZD (ZD (ZD (ZD 12 5 13 6 Push the button which corresponds to the reverb time you want. 11 8. Headphones 9. Key Transpose Standard stereo headphones can be used with the Roland Piano for private listening and practice. Connecting the headphone plug to the headphone socket will disconnect the internal speakers. The Volume control on the front panel will adjust the headphone volume. The keyboard of your HP~2500s/2500si can be transposed within a range of a perfect 4th up and a diminished 5th down. ► While holding the Transpose button down, press either of the following buttons as many times as necessary. KEY TRANSPOSE m MIO While holding down + a a a Press as many times as necessary for the amount of transposition. t Button {= Piano 3 Button) Pressing this button will increase the pitch in semi-tone steps. (This button can be used up to 5 times.) b~l Button (= Piano 1 Button) Pressing this button will decrease the pitch in semi-tone stpes. (This button can be used up to 6 times.) I • I Button (= Piano 2 Button) This button returns the key to the normal condition. » Button # Button > c CO 3 0> 3 -o 0> 2 < S i> № C/5 _CT> Si. > NJ ? cn CO ? "0 CD CD O o' 3 o o' o i. 03 3 a 3 O O 3 3-» o 3 co 7* s 3 2.0 1 oj o' 0, CD O Í? CO CJ N5 Mj HO 5 ¥ CO •f* «*+ 3- r+ 3- Q. o. a 3 3 Q. tt) ¿(0 CD O 3 3 CD CP 5>D- a 3- • Button 12 When the transposition is done, the Key Transpose button glows steadily. Once the key is transposed, the Transpose On or Off can be selected by pressing the Key Transpose button. * While you are taking the transposing procedure, the Piano cannot be played. [e.g. 1] Transposing to E While holding the Key Transpose button down, press the ¡7) button four times. a MO While holding down + HARPS- Cl AVI VIBRA- _E PIANO— t 2 3 CHORD PHONE I 2 -k ■ □ □raaaacDa I 9 2 10 3 I « !! S OS M ? №0 16 ^ I Push 4 times F’ G G’ A A* B C C’ D D’ E F [e.g. 2] Transposing E to G While holding the Key Transpose button down, press the Q] button once to return to the normal pitch, then press the 0 button five times (without releasing the Key Transpose button). a MO While holding down + 1AN0_ HARPS I- CLAVI VIBRA- _ERANO_ 2 3 CHORD PHONE I 2 (ZD CZD (ZD (ZD CZD CZD (ZD CZD 9 2 10 3 Press • button, then b button 5 times. F* G g‘ A A' B C c’ D D’ E F 13 2J SETUP WITH AUXILIARY AUDIO EQUIPMENT • Input Sockets The external input sockets are provided for connecting the outputs of other electronic instruments (rhythm machines CR-1000, TR-626 or sound module MT-100, etc.) to the internal speakers and amplifier of the Roland Piano. • Output Sockets These Output Sockets are provided for connecting the Roland Piano to larger sound systems such as a home stereo system, multi-track recorders, mixers, and/or auxiliary instrument amplifiers. © Turn down the volume of the external amplifier connected to the piano. © Connect the Output Sockets of the piano to the Line In's (e.g. AUX) of the amplifier. © Adjust the volume of the...
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