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Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo ME-6

Fabricante : Roland
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11 SECTION Hi: THE EFFECTS ..4.....£............... 12 • COMPRESSOR (Digital).....11.........:......1.,’.... 12 • OVERDRIVEOISTORTION (Analogic.....*....12 • EQUALIZER (Digital) ............srf.......V... 13 • NOISE 5UPPRESSOR (Digital)........................13 • DELAY (Digital).............................................14 • CHORUS/FLANGER (Digital)..........;..............14 • REVERB (Digital)...........................................15 • MASTER LEVEL.............................................15 SECTION IV: REFERENCE.............................16 ■ BEFORE DECIDING THERE'S A-PROBLEM........16 ■ RETURNING TO THE FACTORY SETTINGS — INITIALIZATION..........................................16 ■ FACTORY SETTINGS........................................17 ■ BLANK CHART.................................................18 ■ SPECIFICATIONS..............................................19 --——-For Germany- Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß der/die/das GUITAR MULTIPLE EFFECTS ME-6 (Garäl. Typ. Bezeichnung) . in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der Amtsbl. Vfg 1046/1984 I Am isbiaitvertügungj tunk-entslört ist Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaitung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Roland Corporation Osaka/Japan Name des Herstellers/Importeurs ■ For the USA- RADIO AND TELEVISION INTERFERENCE WARNING — Thti equipment Ш Been verified la comply «im me hnut* KM i Cizn В computing Mvtce pufsuem M SuEJpin J a¡ Pen I b ol FCC Mies Operation wir notveefllfiec oc ron-vtntiea eoutpment a <*ety tu n$üti m interference to r#dm and TV receptan Th« eqmpmem ßesatüed in ms manual generalas and uses Mio frequency erverçy. H il n rat тшм та usee pmperty. (haï га т лист accordance out mutucums it may cause mteiterenc* radio «no television reception. Tfts equipment riel ucen tested and lound to comply wtih №g Innas la e Ciess В computing gnce tr acctydance Mntti trw MMCKcaiiarainâufipaitJ. ctPart 15. ol rCC Ruiea, Thfcse rJ«a д.*е aes/gneo to prawnM reascmoie protection agama sucn a interference m a tasdeniisi msiaiiaiiori However, there a no guarantee !fan ew immierenc* w>» no aopu> «1 a pancutit msiMaUcn II тя вдшртет úom аш «кПегелсс 10 (*аю a televisen reception wrucn car 0* (VüemVned by turning me equipment on and on. trw liter а encouraged to try to correct m* mierteisnc* by tne following measure » Otrannect otfw devices and tneir nputfoutput cables one at a ели N in* «terterence stops, я в caused by вида me от« device 01 « 10 «0« These devices usuaiy recurt Rciand designated wvetded I/O c*Ms Fot Roland devrai, you can obtain me pioper VKtaea саые (torn yom deaiet Foi no" Raano o*v**a, contact the manufaaurer or dealer tar assistance. If your equipment ooes cause (Härteren« to ratio or Mtevfeton lecapuon. you can try 10 correct me tntwtennc* oy inmg une ™ mote m ne muownq measures • Turn the TV or into «тепла une в* interference atop«. • Move the equipm*« to one side or ne other ol (he Tv or tarto • Move me equipment tame* away horn He TV or rad» • Plug №e equipment He an Exiflet tfiat is on a different etuis mane* TV or reap. (Thai is. make certain ne миртепв and the lase 01 television tel aie on ctfcuts cm tronad by pHtetent cmut breakers or luwl.) • Consider Instating а юоЛор television етоелпа »«in coeuel cable leaden Palween the antenna and TV il nectscaiy. you snouio consult you' dealer cu an eipenenced rwMvtelevisidn technician ter BddMsnel Kiggesavti. You may firm helpM ate toeowtno PooUet prepared by №e Fepeiai Canuruxcahoni Commission ‘How to Identity and Resetve nacto — TV Iruerterence Problems* TM OppMet is evailabe from №e UÆ. Qavwnment Printing Office, WasNngion. O.C, 20403. Stoett No. 004-000-ООЗД-1 -For Canada- CLASS B NOTICE This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions set out in tne Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. CLASSE B AVIS Cet appareil numérique ne dépasse pas les limites de la classe B au niveau des émissions de bruits radioëieciriques fixés dans le Règlement des signaux parasites par le ministère canadien des Communications. Copyright © 1992 by BOSS CORPORATION All rights reserved. NcTpart of this publication may.be reproduced in any form without the written permission of BOSS CORPORATION. 2 ■ MAIN FEATURES ■ IMPORTANT NOTES The Best of Analog and Digital Sounds To enjoy "the best of both worlds", the overdrive/ distortion sections are analog, and the chorus, reverb and other effects are created by digital circuits. Nine Different Kinds of Effects The ME-6 contains nine different effects specially selected for guitar players. Simple Editing Operations The effects parameters are laid out for you on the top panel. This makes it easier for you to edit and create your own sounds. Store Up to 25 Effects Settings in Memory You can store ...

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