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Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo SP-808EX

Fabricante : Roland
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TRANSMITTED DATA ■ Channel Voice Message • Note On/Off When "Metro." in the SYSTEM parameters(l.Set System Param?) is "MIDI", MIDI note number/velocity of MIDI channel number which is assigned to the Metronome is transmitted. The MIDI Channel number specified in "Pads Tx Ch." in the "1. Set MIDI Param?" System parameter and the Note number specified in "RxNote(Padl)" are output. In this case, Velocity is fixed at 100. Status 9nH Second mmH n = MIDI Channel No.: mm = Note No.: 11 = Velocity: Third UH 00H-0FH (ch. 1-ch. 16) (*1) 00H-7FH (0-127) 01H--7FH (1-127) / 00H = NOTE OFF * lOnly when transmitting Metronome. • Control Change When "Mixer, D-Beam" in the "1. Set MIDI Param?" System parameter is set to "SEND," the SP-808's mixer parameters are sent via Control Change messages. Also sent is the data from the D-Beam Controller and the three knob controllers. Status BnH Third 11H n = MIDI Channel No.: mm = Mixer Parameter No.: 11 = Mixer Parameter Value: 0AH-0FH (ch.11-ch.16: see below) (see below) 00H-7FH (0-127) O Mixer Parameter and MIDI Channel/Control Change No. MIDI ch. Level Balance Effects Send Level AUX Send Level 11 7 10 91 92 Master Track A Track B Track C Track D MIC/LINK MIDI ch. = 11 Level Balance Knob Conroller Cl Knob Conroller C2 Knob Conroller C3 Knob Conroller C4 D Beam Controller D Beam Controller Effects Send Level AUX Send Level 7 10 16 17 18 19 L 80 R 81 91 92 ■System Common Messages • MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages MIDI Time Code Quarter Frame Messages can be transmitted while the SP-808EX is running (Playing or Recording) if the SONG parameter "Sync Src" is "INTERNAL" and "Sync Out" is "MTC". The transmitted time counts are summed to "MTC Offset Time" as the song top is "00:00:00:00". Status F1H Second mmH (= Onnndddd) nnn = Message type: 0 - Frame count LS nibble 1 = Frame count MS nibble 2 = Seconds count LS nibble 3 = Seconds count MS nibble 4 = Minutes count LS nibble 5 = Minutes count MS nibble 6 = Hours count LS nibble 7 - I lours count MS nibble dddd = 4 bit nibble data: 0H--FH (0-15) If the upper and lower 4 bits of the count are combined, these bit fields are i follows. signed as rrame count xxxyyyyy xxx Reserved (000) yyyyy Frame No. (0-29) Seconds Count xxyyyyyy xx Reserved (00) yyyyyy Seconds Count (0-59) Minutes Count xxyyyyyy xx Reserved (00) yyyyyy Minutes Count (0—59) Hours Count xyyzzzzz x Reserved (0) yy Time Code type 0 = 24 Frames/Sec 1 — 25 Frames/Sec 2 = 30 Frames/Sec (Drop Frame) 3 = 30 Frames /Sec (Non Drop Frame zzzzz Hours • Song Position Pointer The current position is transmitted with the Song Position Pointer Message before the SP- 808EX starts to run or after the locate operation, when "Sync Src" is "INTERNAL" and "Sync Out" is "MIDI CLOCK". 200 Appendices Status F2H Second mrnH Third nnH <0 MIDI Machine Control Responses mm,nn = Song Position Point: 00H 00H--7FH 7FH ■ System Realtime Message Transmitted when "Sync Src" is "INTERNAL" and "Sync Out" is "MIDI CLOCK". • Timing Clock Status F8H Status Data Bvtes Status FOH 7FH,7FH,07H,aaH, bbH F7H Byte Description FOH Status of System Exclusive Message 7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header 7FH Device ID 07H MMC Response Message aaH Response 1 bbH 1 Response F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message) • Start Status FAH • Continue Status FBH * See "4. MIDI Machine Control" section. 4. MIDI Machine Control ■ MIDI Machine Control Details • STOP (MCS) • Stop Status Data Bvtes Status Status FOH 7FH, 7FH, 06H, 01H F7H FCH Byte Description ■ System Exclusive Message FOH Status of System Exclusive Message Status Data Bvtes Status 7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header FOH iiH, ddH,..., eeH F7H 7FH Device ID 06H MMC Command Message Byte Description 01H STOP (MCS) FOH Status of System Exclusive Message F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message) iiH Manufacturer ID 41H Roland's Manufacturer ID If the transport switch [STOP] was pressed, the SP-808EX transmits as the de 7EH Universal Non Realtime Message 7FH Universal Realtime Message • DEFERRED PLAY (MCS) ddll Data: 00H-7FH (0-127) Status Data......Bytes Status 1 | FOH 7FH, 7FH, 06H, 03H F7H eeH Data F7H EOX (End of System Exclusive Message) Byte Description FOH Status of System Exclusive Message □About Model ID 7FH Universal System Exclusive Message Realtime Header For Data Request (RQ1) and Data Set (DTI), SP-808EX uses ООН 2BH as a Model ID. 7FH Device ID 06H MMC Command Message • Universal System Exclusive Message 03H DEFERRED PLAY (MCS) F7H F,OX (End of System Exclusive Message) □INQUIRY MESSAGE ❖ Identity Reply If the transport switch [PLAY] was pressed, the SP-808EX transmits as the device ID 7FH. Status FOH Byte FOH 7EH Dev 06H 02H 41H 0EH01H ООН ООН ООН 02H ssH ssH F7H Data Bytes Status 7EH, Dev, 06H, 0...

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