Instruções de Operação Roland, Modelo SRX-02
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Si la carte s'ajuste mal au premier essai, enlevez la carte et recommencez l'installation. 3. Utiliser l'outil d'installation fourni pour tourner les clips de retenue vers la position de blocage (LOCK) de façon a ce que la carte soit retenue en place. (Pour retirer la carte d'expansion Wave, tourner les clips de retenue de la carte vers la position déblocage (UNLOCK) et retirer la carte en la soulevant.) * Quand l'installation de la carte de circuits imprimes est terminee, reverifiez si tout est bien installe. 4. Remettre la plaque a sa place et la fixer a l'aide des vis enlevees a l'etape 1. 5. S'assurer que la carte d'expansion Wave est installée correctement. * S'il est impossible de sélectionner l'affichage "EXP" (il n'apparaît pas) â l'écran de sélection Waveform (se reporter au guide du propriétaire de l'instrument utilisé), retirer la carte d'expansion Wave et la réinstaller correctement. 2. SRX^'J—Xffl®^'Vh®=l*££—_^i—^-I k iiŸI!_flLÂt^UT-ÿa>-f-F(SRXÿU-X) Position them as shown before you install the board. Avant l'installation, orienter les supports à carte tel qu'indiqué sur le schéma. Outil d'installation 5 3 SRX-02_je 6^-v 2OO3i2fl30 £«0 ^?tmi6» Patch List (BANK SELECT MSB:93; LSB: 1) No. Name Voices Category 1 PremierGrand 8 AC.PIANO 2 Steady Grand 8 AC.PIANO 3 DynamicGrand 8 AC.PIANO 4 Concert Hall 8 AC.PIANO 5 Bright Grand 6 AC.PIANO 6 Classical 8 AC.PIANO 7 SoftPdlGrand 8 AC.PIANO 8 OnMicPremier 8 AC.PIANO 9 OnMic Bright 6 AC.PIANO 10 OnMicSoftPdl 8 AC.PIANO 11 Premier Mono 4 AC.PIANO 12 Bright Mono 3 AC.PIANO 13 SoftPdl Mono 4 AC.PIANO 14 Mellow Piano 4 AC.PIANO 15 Enhanced Pno 7 AC.PIANO 16 Comp.Piano 6 AC.PIANO 17 HonkytonkPno 4 AC.PIANO 18 NewAgeGrandl 8 AC.PIANO 19 NewAgeGrand2 8 AC.PIANO 20 Requiem 6 AC.PIANO 21 Soundscape 7 AC.PIANO 22 Grand w/Str 8 AC.PIANO 23 Concerto l 8 AC.PIANO 24 Concerto 2 7 AC.PIANO 25 SoftpadGrand 6 AC.PIANO (BANK SELECT MSB:93; LSB: 1) No. Name Voices Category 26 Synpad Grand 6 AC.PIANO 27 Vox Grand 1 6 AC.PIANO 28 Vox Grand 2 7 AC.PIANO 29 Oohs Piano 6 AC.PIANO 30 Air Grand 7 AC.PIANO 31 GtrPad Grand 6 SOFT PAD 32 PhasePad Pno 6 SOFT PAD 33 HeavenPadPno 6 SOFT PAD 34 Somber Pad 6 SOFT PAD 35 Wet Chorus 8 AC.PIANO 36 Nylon Grand 5 AC.PIANO 37 FM EP Grand 5 EL.PIANO 38 Bell Grand 6 EL.PIANO 39 Bellvox Pno 6 BELL 40 StackedGrand 7 EL.PIANO 41 Hard Stack 1 6 AC.PIANO 42 Hard Stack 2 6 AC.PIANO 43 PianoBrass 5 AC.PIANO 44 PianoBrs fff 8 AC.PIANO 45 Gig Split 1 7 COMBINATION 46 Gig Split 2 7 COMBINATION 47 Gig Split 3 7 COMBINATION 48 Throb Piano 7 PULSATING 49 Feedback Pno 4 SYNTH FX 50 Eastern 5th 5 BRIGHT PAD When playing patches on the expansion board, we recommend that you set all the EFFECTS ON/OFF settings on the Fantom, XV series, and RD-700 to "ON." If such settings are set to "OFF," you may not obtain the intended sound. * Note that the Release Time has been set to a fairly long value for some of the patches. As a result, if your sound generator has been set so “Patch Remain" is “ON," the release portion of a previously sounding patch may continue to be heard even after switching to a new patch. * Refer to the owner's manual for your instrument for specific instructions on how to play Patches on the expansion board. * On the MC-909, only the waveforms can be used. The patches cannot be used. FantomKXV^'J—XRD-700© EFFECTS ON/OFF© OFF t^o A°'V^^Ut^©T\ UU—XtfS i^o MC-909 SRX-02_je 7^—v 2 0 0 3^2^30 £«0 ^?tmi6» Waveform List No. Name No. Name l Grandl L p A 25 Grandl L f A 2 Grandl R p A 26 Grandl R f A 3 Grandl L p B 27 Grandl L f B 4 Grandl R p B 28 Grandl R f B 5 Grandl L p C 29 Grandl L f C 6 Grandl R p C 30 Grandl R f C 7 Grand2 L p A 3l Grand2 L f A 8 Grand2 R p A 32 Grand2 R f A 9 Grand2 L p B 33 Grand2 L f B l0 Grand2 R p B 34 Grand2 R f B ll Grand2 L p C 35 Grand2 L f C l2 Grand2 R p C 36 Grand2 R f C l3 Grandl L mpA 37 Grandl L ffA l4 Grandl R mpA 38 Grandl R ffA l5 Grandl L mpB 39 Grandl L ffB l6 Grandl R mpB 40 Grandl R ffB l7 Grandl L mpC 4l Grandl L ffC l8 Grandl R mpC 42 Grandl R ffC l9 Grand2 L mpA 43 Grand2 L ffA 20 Grand2 R mpA 44 Grand2 R ffA 2l Grand2 L mpB 45 Grand2 L ffB 22 Grand2 R mpB 46 Grand2 R ffB 23 Grand2 L mpC 47 Grand2 L ffC 24 Grand2 R mpC 48 Grand2 R ffC These are stereo waveforms, offered in left-right pairs. When you create a Patch using the waveforms stored in the Expansion Board, observe the following points: * If you make a Patch with a single voice and then later play it in a chord, the sound may be distorted with certain settings for the Effects and TVA. If this happens, adjust the level of the Effects and TVA. L tR
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