Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo RD-200
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Voice Selection The RD-200 and RD-300 feature 8 keyboard sounds; two acoustic grand pianos, electric grand piano, harpscichord, clavi, vibraphone and two electric pianos. To select one of these voices, press one of the Tone Selector buttons numbered 1 through 8. One keyboard sound can be selected at a time. HAflPSl: VJ8RA- 1 « oiiMn. 1 2 3 CHORD CLA\n PHONE i z QQaaaaaQ 1 2 3*5*78 0 1C <1 13 13 |4 15 W s-----------------V.......".............— -* VOICE PRESERVE FUNCTION The RD-200 and RD-300 feature the Voice Preserve Function, that is, while you are playing the keyboard using a certain tone color, you can request the next tone color to be used, without the tone actually changeing until you release all the keys. When the piano is being played with the Note or Damper ON, the tone color does not change, (the indicator of the corresponding sound flashes.) To change the voices, lift all Notes and the Damper OFF. (Now, the indicator of the new voice is constantly lighted.} This Voice Preserve function applies to the external Program Change received by the RD-200 or RD-300. 6 b. Tuning c. Damper/Soft Pedal The Tune Knob ® is provided for controlling the overall tuning center of the RD-200 or RD-300. This is especially useful for tuning to other acoustic instruments, synthesizers, and synthesizer sound modules. Since the RD-200 and RD-300 incorporate S/A Synthesis, the tuning of individual notes will never be necessary. At its center position: Middle A = 442Hz, and the variable range is ± 15 cents. TUNE The Damper Pedal Jack © and Soft Pedal Jack © are provided to connect to the DP-2. These pedals function just like the damper and soft pedal on an acoustic piano. * The Soft Pedal can be used as a Sostenuto pedal. How to turn the Soft Pedal to Sostenuto Pedal. Connect the DP-2 to the Soft Pedal Jack, and turn the piano on while holding the pedal down. POWER Power On Now, the Soft Pedal works as a Sostenuto Pedal. When the pedal is turned to a Sostenuto Pedal, it loses the Soft Pedal function. Pressing the Sostenuto Pedal will turn on the Damper of the note currently played. The following notes will not take on any effect. * To return the pedal to the Soft Pedal, turn the piano off once, then turn it on again. 7 d. Brilliance e. Chorus/Tremolo As you raise the Brilliance knob O, the tone will be brighter, and mellower when lowered. i BRIGHT MELLOW The piano includes built-in Chorus and Tremolo effects. • Chorus By pressing the Chorus switch ©, a lush stereo chorus effect can be obtained through the instrument's internal speaker/amplifier system or via the stereo outputs. • Tremolo The Tremolo switch © engages the tremolo effect. The Tremolo circuit is stereo and is especially useful when used with the electric piano and vibraphone sounds. TREMOLO Rate The Tremolo Rate knob © is used to increase or decrease the speed of the tremolo effect. Raising it increases the tremolo speed white lowering it decreases the speed of the effect Depth Using the Tremolo Depth knob ©,the depth of the Tremolo effect can be changed. FAST A DEEP * On/Off of the Tremolo and/or the Chorus effect can be separately set in each voice and is retained until the piano is turned off. 8 f. Key Transpose By using the appropriate key, you can shift the pitch of the entire keyboard. * The RD-200 and RD-300 default to C. While holding the Key Transpose Switch © down, press the key to which you wish to transpose. (F# to F) Flashing Push the key to which you wish to transpose. While holding down When the key other than C is set, the indicator of the Key Transpose will glow. Once the key is transposed, the Transpose On or Off can be selected by pushing the Key Transpose Switch The Key Transpose operation cannot be done if any key is pressed on the keyboard. Be sure no key is pushed when you are transposing the key. While you are taking the transposing operation, the RD-200 or RD-300 cannot be played. 2 RD-200 or RD-300 as a MIDI Device Part of the power of your RD-200 and RD-300 is in the use of the MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), To learn more about MIDI and the various music systems that can be added to your RD-200 and RD-300, refer to the enclosed booklet "MIDI" and the MIDI implementation chart in the back of this owner's manual. MIDI Connectors The RD-200 and RD-300 have MIDI IN, MIDI OUT and MIDI THRU Connectors on the rear panel. ..................MtOt. тмяи out MIDI IN Connector © MIDI OUT Connector ® MIDI THRU Connector ф 1. RD-200 or RD-300 as a MIDI Keyboard Controller The RD-200 and RD-300 can be used as perfect MIDI Keyboard Controllers. The RD-200 and RD-300 default to as follows. Function Setting Split Point C4 (Split Off) Transmit Channel LOWER 1 UPPER 2 MID! OUT (On/Off) LOWER ON UPPER ON Internal Voice (On/Off} LOWER ON UPPER ON Receive Channel 1 (OMNI ON) ■ MIDI IN Connector Ф When using the piano as a MIDI sound module c...